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(→‎Miscellaneous: renameme, added character name length limit)
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Official Discovery RP 24/7 server uses FLHook to extend the Freelancer experience. FLHook Server commands are scripts that you can enter into the chat window to perform a specific action. Use it just like chatting to someone, and use the slash at the beginning, "/", to signify a server command. Commands that require parameters can be called without parameters to display help for the command. If you encounter any problems with the commands listed below please report them on the forums.
The main Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server uses FLHook to extend the Freelancer experience. FLHook server commands are commands that you can enter into the chat window to perform a specific action. Use it just like chatting to someone, and use the slash at the beginning, "/", to signify a server command. Commands that require parameters can be called without parameters to display help for the command. If you encounter any problems with the commands listed below please report them on the forums.
==Command System Features==
==Command System Features==
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==Pimpship System Commands==
== Miscellaneous ==
This system allows the player to customize the lights on their ship. '''This system can only be used at equipment dealers on stations whose names end in the word ''"Shipyard"'' .'''
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''Note:This system is currently in beta, it may occasionally be disabled for testing purposes.  If you encounter any bugs with these commands please report them on the forum.''
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| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/help
|Activates the Pimpship System (see above conditions in bold). '''Must be used before other pimpship commands.'''
|Displays all currently available server commands. Aliases are /h and /?.
For more information, see [].
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/refresh
|Using this on a ship will reset the login timestamps for all ships on an account, saving time when logging your ships to prevent them being activity wiped.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/restart <setting>
|Displays the current lights on your ship in the following format:
|Sends you to the main planet of the area you typed in the setting of, gives you a fully outfitted ship and gives you an appropriate reputation. '''This command also resets the characters cash and any other attributes, so be sure not to load it up with credits or equipment until after you use the command.'''
<div class="flavortext">'''Hard Point ID''' | Hard Point Name : Current Light Mounted</div>
<div class="flavortext">''Example:'' 01 | HpHeadLight01 : LargeWhiteSpecial<br>________02 | HpRunningLight02 : SlowSmallPurple</div>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showrestarts
|Displays all the lights that can be changed via <nowiki>/setitem</nowiki>.
|Shows all restart templates.
|<nowiki>/setitem <hardpoint id> <new item id></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/renameme <new name> <tag rename password>
|Changes one of your ship's lights.
|Changes the name of the character. '''Costs 2 million credits'''. You will be kicked immediately after executing this command. When you log back in, the change will have taken place. '''This command can only be used once every seven days for any one character.'''
The Hardpoint ID will be one of the numbers listed with <nowiki>/showsetup</nowiki>.
The Item ID will be one of the numbers listed with <nowiki>/showitems</nowiki>.
There is a 5 minute grace period after you execute the command where you can use it again, which can be used in the event you misspelled the new character name. This grace usage will cost another 2 million credits.  
<div class="flavortext">Example: /setitem 01 03 <br>''Changes your first light to light 03 (LargeOrangeStrobe)''</div>
If the tag is protected with a rename password using /settagpass, it should be entered in <tag rename password> - this is '''not''' the master password for the tag.
|This finalizes the changes, command kicking you and removing 1 million from your character. It saves all changes made by Pimpship.
== Miscellaneous Commands ==
The character name length is limited to 23 characters.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|/h or /help
|Displays all currently available server commands, on the Official Discovery Roleplaying Server. Note: due to some FLHook issues, Discovery RP server is currently using a manual list. Occasionally this list may not be complete.
|<nowiki>/restart <setting></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/set movecharcode <movecharcode>
|Sends you to the main planet of the area you typed in the setting, gives you a fully outfitted CSV and makes you neutral with everyone in that house. Note that the Corsair and Outcast restart commands will make you an enemy to lawfuls. In the case of the miner the command gives you a Basalt (instead of a CVS) and makes you neutral with all the mining factions. '''This command also resets the characters cash, so be sure not to load it up with cash untill after you use it.'''
The settings are:
*[[Liberty Republic|Liberty]]
*[[Kingdom of Bretonia|Bretonia]]
*[[Kusari Empire|Kusari]]
*[[Federal Republic of Rheinland|Rheinland]]
*[[Kingdom of Gallia|Gallia]]
*[[Crusader - B-907A Bretonia Heavy Fighter|Crusader]]
*[[Dragon - J10P - 15P Kusari Heavy Fighter|Dragon]]
|/renameme <new_name>
|Changes the name of the character. '''Costs 2 million credits''', you can use it only once per hour. You will be kicked immediately after executing this command. When you log back in, the change will have taken place.  This command can only be used once every seven days for any one character.
|<nowiki>/set movecharcode <code></nowiki>
|Creates a code to allow the movement of the character this command was used with to another account.  This code is valid for one transfer only.
|Creates a code to allow the movement of the character this command was used with to another account.  This code is valid for one transfer only.
|<nowiki>/movechar <charname> <code></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/movechar <charname> <movecharcode>
|Transfers <charname> to the account of the character currently being used.  '''Costs 2,000,000'''.
|Transfers <charname> to the account of the character currently being used.  '''Costs 2,000,000'''.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/stuck
|Moves your ship 10m so 'un-stick' you from bases.  Only works when your speed is low.
|Moves your ship 10m so 'un-stick' you from bases.  Only works when your speed is low.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/droprep
|Lowers your rep with the faction you have an affiliation with to 0.59 bars, '''costs 350,000''', you must re-log for changes to take effect and to use the command again. Keep in mind if another faction next in line has enough positive rep you will then receive that tag.
|Lowers your rep with the faction you have an affiliation with to 0.59 bars, '''costs 350,000''', you must re-log for changes to take effect and to use the command again. Keep in mind if another faction next in line has enough positive rep you will then receive that tag.
|/autobuy <param> [<on/off>]
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/autobuy <param> [on|off]</nowiki>
