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Daumann Family
Daumann | |
Origin | ![]() |
Affiliation | Daumann Heavy Construction |
Members | |
Walter Daumann (Leader)
Rebecca Daumann(Heir) |

The Daumann family has been one of the most powerful since the settlement of Rheinland colonists when they arrived at Sirius, and have managed to stay in command of Daumann Heavy Construction since it's creation.
Since the settlement they showed excellent skills for industrial starship design and business management, and founded Daumann Heavy Construction, which is now the biggest manufacturing corporation in Rheinland. The Daumann family has followed the ancient imperial style of life, with old traditions, like passing control of the family to the first born male, or first born female if she keeps her surname upon marriage. Most members of the Daumann family receive individual education, mostly for security reasons; however a few members of the secondary branch are educated in private schools, and in rare ocassion some are allowed to attend high level education at public or private universities or military formation.
The Family structure
The Daumann family has a very strict control over its structure. They are known as an elitist family, controlling the relations of the family's members, specially those of the main branch; who are allowed to marry only certain members of certain families in Rheinland. The family has a branch-like structure which pretty much resembles ancient imperial Germany. The first-born male of the family is usually the heir to the family's power, and the corporation's major shareholdings. The family controls the fight for power by giving certain privileges and offering support to the members of the secondary branches, however there has always been internal conflicts.
Men and Women Role
The women's role as leading member was highly restricted for centuries, mostly due to the family's obsession with preserving the Daumann surname as the leaders of DHC. Women are allowed to take the role of head of the family if they keep the Daumann surname upon marriage, however, most of the time this causes conflict withing the family.
Women are treated just like men, receiving the same privileges, they are trained by the family in the same areas as the rest of the family and in some cases they are even better at some tasks than their male counterparts.
Men usually take a role at the corporation, and their training is based towards the interests of the family for the corporation; due to the surname Daumann being a hot-pick for Red Hessians since the date of their revolution, Daumann members are not allowed to join the military or the police forces, however in rare ocassions, and mostly restricted to the secondary branches only, they are allowed basic military formation.
Leading branch and secondary branch
The leading branch tries to preserve itself as most as they can, with ocassional internal fights for power. The leader or head of the family, holds the majority of the corporation's shares, and the heir of the family inherits them. The younger members are heavily guarded, receive individual high class education and are usually assigned a mentor since a very young age. Their interactions with other Rheinlanders is higly restricted.
On the other hand, members of the secondary branch have a bit more freedom, however they are also well guarded, specially since the Red Hessian revolution. Their interactions with other Rheinlanders is less strict, but usually their marriages are restricted to specific families.Members of the secondary branch hold smaller shares, or make their own smaller companies, which usually work together with DHC.
Family mixing
The Daumann family has always had a strict control system over the younger members' relations; they are allowed to relate with other families as they please, but marriage is restricted to a few rich families in Rheinland. This is mostly ue to their elitist nature and their need to stay on top of other families in Rheinland.
Public Relations

Despite the Daumann being an elitist family, their intentions have always been to bring prosperity to Rheinland, or so is the image they try to show to the Rheinland population. They have been responsible for more than 800 years for the construction of vessels, both military and civilian; along with personal weapons and combat vehicles and varied industrial construction. The feelings towards the family is varied amongst Rheinlanders; some see them as family worried for the nation's well-being, however others consider them selfish; specially after the eighty years war, where Daumann's involvement on starting the war was exposed.
Being target of Red Hessians agents, the Daumann spend a good percentage of their money in security. Members have most of the time bodyguards; and many don't leave their home planet unless necessary, and even then they resort to travel in heavily armored vessels with escorts. In rare ocassion, some prefer a low profile trip usually traveling alone in Tiger Sharks under false call signs or even mixed amongst civilians. The Daumann mansion is specially secure, as many other mansions in Rheinland. First it is located on a private small island where a great part Rheinland's "elite" lives. The mansion used to be a beautifully crafted building; but with the birth of the Red Hessians and their ever increasing power, most of the beauty has been replaced with ant-air defenses, long-range sensors, cameras and strengthened armor, along with a regiment of ex-military security agents, turning the once beautiful mansion into a fortress. The inside however, keeps the beautiful craftsmanship it has had since its construction; with an added underground facility in case of emergency. Details of this facility remain classified.
The Family and the Government
Daumann family members were never too fanatic of politics, getting involved only when it affected their interests and usually by means of bribery.
Imperial Rheinland
During the empire, Daumann was considered a lower level noble family, despite being among the richest in Rheinland. This was mainly because of their lack of interest to rule anything but their company. It's members usually held the title of Freiherr, the highest rank of lower noble families. Despite their lower rank, Daumann leading members were usually called to discussions regarding economy and industry, but they never showed much interest in taking an active political role. In a few cases some leading members were appointed to higher ranks.
Federal Republic
With the loss of the monarchy, the titles inherited for the family were politically useless. Despite the corporation lost most of its influence, the family itself actually gained some; especially in the first years after 80 years war. With their influence and a devastated Rheinland; Daumann managed to regain a few military contracts, though not as good as they used to be. Under this new government, the family still stayed away from government positions, or at least high ranking ones. One registered case of a member in a high ranking office is that of Helena Daumann; the third child of the leading family at that time, who was appointed for a management office at the Ministry of Industry and Economy, however due to public speculation regarding her appointment and activities, she left the office 2 years later.
Today's politics
With the family under the lead of Walter Daumann, the family has approached Rheinland politics more. They have begun funding the Rheinland Imperial party, which seeks to restore Imperial Rheinland, and are taking a more active role in the party's affairs. Rebecca Daumann, heir of the family and current action CEO of DHC; has expanded corporate relations to many parties in Sirus, and using the advantage of the corporation's position, she has begun interacting more directly and aggressively with the government. There are rumors of Daumann members, in contact with corsair families and Unioner agents..
The Family and the Military/Police
Despite the family publicly states their love for the nation and the well being; just like their involvement in the government, Daumann family members mostly never take the path of the military. Before the foundation of the Red Hessian movement, a few members from the secondary branches used to join actively, but it was rare. Now with the Red Hessians stronger than ever; Daumann members usually prefer a low profile image when travelling through space, and this cannot be achieved by serving in the military. The relations with the military, is just that of a corporation and its client. However in some cases, some members are allowed military formation, but their job and position in the military is highly restricted. The relations with the police is similar to that of the military, and there are no cases of Daumann members ever joining the police forces.
Family Traits

