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(Created page with "A Scipted Tranmission to Maria [16.06.2019 21:20:35] Unmistakable: *sends transmission* Hello there, How are you this fine Evening? [16.06.2019 21:21:16] LH~Maria.Freuden...")
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A Scipted Tranmission to Maria  
==A Scipted Tranmission to Maria Freudenstein==
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[16.06.2019 21:26:38] Unmistakable: Not really there to fight for a side but just watch or Hand items over if needs favors thru out the solar systems..
[16.06.2019 21:26:38] Unmistakable: Not really there to fight for a side but just watch or Hand items over if needs favors thru out the solar systems..
[16.06.2019 21:26:39] Rules Tip: Pirates need to keep their demands reasonable. Cargo and Monetary demands that exceed the maximum profit of a trader are viewed as unreasonable. ''Empty'' traders are not excempt from piracy, but the demands asked from them should reflect this.
[16.06.2019 21:27:03] Unmistakable: Indeed agreed, also Names Freelancer Robert, Whats yours?
[16.06.2019 21:27:03] Unmistakable: Indeed agreed, also Names Freelancer Robert, Whats yours?

Latest revision as of 12:11, 16 June 2019

A Scipted Tranmission to Maria Freudenstein

[16.06.2019 21:20:35] Unmistakable: *sends transmission* Hello there, How are you this fine Evening?

[16.06.2019 21:21:16] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Fine, although we normally remain radio silent, unless you have something to offer

[16.06.2019 21:21:45] Unmistakable: Sadly not as of yet, but just bored and its to quiet, I rather contract to keep my mind active

[16.06.2019 21:22:17] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Consider the LH~ path, lots to keep mind active

[16.06.2019 21:22:29] Unmistakable: If i caugh anything interesting towards you I send it right away *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:22:55] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: And the LH~ would appreciate it

[16.06.2019 21:22:59] Unmistakable: IF so, Which type of infomation you interested in hearing?

[16.06.2019 21:23:29] Unmistakable: apart from the enforcements Chatter If I get near them *Chuckles are been heard*

[16.06.2019 21:24:08] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Professors like anything to add into the mix. Exspecially and odd "alliances" that you may witness

[16.06.2019 21:24:48] Unmistakable: I heard about that, but wasn't sure to believe it till i hear it from one of the group themselves..

[16.06.2019 21:25:23] Unmistakable: I aren't really into Enforcement stuff, to boring and time assuming for nothing then just fake Destress calls and all that.. if

[16.06.2019 21:25:26] Unmistakable: know I meant

[16.06.2019 21:26:16] Unmistakable: Interested in a bottle of a type of beer or something like that on my way back to Liberty?, am a Freelancer who is

[16.06.2019 21:26:34] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Enforcement is overated, extortion however *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:26:38] Unmistakable: Not really there to fight for a side but just watch or Hand items over if needs favors thru out the solar systems..

[16.06.2019 21:27:03] Unmistakable: Indeed agreed, also Names Freelancer Robert, Whats yours?

[16.06.2019 21:27:29] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Maria *smiles again*

[16.06.2019 21:27:47] Unmistakable: Maria.. That sounds like a girls name *as giggles politely*

[16.06.2019 21:28:00] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 7 seconds.

[16.06.2019 21:28:10] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: It was for a girl, when I was younger.

[16.06.2019 21:28:34] Unmistakable: I Assume so.. *chuckles uncontrollably*

[16.06.2019 21:28:46] Unmistakable: Akem.. *as settles*

[16.06.2019 21:29:13] Unmistakable: Ever thought of looking for a hansome guy?

[16.06.2019 21:30:01] Unmistakable: or even some friends outside of the Lane hackers Gang? *as Voice deepens after the cough to clear thoat*

[16.06.2019 21:30:38] Unmistakable: Its just I dont really got many friends, so its why I was wondering if your interested in so? *as scatches back of his head*

[16.06.2019 21:31:10] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: My hansom guys days are a little over, career enhancement now.

[16.06.2019 21:31:43] Unmistakable: no worries Miss Maria *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:32:08] Unmistakable: I may seem be a freelancer but I just mostly chill within the Systems looking for friends to hang out with if their free or

[16.06.2019 21:32:10] Unmistakable: what not..

[16.06.2019 21:32:40] Unmistakable: I shouldnt say this to you since your a pirate but who will know really about this?

[16.06.2019 21:33:09] Unmistakable: apart from your leaders? cause I doubt each time you fly you need to hand in a chip of data entry?

[16.06.2019 21:33:47] Unmistakable: anywho.. As was gonna say, I was speaking to tihs Liberty Navy Guy, Eailer when he was on Penni System watch

[16.06.2019 21:34:07] Unmistakable: he told me he would like to have my assistance on taking on the Hostle Contracts of Liberty *as starts to slight laugh*

[16.06.2019 21:34:32] Unmistakable: like the, Gallic...The Rogues...Lane hackers.. and all that *keeps chilled while chuckles*

[16.06.2019 21:34:36] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Good luck to him, his watch was a little on the spartan side as he missed me.