|Let's you specify which Items should be purchased automatically after you land.
|Allows you to specify which Items should be purchased automatically each time this character lands. Options <param>: info, missiles, mines, torps, cd, cm, [[Class_4_Guns|munition]], cloak, [[Nanobots|b]][[Shield_Batteries|b]], all
Options <param>:
*info - displays current autobuy settings
*missiles - enable/disable autobuy for missiles
*torps - enable/disable autobuy for torpedoes
*mines - enable/disable autobuy for mines
*cd - enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors
*cm - enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures
*reload - enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/batteries
*all - enable/disable autobuy for everything
Note: Autobuy settings are saved for each individual character.
Example: /autobuy all on (sets autobuy on for all items)
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/coin
|Flips a coin and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
|Flips a coin and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/dice
|Shakes, rattles, rolls the dice and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
|Shakes, rattles, rolls the dice and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/id
|Displays your own ID number.
|Displays your current client ID.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ids
|Displays ID numbers of all online players.
|Displays ID numbers of all online players.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ping
|Displays the statistics of your connection (ping, packet fluctuation, packet loss)
|Displays the statistics of your connection (ping, packet fluctuation, packet loss)
|/ping <charname>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ping <charname>
|Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get IDs by using "/ids" command.
|Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get IDs by using "/ids" command.
|/ping$ <client-id>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ping$ <client ID>
|Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get ID numbers by using "/ids" command.
|Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get ID numbers by using "/ids" command.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/pingtarget
|Displays the connection statistics of the currently targeted player.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/pos
|Displays your exact position in system coordinates. The second coordinate is height from the system plane.
|Displays your exact position in system coordinates. The second coordinate is height from the system plane.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/time
|Shows current time in Sirius Mean Time. Useful for Screenshots.
|Shows current time in Sirius Mean Time. Useful for Screenshots.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/nodock
|Prevents target from docking on lawful bases in the house space from which that particular police faction originates. (Available only to members of official police factions. Does not work for Junker and Zoner bases.)
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/police
|Plays police sirens. (Available only to members of official police factions.)
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/rep
|Shows full list of your reputations.
== Chat Commands ==
== Chat ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/system <message>
|Shows help, same as /help and /?
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/s
|/s <message> = /system
|Send <message> to the system chat
|Send <message> to the system chat
|/l <message> = /local
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/local <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/l
|Send <message> to your local system chat
|Send <message> to your local system chat
|/g <message> = /group
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/group <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/g
|Send <message> to your group
|Send <message> to your group
|/setmsg <N> <message>  
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/setmsg <N> <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |
|Set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 0-9 are valid. If a #t tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with the current target name. If a #c tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with your current map grid location.
|Set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 0-9 are valid. If a #t tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with the current target name. If a #c tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with your current map grid location.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showmsgs
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |
|Show the message slot contents
|Show the message slot contents
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/<N>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |
|Send the message N to local system chat
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/system<N>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/s<N>
|Send the message N to system chat
|Send the message N to system chat
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/group<N>
|Send the message N to local system chat
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/g<N>
|Send the message N to group chat
|Send the message N to group chat
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/target<N>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/t<N>
|Send the message N to the current/last target
|Send the message N to the current/last target
|/t <message> = /target
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/target <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/t
|Send <message> to your last selected target
|Send <message> to your last selected target
|/r <message> = /reply
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/reply <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/r
|Send <message> to the last sender of your last private message
|Send <message> to the last sender of your last private message
|/pm <charname> <message> = /privatemsg
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/privatemsg <charname> <message>
|Send <message> to <charname>; if <charname> is offline the message will be delivered when they return
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/pm
|Send <message> to <charname>. If <charname> is offline the message will be delivered when they return and stored in their mailbox.
|/fm <tag> <message> = /factionmsg
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/privatemsg$ <client ID>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/pm$
|Same as /pm but the character is determined using the client ID. The player has to be online for this to work. You can find a list of client IDs by typing /ids.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/factionmsg <tag> <message>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/fm
|Send message to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
|Send message to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/lastpm
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |
|Shows the last pm sender and current/last selected target
|Shows the last pm sender and current/last selected target
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/mail
===Inline Commands===
