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Template talk:Character Infobox
Perhaps it couldn't hurt to expand this a bit. Add in things like family members (spouse, children and the like). Information useful for politicians and faction leaders would be very useful. Perhaps like start and end of term, predecessor, successor, and the like? -Glenn
Stuff added
age, birth-place, height, gender, hair, eyes, ethnic, occupation and residence
All new.
Anything else welcome. - Akura
Values for this template
As of my last revision of this template it features the following values:
- Name
- Image
- Origin
- Affiliation
- Either place a faction or a generic description, ie, "Lawful Freelancer", "Unlawful Mercenary" etc in here. There's no need to have another value for the character's alignment, as it should be pretty clear from his or her affiliation.
- Occupation
- Ie, Communications Officer, SOF Operative, Transport Captain, [...].
- Service
- Consists of two variables: service_what and service_time. Basically, this is a "joker" row, as you can put pretty much anything into service_what, though it was primarily made for people who'd like to add things like "President of the Liberty Republic" "200 - 208 A.S." to the infobox. service_what defines the content of the table on the left, whereas service_time defines the content of the table on the right.
- Rank
- If the character is part of an organized group, put his rank in here, otherwise leave this field empty.
- Birth Date
- If you wish to add the age of a character to the infobox, please put it in brackets behind his birth date (or death date, if the character's no longer among the living).
- Death Date
Please do not add values describing things such as appearance (which should be covered by the picture and if there's something the picture can't show, the article itself), residence (which should be covered by the article) or things that can be put into already existing values (like age, which belongs into either the Birth Date or Death Date value, or place of birth which belongs into the Birth Date value as well).
~Nathrael Talk Contributions
Gender -> Sex
Sex is the proper term, not gender. Therefor I have added Sex as a variable, but kept Gender for prudes and to keep functionality with existing pages. Ipuvaepe 19:55, 12 August 2011 (UTC)