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Thira Colony

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Thira Colony
Unknown class Station
Thira Colony.jpg
Technical Data
Gravity Partial
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 230


Within the asteroid belt of Santorini, in orbit of the planet, Thira Colony was established in 810 A.S. With precious little raw materials in the system, the planetoid chosen was almost entirely impermeable and thus perfect for a "dig in" outpost.

With the increased frequency of attacks on Omicron Gamma and other Corsair establishments in the Edge by their enemies, the Elders of Crete felt it necessary to lay provisions for a tactical retreat to a defensible location if such drastic action was ever called for. Thira was the centrepiece of this plan, which was designed to help house the populous of Crete, out of harms way if the time ever came when Crete was no longer defensible. By current projections, the Thira project has only utilised ten percent of the planetoid's volume so far, and thus has huge potential to be expanded if necessary. Operating at a sustainable five percent capacity, Thira Colony currently only houses around 200 people, but is largely self sufficient.

Occasional gas-scoops from nearby planets provide the station with Oxygen and water to sustain it's current populous, and enough food can be produced in experimental hydroponics centres within the planetoid to feed the minimal crew that currently reside there. Renowned as the "quietest place in the Corsair Empire", Thira is intended to act as the last place of refuge if Gamma is ever overthrown. Management of the "Colony" is currently the responsibility of one of the military families of Crete (the Benitez).

