Andrea Cook-McFallerlin part 3

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Shortly after they came home on 20/9/727as, he came quite ill and she had to do the work and look after him and do the runs to keep getting the two paid yet Had a Beautiful baby Girl named, Jessica "Smiley" McFallerlin who loved to smile each time she sees her parents. When Andea was given task to Escort another ALG to the Sigmas, She didn't know where she was so she tries to call the ALG Captain and got response due to the interference in the intercom and nexrt she knew her ship was shot out of no where when she gone thru a Thick Cloud in Sigma-21 and was Reported MIA, Moments later her ship got power and she resumed her Job as fast as possible to get out of there with a feeling something's Odd.. She didn't knew it was and resumed like normal.

Days later, She returned after her job, she felt suddenly something is completely wrong and got herself tested, and came clear as she went to Rheinland Medical team on Planet Hamburg. Soon later, a few months gone by, it was 1/12/728as during her Escorting. she began to lose control of her mind, and gone off coarse and diapered not heard from again since.

Andrea's last been reported in her Journal at her place with Ivan McFallerlin and Jessica Fallerlin,

Andrea: Honey, I feel like something is wrong with my ship.. Don't be alarmed, I am perfectly fine.

Andrea: If something happens to me, Don't Cry, Don't Panic, Don't be sad cause I am always here with you in my heart.

Andrea: I love you Evanie. God speed honey, Do me proud and look after our little Smiley for me.

Andrea: Sending you.. The address of my parents, so they can help look after you and Smiley for me, Love you.

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