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Free Trade Confederacy

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The Free Trade Confederacy
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Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Affiliation Freelancer
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding 818 A.S.
Founder(s) Commander Caradima
Current leader(s) Commander Caradima
Base of operations N/A
Primary role
Free & Peaceful trade between houses
Secondary role
Trader Safety


The FTC (Free Trade Confederacy) is a group of various Interspace & Corporation Traders who leave aside their differences, To promote Wealth & Well being of the Resource rich systems in Sirius, with their own Escort Wings, The FTC Trade freely & peacefully between systems, eliminating any pirates they find in their path. Often traveling in a Convoy, the fleet mostly operates in the inner core systems, but also establishes medium mining operations in the Outer Tau's, and Omega Systems. The FTC is still a relatively young Faction still pulling itself together and establishing contracts with other Corporations and Groups.

The FTC are strongly hostile to any Pirate group that disturbs their Trading & Mining operations, attempting to Pirate Them.

The FTC's Weapons and Equipment are supplied by the Akadis Deep Space Research Team.


Although originating in Liberty, The FTC are a diverse group of various Independent and Corporation employed Traders.

Equipment Usage

  • Civillian

The FTC's Weapons and Equipment are supplied by the Akadis Deep Space Research Team, and funded primarily by the commander.


CTE-6000 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter

Escort Wing:

The Freelance Wing of Fighter Escort Craft, Responsible for the Protection of the Train Transport ships, and defending them at all costs. The Escort Wing is comprised mostly of The CTE-6000 Civilian Very Heavy Fighter & The Raven's Talon VHF.

These ships are generally equipped with 2 CP-l "Debilitator" Civilian Improved Mk II Pulse Cannon's and 4 Hull busting Class 9 or 10 Weapons of choice. Generally CODENAME weapons supplied by the Akadis Research Team (Not Affiliated with FTC).

The Stork - CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train

Transport Wing:

The Main Trader Wing. The most important vessels in the fleet. The Transport Fleet mainly consists of armored CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train Advanced Trains. These are always assisted by Escorts for safety. The Transports are top priority in the Fleet, and must be kept safe at all times.

Pushing the upper envelopes of contemporary engineering, the grandest configuration of the vulnerable "Train" class vessel plays deft host to a chain of incredible mass, threading the fortunes of companies between asteroids and firefights alike with a finesse not easily believed until seen. While weight must be spread somewhat uneconomically to maintain structural integrity, hence the question additional pods, the relative compact nature of the ship belies the sheer tonnage she hauls. As such the vessel is a common sight across the houses, used by all.

Roc - CTE-19000 Civilian Bomber

Bomber Wing:

The CTE-19000 Civilian Bomber, also known as the Roc Civilian bomber, is the main Bomber vessel used by the FTC Bomber Escort Wing, chosen for its availability, reliability, and flexibility. Ease of repair makes this ship a must have, as the parts can be easily changed and replaced with parts from the already in use Eagle Very Heavy Fighters.

The main Anti-Gunboat & Defense ships of the FTC, the FTC Roc Bombers are standard equipped with 5 Bomber Energy Cannon Mounts, 1 Supernova Antimatter Cannon, and Train Cruise Disruptor. The Roc Bomber is usually restricted to the Higher Ranking FTC Escort Pilots.

Gunboat Wing:

N/A FTC is currently negotiating a contract with external factions for Gunboat class ships


[FTC]-Train.Name - Free Trade Confederacy Train

[FTC]-Rank.Name - Free Trade Confederacy Employed Freelance Fighter Escort

[FTC]-Rank.Name-[B] - Free Trade Confederacy Freelance Bomber Escort

[FTC]-Rank.Name-[GB] - Free Trade Confederacy Freelance Gunship Escort