|This command checks your mailbox for messages and can be used to view your messages.
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|Showing your location
|If a preset message contains '#c' then this will be substituted with your ship's approximate map location. For example, if you setup a preset message like:
<div class="flavortext">/setmsg 1 Neural-network communications test. Transmitting from approximately #c </div>
And then type '/1' and it'll send on the system chat:
<div class="flavortext">{Your character name}: Neural-network communications test. Transmitting from approximately G-7</div>
|Showing your target
|If a preset message contains '#t' then this will be substituted with your current target. For example, if you setup a preset message like:
<div class="flavortext">/setmsg 2 Neural-network communications test. Hail #t </div>
And then type '/2' and it'll send on the system chat:
<div class="flavortext">{Your character name}: Neural-network communications test. Hail {target selected}</div>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/maildel
|The command deletes a message from your mailbox.
== Chat Option Commands ==
== Chat Options ==
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|/ignore <charname> [<flags>]
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ignore <charname> [<flags>]
|Ignores chat/messages from a certain player
|Ignores chat/messages from a certain player
Options <charname>: Name of the character you want to ignore. It's case insensitive.
Options <charname>: Name of the character you want to ignore. It's case insensitive.
Line 220: Line 186:
<div class="flavortext">Example: /ignore ooRP| pi (ignores the PMs of every player whose name begins with "ooRP|")</div>
<div class="flavortext">Example: /ignore ooRP| pi (ignores the PMs of every player whose name begins with "ooRP|")</div>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/ignorelist
|Displays list of ignored players.
|Displays list of ignored players.
|/delignore <id> [<id2> <id3> ...]
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/delignore <id> [<id2> <id3> ...]
|Deletes characters from the ignore list. Banned ids are displayed in the /ignorelist command. Warning these are different ids then those displayed by /ids command...
|Deletes characters from the ignore list. Banned ids are displayed in the /ignorelist command. Warning these are different ids then those displayed by /ids command...
|/set chattime <on/off>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/set dietime <on|off></nowiki>
|Enables timestamped death messages.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/set chattime <on|off></nowiki>
|Enables time display for chat messages. Includes all Pms, Local, Group and System chats. Excludes server, new player or death messages. Useful for Screenshots.
|Enables time display for chat messages. Includes all Pms, Local, Group and System chats. Excludes server, new player or death messages. Useful for Screenshots.
|/set diemsg <param>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/set diemsg <param>
|Allows you to reduce showing death messages
|Allows you to set which death messages are displayed. Options <param>: all, system, self, none
Options <param>:
*all - all death messages are displayed
*system - only death messages in the current system are displayed
*self - only death messages related to your characters are displayed
*none - no death messages
<div class="flavortext">Example: /set diemsg system</div>
|/set diemsgsize <size>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/set diemsgsize <size>
|Allows you to reduce the font size of death messages.
|Allows you to reduce the font size of death messages. Options <size>: small, default
Options <size>:
<div class="flavortext">Example: /set diemsgsize small</div>
|/set chatfont <size> <style>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/set chatfont <size> <style>
|Allows you to modify system/group/private chat font and size.
|Allows you to modify system/group/private chat font and size. Options <size>: small, default, big. Options <style>: default, bold, italic, underline.
Options <size>:
Options <style>:
<div class="flavortext">Example: /set chatfont small italic</div>
These settings are saved for all character on current account.
These settings are saved for all characters on the current account.
== Grouping Commands ==
== Groups ==
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
|/i <charname> or /invite <charname>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/invite <charname>
|Invites a player to your group using his character name.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/i
|Invites a player to your group using their character name.
|/i$ <client-id> or /invite$ <client-id>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/invite$ <client ID>
|Invites a player to your group using his ID number.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/i$
|Invites a player to your group using their ID number.
|/fi <tag> = /factioninvite
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/factioninvite <tag>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/fi
|Send an invite to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
|Send an invite to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
|/j <charname> = /join
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/join <charname>
|Joins to <charname>'s group if you have been invited to the group.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/j
|Joins <charname>'s group if you have been invited to the group.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/marktarget
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |
|Notifies your group that your currently selected target is the priority. May also be associated with a keybinding in controls.
== Cash Transfer Commands ==
== Cash Transfers ==
'''Note: It is recommended that you type these in the <u>Console</u> chat, so that other players do not see the account codes, character names, or amount that you have typed if you misspell the command.''' It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your accounts. No refund will be guaranteed if another player "steals" your account code or money. Use at your own risk. To access the "console chat", push enter like normal to go to chat mode, then use the arrow keys to scroll up from "system chat".
'''It is recommended that you type these in the "Console chat" so that sensitive codes are not publicised.''' Code privacy is your responsibility and risk. No refunds. To access the "Console chat", push enter open the chat box, then use the arrow keys to scroll up.
'' '''If the cash value of any character, including resale of the ship and all equipment, exceeds 2.1 billion credits the character will become corrupted damaging the account it is on.''' ''
'' '''If the value of any character, including cash, ship and equipment, exceeds 2.1 billion credits, the character and its account will be corrupted.''' ''
'' '''Character the credits are being sent from (/givecash) or drawn from (/drawcash) is required to have Total Time online at least 20 minutes.''' ''
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|<nowiki>/setcashcode <code></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/givecash <charname> <cash> [anon]
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/gc
|Give the cash to <charname>; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving character will not be informed of who sent the transfer. Character sending the credits is required to have total time online at least 20 minutes.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/givecasht <cash> [anon]
