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RH-GM17 "Loki" Red Hessian Heavy Fighter

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RH-GM17 "Loki"
Ship Class Light Fighter
Built by Red Hessians
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 4 / 0
Opt. weapon class 7
Max. weapon class 9
Other equipment
Hull strength 6,500
Max. shield class 8
Cargo space 45 units
Nanobots/Batteries 42/42
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 199 m/s
Max. cruise speed 400 m/s
Power output 8,000 u
Power recharge 800 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $1,675,000
Package price $1,718,340

The "Loki" was the very first of the Asgard line of ships, designed to replace the aging Border Worlds line with vessels fitted to operate in the dangerous environments of southern Sirius. The first vessels of this kind were only slightly slower than comparable light fighters, but their stronger armament allowed them to compete with their heavier cousins, frequently by catching them off guard with their torpedoes and heavy weaponry, thus giving meaning to the project's codename: "Loki", the trickster.


The Asgard line of fighters bears its beginnings with the Loki project. In early 808 A.S. following the substantial expansion of the Hessian movement, it was generally agreed upon by Hessian officers that the Border Worlds line, although serving them faithfully, has proven to be mediocre in general amidst the very hostile environments of the Omega systems. Malfunctions of all kinds were a grim reality for the pilots, as the ships fared especially poorly inside dense dust clouds and heavy radiation.

What initially began as a project to improve the design of the Border Worlds series fighters, ultimately ended as a complete redesign from the frame up in order to optimise performance inside asteroid fields and dust clouds. The Loki was meant to be the base of the design, originally proposed as a replacement for the Sabre as it proved to be much faster and smaller while offering firepower only a small margin lower than its supposed counterpart. The severely lightened frame, however, put it more in line with the Scimitar design despite the Loki's exceptionally higher damage capability. Although crack Hessian pilots were quick to dismiss the ship as only marginally useful in those longer, drawn out battles of attrition within the deep edge worlds, the Loki nonetheless continued to become one of the most numerous fighter class ships used by the Hessian movement.


The size of this light fighter is slightly bigger than other ones of its class, but the torpedo slot coupled with a reactor capable of supporting a Mini Razor more than makes up for the larger frame.

Weapon hardpoints



Ship render