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Line 8: Line 8:
| description = [[Anjou]] is a core system of the [[Gallia]] space where the [[Gallic Royal Navy]] trains its pilots. Those training missions start either from [[Planet Angers]] or from the nearby [[Battleship Saumur]].
| description = [[Anjou]] is a core system of the [[Gallia]] space where the [[Gallic Royal Navy]] trains its pilots. Those training missions start either from [[Planet Angers]] or from the nearby [[Battleship Saumur]].
| lawful-factions = * [[Gallic Royal Navy]]
| lawful-factions = * [[Gallic Royal Navy]]
| suns = * Medium Yellow Sun
* Medium White Sun
| planets = * [[Planet Angers]]
| planets = * [[Planet Angers]]
| stations= * [[Battleship Saumur]]
| stations= * [[Battleship Saumur]]

Revision as of 15:19, 5 January 2013

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Governing House Flag-gallia.png Kingdom of Gallia
Region Gallia

Anjou is a core system of the Gallia space where the Gallic Royal Navy trains its pilots. Those training missions start either from Planet Angers or from the nearby Battleship Saumur.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
  • Medium Yellow Sun
  • Medium White Sun
  • None
  • None
Industrial Development
  • None
Faction Presence
Lawful Factions
Corporations & Guilds
  • None
Unlawful Factions
  • None

Planetary Bodies

Planet Angers

Angers is a lifeless desert planet where a large Royal Navy training base was established in 657 AGS. The planet, with its thin atmosphere and low gravity, is also a convenient base to service GRN fighters and smaller capital ships. The planet's population is now nearing 100,000, most of them being employees of local shipyards and other industrial facilities.
Planet Angers

Location: F/3-4
Diameter: 5,812 km
Mass: 2.67 x 10e24 kg
Terrain: Barren
Temperature: -45°C to 90°C
Escape Velocity: 5.32 km/sec

Space Stations

Battleship Saumur

Saumur is a representative of an old Triomphant class of battleships. They were designed in the 610s, and the last representative of the class was built in 644 AGS. Saumur, however, was retrofitted in Rambouilette in 709 AGS and is currently serving as one of the training battleships of the Royal Navy. Despite its current assignment, the retrofitted battleship has powerful defensive capabilities compared to the more recent Normandie class, and is ready at all times to take the jump gate into Ile-de-France in case the capital system comes under attack and needs all available naval resources to provide assistance.

Owner Faction: Gallic Royal Navy
Location: F/4
Class: Triomphant
Gravity: Complete
Docking: Yes
Population: CLASSIFIED

Jump Gates and Holes