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/gct
|Send cash to the currently selected target; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving character will not be informed of who sent the transfer. Character sending the credits is required to have total time online at least 20 minutes.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/set cashcode <cashcode>
|Set the account code to allow remote access to this character's account; if the code is 'none' then remote access is disabled. The code can be any string of letters, numbers or symbols.
|Set the account code to allow remote access to this character's account; if the code is 'none' then remote access is disabled. The code can be any string of letters, numbers or symbols.
|<nowiki>/drawcash <charname> <code> <cash></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/drawcash <charname> <cashcode> <cash>
|Draw the cash from <charname> with the <nowiki><code></nowiki> set using /setcashcode
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/drc
|Draw the cash from <charname> with the <cashcode> set using /setcashcode
|<nowiki>/showcash <charname> <code></nowiki>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showcash <charname> <cashcode>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/shc
|Show the cash balance for <charname> with the <nowiki><code></nowiki> set using /setcashcode
|Show the cash balance for <charname> with the <nowiki><code></nowiki> set using /setcashcode
|<nowiki>/givecash <charname> <cash> [anon]</nowiki>
|Give the cash to <charname>; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving character will not be informed of who sent the transfer.
==In-game Mail Commands==
== Personal Infocards ==
For more information, see [[dgctopic:40710|Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard]].
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showinfo [me]
|Show a player's personal infocard. If me is specified, your own will be displayed, otherwise you will need to have the player targeted when you type /showinfo. Alias is /si.
* Part of the hud will blank out when you type /showinfo.
* The escape key doesn't work to close the window.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/setinfo <paragraph number> <command> <text goes here>
|Making a player infocard. The maximum number of characters is around 1000. This command has the following parameters:
*<paragraph number>: The paragraph the following command and text applies to. Valid paragraph numbers are 1 to 5.
*<command>: 'a' for append to the paragraph and 'd' to delete all text in the paragraph
*<text goes here>: duh
== Pimpship ==
This system allows the player to customize the lights on their ship. '''This system can only be used at ship dealers on stations whose names end in the word ''"Shipyard"'' .''' For more information, see the [[dgctopic:40859|Pimpship Guide]].
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|/pm <charname>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/pimpship
|Sends private message to a character. It will be stored in their mailbox if they are not online.
|Activates the Pimpship System (see above conditions in bold). '''Must be used before other pimpship commands.'''
|/pm$ <clientid>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showsetup
|Same as /pm but the character is determined using the client-id. The player has to be online for this to work. You can find a list of client-ids by typing /ids.
|Displays the current lights on your ship in the following format:
<div class="flavortext">'''Hard Point ID''' | Hard Point Name : Current Light Mounted</div>
<div class="flavortext">''Example:'' 01 | HpHeadLight01 : LargeWhiteSpecial<br>________02 | HpRunningLight02 : SlowSmallPurple</div>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/showitems
|Displays all the lights that can be changed via /setitem.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/setitem <hardpoint id> <new item id>
|This command checks your mailbox for messages and can be used to view your messages.
|Changes one of your ship's lights.
The Hardpoint ID will be one of the numbers listed with /showsetup.
The Item ID will be one of the numbers listed with /showitems.
<div class="flavortext">Example: /setitem 01 03 <br>''Changes your first light to light 03 (LargeOrangeStrobe)''</div>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/buynow
|This finalizes the changes, command kicking you and removing 1 million from your character. It saves all changes made by Pimpship.
== [[Connecticut]] ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/conn
|To use this command, dock at a base, remove all of your cargo, type /conn and undock. You will now be in Connecticut.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/return
|To use this command, dock at [[New Haven Station]], type /return and undock. You will now be back where you were before you used /conn.
== Player Bases ==
For more information, see the [[dgctopic:80349|Player Base Guide]].
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base deploy <password> <base name>
|Once you are sure you are ready to deploy your base, type the command.
<password> Your base admin password (no spaces, no character limit imposed).
<base name> The displayed name of your base (spaces allowed, 60 characters max).
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base login <password>
|Allows an administrator to access the base command functions.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base lstpwd
|Lists all passwords except the first password. Since the first password is not listed, a base owner can keep their password secret but allow other players to be administrators of the base.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base addpwd <password>
|Adds an administrator password to the base.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base rmpwd <password>
|Removes an administrator password from the base.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base info <paragraph> <command> <text>
|This command allows the base administrator to set the base infocard text that is shown when the base info icon is clicked.
<paragraph> The paragraph number in the range 1-5.
<command> The command to perform on the paragraph, 'a' for append and 'd' for delete
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base buildmod list
|Shows you what modules you have installed, with a numbered list of 'slots' (slot 0 is always the base core).
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" | /base buildmod construct <slot> <module number>
|Starts constructing the specified module in the specified slot.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base buildmod destroy <slot>
|Destroys the module in the specified slot.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base defensemode [mode]
|Set or display the defense mode of the base. See the [[dgctopic:80349|Player Base Guide]] part 6 for more information.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/base addtag <tag|name></nowiki>
|Add a name or tag of ships allied with this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/base rmtag <tag|name></nowiki>
|Remove an allied name or tag from this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base lsttag
|List the ship names and tags allied with this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base facmod list