[16.06.2019 21:34:41] Unmistakable: Not my taste of work *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:35:16] Unmistakable: Had you heard of the name.. *as looks at the files he collected* a Pilot named, Freeman K?

[16.06.2019 21:35:32] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: does not ring a bell

[16.06.2019 21:35:56] Unmistakable: sorry, Freeman Faux I meant *as wrong file was looked at*

[16.06.2019 21:36:19] Unmistakable: some captain of the LIberty Navy Second Fleet

[16.06.2019 21:36:27] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Maybe my memory is getting old, that also does not ring any bells

[16.06.2019 21:36:47] Unmistakable: How are you getting old? *politely askes*

[16.06.2019 21:36:56] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Not a girl any more

[16.06.2019 21:37:04] Unmistakable: how so?

[16.06.2019 21:37:30] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: as getting old *laughs*

[16.06.2019 21:37:44] Unmistakable: I feel that sometimes, but Dont worry,

[16.06.2019 21:37:57] Unmistakable: Old or not, Your always the same person who I met

[16.06.2019 21:38:05] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: I can see you are pottering around the badlands, not the easiest to navigate

[16.06.2019 21:38:25] Unmistakable: You get use to the Badlines my dear

[16.06.2019 21:38:55] Unmistakable: just fixing up my Database with base locations

[16.06.2019 21:39:16] Unmistakable: its showing errors about location of Baffalo yet i Orginaly had it linked

[16.06.2019 21:39:33] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Still where it was *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:39:56] Unmistakable: hm? yea i know just relocated it

[16.06.2019 21:40:11] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: You are not far away from it, still there

[16.06.2019 21:40:28] Unmistakable: Am outside it, Cant be brothered landing on it *chuckles*

[16.06.2019 21:40:55] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: It has its benefits at times

[16.06.2019 21:41:06] Unmistakable: are you cloaked by any chance?

[16.06.2019 21:41:32] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: No, just good LH~ technology

[16.06.2019 21:42:03] Unmistakable: welcome come to bafflao and hang out, outside it together.. just I dont get any one talk to sides my friend, but they hasn't

[16.06.2019 21:42:19] Unmistakable: been around much due to issuies with their tranmiter some reason getting it fixed

[16.06.2019 21:42:36] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: I am heading for lunch at another locale, however thank you for the offer.

[16.06.2019 21:43:02] Unmistakable: I can come with you to it if like, Just a friendly thing nothing like a date term saying..

[16.06.2019 21:44:02] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Sadly there are bases, and there are bases, this is one of the latter. fairly conservative in who it opens the locks for

[16.06.2019 21:44:54] Unmistakable: Yea, Well.. I never liked the Locals they so Cruel and never assist the others out on tips to secess their life

[16.06.2019 21:45:56] Unmistakable: only Base i find safe for you apart from Baffalo is Rochester, but i dont find it really secturely safe.. for priates

[16.06.2019 21:46:17] Unmistakable: unless your close friends withi the Junkies who owns it..

[16.06.2019 21:46:33] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Some are just part of a close knit group and not always trusting up front and keen to keep locations and affiliations a

[16.06.2019 21:46:41] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: little opaque

[16.06.2019 21:46:58] Unmistakable: Is it okay if I also add you to my ships database files? Don't worry its not shown to anyone but myself

[16.06.2019 21:47:35] Unmistakable: a Motto Quote I use to is, Keep your friends close yet your enemies even closer.. true but annoying.

[16.06.2019 21:48:03] Unmistakable: A Freelancer Trader landed on A Liberty Lawful base in Cords, F-5

[16.06.2019 21:48:10] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Feel free>, i did the last time.

[16.06.2019 21:48:55] Unmistakable: If you ever need someone talk to welcome to contact me anyday at any time Maira *as the voice sounds realy calm*

[16.06.2019 21:49:15] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Thank you, and likewise.

[16.06.2019 21:49:32] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Especially if you have any "tips" to barter.

[16.06.2019 21:49:55] Unmistakable: Barter? which way..

[16.06.2019 21:50:41] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Both ways, if there is something that is useful to us, the neural net is a good place to instigate any approaches.

[16.06.2019 21:51:07] Unmistakable: be sure to keep it scripted in way it cant be trace, is all i ask

[16.06.2019 21:51:24] Unmistakable: I like them send in a Secert type of Way.. You will understand when we met up someday

[16.06.2019 21:51:30] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: With the LH~ technology you can rest assured that will always be the case.

[16.06.2019 21:52:11] Unmistakable: I see, I hope someday I see it with my own eyes, just heard from a LSF agent saying they began to crack down on these types

[16.06.2019 21:52:22] Unmistakable: of transmission

[16.06.2019 21:53:13] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: LSF crackdown and crackdown are not synomous *smiles*

[16.06.2019 21:53:36] Unmistakable: Agreed *as Sounds Impressed*

[16.06.2019 21:55:47] LH~Maria.Freudenstein: Sadly I am just about to enter blackout so I can meet my previous appointment. It has been good to talk.

-To go back-