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==8th century==
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Revision as of 12:05, 29 March 2010

This is a timeline of Gallia history. To read about the background to these events, see History of Gallia. To read a more general timeline of all important Sirius events, see Timeline of Sirius history.

1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th

1st century

Year (A.G.S.) Event
1 The Gallia lands on Planet New Paris in Ile-de-France, in a forced emergency landing.
2 New Paris Center is founded, later to become the first largest city in Gallia.
  • Gallic people decide to return to the rule of a monarch, King Norbert Dupuis takes the throne.
5 Three years of corruption end as King Norbert was over thrown and killed by his son-in-law Jacques DeFrance. Public is surprised and rejoices, and within a month, by order of the king, construction on Palace DeFrance begins
  • Gallic Royal Military Academy is founded.
  • Gallic Royal Police Academy was also founded within months.
8 Palace DeFrance is finished early. Geologists, working for the King, stumble upon the first major discovery since planet fall, Oil.
  • King Jacques marries Duchess Elene Durand.
20 King Jacques dies at age Forty, rumored to be murdered by the Crown Prince; however, the rumor was denied by Queen Elene.
  • Crown Prince Victor DeFrance arises to the throne.
21 Queen Elene passes away from natural causes.
50 Coup d'etat attempted against the Crown. The Gallic Royal Army quells the coup within months.
65 New calender was established for Gallia, dating back to planet fall, which was considered 1 A.G.S., which is roughly 84 A.S.
70 Queen Elene II exiles Crown Prince Leon in favor of her Daughter, Princess Madeleine DeFrance.
75 Queen Elene II is taken into custody by loyalist Royal troops in another Coup d'etat, Princess Madeleine DeFrance steps down from the throne in favor of her brother.
  • King Leon takes to the throne, and exiles his mother. However, out of kindness, pardons his sister, who exiles herself.
80 Eleven drones were launched to survey nearby systems.
90 King Leon accepts his sister back from her exile, due to his heart condition. A month after accepting his sister back from exile, King Leon dies by a heart attack. Queen Madeleine takes to the throne.
95 System of Lyonnais was surveyed. Major cities and industrial centers start becoming over populated lead to Queen Madeleine to launch a colony ship to Lyonnais

2nd century

Year (A.G.S.) Event
101 System of Berry was surveyed. Queen Madeleine dies, Prince Josef DeFrance ascends to the throne. Faced with growing political problems on governing two systems, King Josef, sends Duke Landry LaCroix to over see political affairs of the people in the Lyonnais system.
102 King Josef appoints Duke Landry LaCroix as Grand Marshall of the Gallic Royal Military.
104 King Josef and Grand Marshall Landry LaCroix begin a plan of isolating Gallia from the rest of Sirius. Grand Marshall Landry LaCroix.
115 King Josef passes on, Landry LaCroix holds throne until Josef's daughter, fifteen year old Princess Anne DeFrance is old enough to hold the thrown.
120 Princess Anne DeFrance takes to the throne, and becomes the youngest Queen in Gallic history.
122 Orleanis is surveyed. Within the following months the systems of Picardie and Artois are surveyed as well. Queen Anne sends colony ships to inhabit the planets. Grand Marshall Landry LaCroix retires and appoints his son, Louis LaCroix as Grand Marshall.
130 Solar Engineer was founded by Saul Quenu.
134 EFL Oil was founded by Fernand Bastien
140 Queen Anne and Louis LaCroix get the directors of Solar Engineer, and EFL Oil together. The Gallic Isolation begins with a plan to build two separate minefields in the newly discovered Gallic Border Worlds
145 Lorraine minefield is completed.
150 Languedoc minefield is completed. The Battleship Cassard is commissioned to serve in the Languedoc system.
155 Queen Anne forms the Royal Council, in order to govern the Core worlds and Border Worlds more effectively. EFL Oil Director Fernand Bastien retires on accusations of fraud. Solar Engineer director is assassinated by a rival company.
157 Mouvement de Liberation Gaulois (Gallic Liberation Movement) is established in the Royal Council.
180 Radicals of the Gallic Liberation Movement form secret societies, one of which is known as the Sons of Gallia. Queen Anne is murdered at her summer home. Sons of Gallia, held responsible.
195 King Jacques II kills his son. Prince Paulin DeFrance. His other son, Crown Prince Julien DeFrance over throws his father. Jacques II is killed during a gun fight inside the court yard of the Royal Palace.
199 The Golden age of Gallia begins.

3rd century

Year (A.G.S.) Event
200 King Julien appoints Audric Archambault, as EFL director.
202 Director Audric Archambault changes EFL Oil, to EFL Oil and Machinery, which started absorbing several larger shipbuilding and engineering companies.
210 Son of Saul Quenu, Leon Quenu, takes the seat as board director of Solar Engineering.
215 An oil refinery explodes on Planet New Paris, killing twenty, injuring plenty more.
220 The first of the proto-type Richelieu class battleship is built, and tested out against a Normandie class Battleship. The Richelieu Proto-type is destroyed by an engine failure. EFL works on newer engines.
230 After ten years of waiting, King Julien witnesses the second Richelieu with new engines at work. The Normandie class battleship was heavily damaged. King Julien orders the Richelieu class to be put into Commission, a long side the Normandie class.
245 The Normandie class, Embrun, is built and commissioned.
250 Sons of Gallia strike again, killing the Police chief of Gallic Royal Police, and six others. However, no arrests were made.
253 Many civilian houses are destroyed near the Royal Palace, and the people moved elsewhere on Planet New Paris, No riots occur, a few months later the start of a giant mansion has begun to be built.
255 A new Gallic Naval academy is established on Planet New Paris
269 King Julien establishes the first of many annual games. The "Gladiator" was reinvented. However, these games weren't as deadly as they were in the old times.
275 Food shortage, and plagues break-out across Planet Blois, Royal forces are called in to stop riots, and bring aid. Gallia's Golden Age ends with the mysterious death of King Julien. A year later his only daughter, Queen Anne II, arises to the throne.
290 The Gallic Dark Ages begin.
299 Queen Anne II nearly killed in an accident.

4th century

Year (A.G.S.) Event

5th century

Year (A.G.S.) Event

6th century

Year (A.G.S.) Event

7th century

Year (A.G.S.) Event