|Show factory modules, item types and build status.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base facmod add <index> <type>
|Add item <type> to factory module <index>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base facmod clear <index>
|Clear build queue for factory module <index>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |<nowiki>/base shieldmod [on|off]</nowiki>
|You shield will automatically turn itself on if your base comes under attack. You must manually deactivate it to turn it off again. You can change the state of your base shield by using this command.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/bank status
|List the current balance of the base's bank. The base needs money to buy goods off players. Unlike player ships, the bank can hold many times more than 2 billion credits and is essentially unlimited.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/bank deposit <credits>
|Add credits to the base's bank.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/bank withdraw <credits>
|Remove credits from the base's bank.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/shop status
|Lists commodities, prices and buy/sell status for all goods held by the base.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/shop price <index> <price> [buyonly]
|This command allows the price of goods in the shop to be controlled. The <index> refers to the number of the item as listed by the /shop status command. The <price> is the price of the good in credits. The buyonly flag, if set to 0 will allow the item to be bought and sold by the base shop and if set to 1 the base will only buy the goods and will not sell them to player ships.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/base rep
|Sets the Reputation of the PoB to match that of the Player's current IFF.
Has no associated cost.
Can only be done ONCE by the Player. Further PoB Rep corrections or adjustments can only be made via approved GM request.
== [[Jump Devices]] ==
The [[Jump Devices|Jump Drive]], first detailed in [[dgctopic:77431|Some explanation of Jumpdrive, Cloaking and Survey module]] allows ships to jump between systems in Sirius.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/survey
|This command will begin the space survey required to determine coordinates to jump to where your ship is now. So, if you surveyed in [[Champagne]] F6, you would receive the coordinates required to jump to approximately F6 in [[Champagne]]. In order to survey you must have a [[Survey Module]] of the required class, along with the required fuel in your hold and your ship must provide the necessary power.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/setcoords
|This command sets the coordinates for the destination of your jump and is used on the ship with a Jump Drive mounted. You must use it before using the jump command or your ship will jump blindly. You can use this command before or after initiating charging, although if you initiate charging first, the console will warn you that you are yet to set coordinates, but will still begin the charging process.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/charge
|This will begin the jump drive charging on your ship. You must have sufficient power and fuel available to achieve charge.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/jump
|This command activates the ship's charged jump drive and flings it through whatever gap there is in the space you've just torn a hole in, probably towards your coordinates. If you didn't enter coordinates, you're going somewhere else, but where that is or what you'll end up as, is improbably uncertain.
== [[Docking Modules]] ==
The [[Docking Module]], first detailed in [[dgctopic:83074|Tutorial: Docking Modules]] allows ships to dock with carrier-able ships. Small player ships may dock with any ship that is carrying docking modules. Only one ship may be carried in a docking module and the standard module supports ships that have holds of 275 units or smaller.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/dock
|To dock with another ship, the player must target the [[Docking Module|docking module]] carrier and either type /dock or press F3 (the dock button). The docking module carrier will be notified of the docking request and must then authorize the request prior to the ship docking.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/allowdock
|This command authorises the request of a ship to dock to yours.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/listdocked
|A docking module carrier may see which ships are docked by using this command.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/jettisonship <shipname>
|This command, albeit surprisingly, allows you to force out / expel / eject / jettison a certain ship, identified in the <shipname> field.
== [[Cloaking Devices]] ==
The [[Cloaking Device]], detailed in the [[dgctopic:80349|Player Base Guide]], allows a ship equipped with this module to turn itself invisible.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/cloak
|Activate or deactivate your cloaking device. It is also possible to use a key, which you can set in:
Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Multiplayer -> Cloak On/Off
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/disruptor
|The command deletes a message from your mailbox.
|Activate your Cloak Disruptor. It is also possible to use a key, which you can set in:
Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Multiplayer -> Cloak Disruptor On/Off
== Faction Tags ==
This system allows factions to protect their faction tag and prevent other players from making characters with the tag without having a password. This system can only protect tags that precede a character name. See [[dgctopic:74637|Player Owned Faction Tags]] for more information.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/maketag <tag> <master password> <description>
|Use this command to create a new tag. Creating a new tag costs 50 million credits.
The <tag> parameter is a 3-23 letter tag.
The <master password> is the password used to drop the faction tag (in order to change the master password) or to set the rename password.
The <description> is intended to provide an indication of the group that owns tag, i.e. their name and officiality status.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/droptag <tag> <master password>
|Use this command to delete a tag. The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.
Dropping the tag and re-creating it is the only way to change the master password.
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/settagpass <tag> <master password> <rename password>
|This command is used to set or clear the rename password. The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.
If this password is set then people must use /renameme to create a ship name starting with this tag. If not, the tag is owned, but unprotected.
<!--== Bounties ==
<!--== Bounties ==
Line 334: Line 501:
|/bounty <name> <value> <time_limit> <reason>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/bounty <name> <value> <time_limit> <reason>
|/bounty$ <id> <value> <time_limit> <reason>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/bounty$ <id> <value> <time_limit> <reason>
|/clearbounty <name>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/clearbounty <name>
|/clearbounty$ <id>
| style="font-family: monospace; text-align: center;" |/clearbounty$ <id>

Latest revision as of 20:13, 30 May 2022

The main Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server uses FLHook to extend the Freelancer experience. FLHook server commands are commands that you can enter into the chat window to perform a specific action. Use it just like chatting to someone, and use the slash at the beginning, "/", to signify a server command. Commands that require parameters can be called without parameters to display help for the command. If you encounter any problems with the commands listed below please report them on the forums.

Command System Features

Feature Description
Command filtering Any chat text starting with '/' or '.' will not be repeated to private or system chat (except '//' *sigh*). This means you can safely use /drawcash when you're in system chat without accidentally telling everybody your password.
Command echoing Most user commands (i.e. starting with /) are echoed back to your console so you can see what you typed. The exceptions to this are /local, /system, /target and their short variants.


Command Description
/help Displays all currently available server commands. Aliases are /h and /?.
/refresh Using this on a ship will reset the login timestamps for all ships on an account, saving time when logging your ships to prevent them being activity wiped.
/restart <setting> Sends you to the main planet of the area you typed in the setting of, gives you a fully outfitted ship and gives you an appropriate reputation. This command also resets the characters cash and any other attributes, so be sure not to load it up with credits or equipment until after you use the command.
/showrestarts Shows all restart templates.
/renameme <new name> <tag rename password> Changes the name of the character. Costs 2 million credits. You will be kicked immediately after executing this command. When you log back in, the change will have taken place. This command can only be used once every seven days for any one character.

There is a 5 minute grace period after you execute the command where you can use it again, which can be used in the event you misspelled the new character name. This grace usage will cost another 2 million credits.

If the tag is protected with a rename password using /settagpass, it should be entered in <tag rename password> - this is not the master password for the tag.

The character name length is limited to 23 characters.

/set movecharcode <movecharcode> Creates a code to allow the movement of the character this command was used with to another account. This code is valid for one transfer only.
/movechar <charname> <movecharcode> Transfers <charname> to the account of the character currently being used. Costs 2,000,000.
/stuck Moves your ship 10m so 'un-stick' you from bases. Only works when your speed is low.
/droprep Lowers your rep with the faction you have an affiliation with to 0.59 bars, costs 350,000, you must re-log for changes to take effect and to use the command again. Keep in mind if another faction next in line has enough positive rep you will then receive that tag.
/autobuy <param> [on|off] Allows you to specify which Items should be purchased automatically each time this character lands. Options <param>: info, missiles, mines, torps, cd, cm, munition, cloak, bb, all
/coin Flips a coin and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
/dice Shakes, rattles, rolls the dice and reports the result to all ships within 6km.
/id Displays your current client ID.
/ids Displays ID numbers of all online players.
/ping Displays the statistics of your connection (ping, packet fluctuation, packet loss)
/ping <charname> Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get IDs by using "/ids" command.
/ping$ <client ID> Displays the connection statistics of other players. You can get ID numbers by using "/ids" command.
/pingtarget Displays the connection statistics of the currently targeted player.
/pos Displays your exact position in system coordinates. The second coordinate is height from the system plane.
/time Shows current time in Sirius Mean Time. Useful for Screenshots.
/nodock Prevents target from docking on lawful bases in the house space from which that particular police faction originates. (Available only to members of official police factions. Does not work for Junker and Zoner bases.)
/police Plays police sirens. (Available only to members of official police factions.)
/rep Shows full list of your reputations.


Command Alias Description
/system <message> /s Send <message> to the system chat
/local <message> /l Send <message> to your local system chat
/group <message> /g Send <message> to your group
/setmsg <N> <message> Set message slot N to the specified message; if no message then the slot is cleared and slots 0-9 are valid. If a #t tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with the current target name. If a #c tag is in <message> this tag will be replaced with your current map grid location.
/showmsgs Show the message slot contents
/<N> Send the message N to local system chat
/system<N> /s<N> Send the message N to system chat
/group<N> /g<N> Send the message N to group chat
/target<N> /t<N> Send the message N to the current/last target
/target <message> /t Send <message> to your last selected target
/reply <message> /r Send <message> to the last sender of your last private message
/privatemsg <charname> <message> /pm Send <message> to <charname>. If <charname> is offline the message will be delivered when they return and stored in their mailbox.
/privatemsg$ <client ID> /pm$ Same as /pm but the character is determined using the client ID. The player has to be online for this to work. You can find a list of client IDs by typing /ids.
/factionmsg <tag> <message> /fm Send message to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
/lastpm Shows the last pm sender and current/last selected target
/mail This command checks your mailbox for messages and can be used to view your messages.
/maildel The command deletes a message from your mailbox.

Chat Options

Command Description
/ignore <charname> [<flags>] Ignores chat/messages from a certain player

Options <charname>: Name of the character you want to ignore. It's case insensitive. Options <flags> (not a mandatory parameter):

  • p - only affects private chat
  • i - only partial match of <charname>, e.g. "ooRP|" for "ooRP|Pie-Rat"
Example: /ignore ooRP| pi (ignores the PMs of every player whose name begins with "ooRP|")
/ignorelist Displays list of ignored players.
/delignore <id> [<id2> <id3> ...] Deletes characters from the ignore list. Banned ids are displayed in the /ignorelist command. Warning these are different ids then those displayed by /ids command...
/set dietime <on|off> Enables timestamped death messages.
/set chattime <on|off> Enables time display for chat messages. Includes all Pms, Local, Group and System chats. Excludes server, new player or death messages. Useful for Screenshots.
/set diemsg <param> Allows you to set which death messages are displayed. Options <param>: all, system, self, none
/set diemsgsize <size> Allows you to reduce the font size of death messages. Options <size>: small, default
/set chatfont <size> <style> Allows you to modify system/group/private chat font and size. Options <size>: small, default, big. Options <style>: default, bold, italic, underline.

Note: These settings are saved for all characters on the current account.


Command Alias Description
/invite <charname> /i Invites a player to your group using their character name.
/invite$ <client ID> /i$ Invites a player to your group using their ID number.
/factioninvite <tag> /fi Send an invite to all characters containing <tag> string in their names (like [RM]).
/join <charname> /j Joins <charname>'s group if you have been invited to the group.
/marktarget Notifies your group that your currently selected target is the priority. May also be associated with a keybinding in controls.

Cash Transfers

It is recommended that you type these in the "Console chat" so that sensitive codes are not publicised. Code privacy is your responsibility and risk. No refunds. To access the "Console chat", push enter open the chat box, then use the arrow keys to scroll up.

If the value of any character, including cash, ship and equipment, exceeds 2.1 billion credits, the character and its account will be corrupted.

Character the credits are being sent from (/givecash) or drawn from (/drawcash) is required to have Total Time online at least 20 minutes.

Command Alias Description
/givecash <charname> <cash> [anon] /gc Give the cash to <charname>; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving character will not be informed of who sent the transfer. Character sending the credits is required to have total time online at least 20 minutes.
/givecasht <cash> [anon] /gct Send cash to the currently selected target; if the 'anon' parameter is present then the receiving character will not be informed of who sent the transfer. Character sending the credits is required to have total time online at least 20 minutes.
/set cashcode <cashcode> Set the account code to allow remote access to this character's account; if the code is 'none' then remote access is disabled. The code can be any string of letters, numbers or symbols.
/drawcash <charname> <cashcode> <cash> /drc Draw the cash from <charname> with the <cashcode> set using /setcashcode
/showcash <charname> <cashcode> /shc Show the cash balance for <charname> with the <code> set using /setcashcode

Personal Infocards

For more information, see Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard.

Command Description
/showinfo [me] Show a player's personal infocard. If me is specified, your own will be displayed, otherwise you will need to have the player targeted when you type /showinfo. Alias is /si.


  • Part of the hud will blank out when you type /showinfo.
  • The escape key doesn't work to close the window.
/setinfo <paragraph number> <command> <text goes here> Making a player infocard. The maximum number of characters is around 1000. This command has the following parameters:
  • <paragraph number>: The paragraph the following command and text applies to. Valid paragraph numbers are 1 to 5.
  • <command>: 'a' for append to the paragraph and 'd' to delete all text in the paragraph
  • <text goes here>: duh


This system allows the player to customize the lights on their ship. This system can only be used at ship dealers on stations whose names end in the word "Shipyard" . For more information, see the Pimpship Guide.

Command Description
/pimpship Activates the Pimpship System (see above conditions in bold). Must be used before other pimpship commands.
/showsetup Displays the current lights on your ship in the following format:
Hard Point ID | Hard Point Name : Current Light Mounted
Example: 01 | HpHeadLight01 : LargeWhiteSpecial
________02 | HpRunningLight02 : SlowSmallPurple
/showitems Displays all the lights that can be changed via /setitem.
/setitem <hardpoint id> <new item id> Changes one of your ship's lights.

The Hardpoint ID will be one of the numbers listed with /showsetup. The Item ID will be one of the numbers listed with /showitems.

Example: /setitem 01 03
Changes your first light to light 03 (LargeOrangeStrobe)
/buynow This finalizes the changes, command kicking you and removing 1 million from your character. It saves all changes made by Pimpship.


Command Description
/conn To use this command, dock at a base, remove all of your cargo, type /conn and undock. You will now be in Connecticut.
/return To use this command, dock at New Haven Station, type /return and undock. You will now be back where you were before you used /conn.

Player Bases

For more information, see the Player Base Guide.

Command Description
/base deploy <password> <base name> Once you are sure you are ready to deploy your base, type the command.

<password> Your base admin password (no spaces, no character limit imposed). <base name> The displayed name of your base (spaces allowed, 60 characters max).

/base login <password> Allows an administrator to access the base command functions.
/base lstpwd Lists all passwords except the first password. Since the first password is not listed, a base owner can keep their password secret but allow other players to be administrators of the base.
/base addpwd <password> Adds an administrator password to the base.
/base rmpwd <password> Removes an administrator password from the base.
/base info <paragraph> <command> <text> This command allows the base administrator to set the base infocard text that is shown when the base info icon is clicked.

<paragraph> The paragraph number in the range 1-5. <command> The command to perform on the paragraph, 'a' for append and 'd' for delete

/base buildmod list Shows you what modules you have installed, with a numbered list of 'slots' (slot 0 is always the base core).
/base buildmod construct <slot> <module number> Starts constructing the specified module in the specified slot.
/base buildmod destroy <slot> Destroys the module in the specified slot.
/base defensemode [mode] Set or display the defense mode of the base. See the Player Base Guide part 6 for more information.
/base addtag <tag|name> Add a name or tag of ships allied with this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
/base rmtag <tag|name> Remove an allied name or tag from this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
/base lsttag List the ship names and tags allied with this base. Allied ships are permitted to dock with the base regardless of the defense mode.
/base facmod list Show factory modules, item types and build status.
/base facmod add <index> <type> Add item <type> to factory module <index>
/base facmod clear <index> Clear build queue for factory module <index>
/base shieldmod [on|off] You shield will automatically turn itself on if your base comes under attack. You must manually deactivate it to turn it off again. You can change the state of your base shield by using this command.
/bank status List the current balance of the base's bank. The base needs money to buy goods off players. Unlike player ships, the bank can hold many times more than 2 billion credits and is essentially unlimited.
/bank deposit <credits> Add credits to the base's bank.
/bank withdraw <credits> Remove credits from the base's bank.
/shop status Lists commodities, prices and buy/sell status for all goods held by the base.
/shop price <index> <price> [buyonly] This command allows the price of goods in the shop to be controlled. The <index> refers to the number of the item as listed by the /shop status command. The <price> is the price of the good in credits. The buyonly flag, if set to 0 will allow the item to be bought and sold by the base shop and if set to 1 the base will only buy the goods and will not sell them to player ships.
/base rep Sets the Reputation of the PoB to match that of the Player's current IFF.

Has no associated cost. Can only be done ONCE by the Player. Further PoB Rep corrections or adjustments can only be made via approved GM request.

Jump Devices

The Jump Drive, first detailed in Some explanation of Jumpdrive, Cloaking and Survey module allows ships to jump between systems in Sirius.

Command Description
/survey This command will begin the space survey required to determine coordinates to jump to where your ship is now. So, if you surveyed in Champagne F6, you would receive the coordinates required to jump to approximately F6 in Champagne. In order to survey you must have a Survey Module of the required class, along with the required fuel in your hold and your ship must provide the necessary power.
/setcoords This command sets the coordinates for the destination of your jump and is used on the ship with a Jump Drive mounted. You must use it before using the jump command or your ship will jump blindly. You can use this command before or after initiating charging, although if you initiate charging first, the console will warn you that you are yet to set coordinates, but will still begin the charging process.
/charge This will begin the jump drive charging on your ship. You must have sufficient power and fuel available to achieve charge.
/jump This command activates the ship's charged jump drive and flings it through whatever gap there is in the space you've just torn a hole in, probably towards your coordinates. If you didn't enter coordinates, you're going somewhere else, but where that is or what you'll end up as, is improbably uncertain.

Docking Modules

The Docking Module, first detailed in Tutorial: Docking Modules allows ships to dock with carrier-able ships. Small player ships may dock with any ship that is carrying docking modules. Only one ship may be carried in a docking module and the standard module supports ships that have holds of 275 units or smaller.

Command Description
/dock To dock with another ship, the player must target the docking module carrier and either type /dock or press F3 (the dock button). The docking module carrier will be notified of the docking request and must then authorize the request prior to the ship docking.
/allowdock This command authorises the request of a ship to dock to yours.
/listdocked A docking module carrier may see which ships are docked by using this command.
/jettisonship <shipname> This command, albeit surprisingly, allows you to force out / expel / eject / jettison a certain ship, identified in the <shipname> field.

Cloaking Devices

The Cloaking Device, detailed in the Player Base Guide, allows a ship equipped with this module to turn itself invisible.

Command Description
/cloak Activate or deactivate your cloaking device. It is also possible to use a key, which you can set in:

Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Multiplayer -> Cloak On/Off

/disruptor Activate your Cloak Disruptor. It is also possible to use a key, which you can set in:

Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Multiplayer -> Cloak Disruptor On/Off

Faction Tags

This system allows factions to protect their faction tag and prevent other players from making characters with the tag without having a password. This system can only protect tags that precede a character name. See Player Owned Faction Tags for more information.

Command Description
/maketag <tag> <master password> <description> Use this command to create a new tag. Creating a new tag costs 50 million credits.

The <tag> parameter is a 3-23 letter tag. The <master password> is the password used to drop the faction tag (in order to change the master password) or to set the rename password. The <description> is intended to provide an indication of the group that owns tag, i.e. their name and officiality status.

/droptag <tag> <master password> Use this command to delete a tag. The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.

Dropping the tag and re-creating it is the only way to change the master password.

/settagpass <tag> <master password> <rename password> This command is used to set or clear the rename password. The <tag> and <master password> parameters should be the same as used in the /maketag command.

If this password is set then people must use /renameme to create a ship name starting with this tag. If not, the tag is owned, but unprotected.