800 years of polishing specific skills and traits has produced a series of noticeable marks on its members. Young members receive an extensive education in industry related matters since being very young. The Daumann are naturally good for business, and some have a tendency to shady deals and double crossing, while other are extremely manipulative. Since very young, the Daumanns are known for playing both sides of a situation to get the most of it.
The Daumann are also known for being ruthless with the competition, most Daumanns develop an aggressive attitude to deal with competitors, usually resorting to sabotage and "under the table" deals with third parties.
As with those stronger, Daumanns tend to bribe, extort and even engage in borderline illegal activity to keep them away from family affairs. There have been cases of Daumanns actively hiring mercenaries, assassins and even wroking with pirates to hit the stronger, while they stay behind courtains.
Important members
Alexander Daumann N/A - 45 A.S
Founder of Daumann Heavy Construction. Alexander was a heavy spacecraft and starbase designer and entrepreneur back in Sol System, designer of civilian spacecraft and owner of several small shipbuilding companies, he lost his family and most of his industries were destroyeed during the war with the coalition and worked with the government and military after that, to enhance several military vessels. He was selected as research colonist, and was given an amount of government funds, apart form their own money, to work with the military command upon arrival at Sirius to begin industrial expansion. During the first years of colonization, in a planet that didn't allow a fast expansion, Alexander worked with the government to design what the future bases and vessels would be, meanwhile, stuck in New Berlin surface he made his family, and aided with the design of planetary exploration vessels.
54 years after the colonization, it would be his son, who dedicated his life to learn about space designing and industrial management, who would fulfill his father's mission.
Konrad Daumann 19 A.S - 103 A.S
Only son of Alexander Daumann, he would be the one to create Daumann Heavy Construction as a properly made galactic corporation, in cooperation with the military command. At 54 A.S Konrad settled his corporation and began securing funding from the government, just 6 years later; Oder shipyard was opened for business and one year later the first exploration vessel, designed by Konrad and his crew was ready to leave the shipyard. His final contribution to the corporation would be the establishment of initial business relations with the still young military and police corps in New Berlin, which would eventually skyrocket the corporations production.
Kristina Daumann 99 A.S - 60 A.S
A young spacecraft designer, she worked for the corporation during the first half of the second century of Rheinland's foundation. She showed a great skill at the design of heavy spacecraft and was responsible for the design of a new line of miners, who made their appearance in 124 A.S. Upon marriage she decided to keep her family surname, and established the family's bloodline inheritance, which disgusted other members of the family, she subdued their reactions by the transfer of a large sums of money to her brothers and sisters. After her success in the research department he would take over the corporation and control of the family.
Erick Daumann 127 - 213 A-S -
The head of the family and CEO of the corporaton during the end of the second century and beginning of the third, he was appointed in year 182 A.S, under the new monarchy, for thee title of Graf, thus establishing the family's nobility.
Nikola Daumann 517 A.S - 597 A.S
Nikola was a ruthless leader, he bribed his way to the title of Herzog and the securing of mining fields to outrun the corporation's competition, he owned the corporation in the years before the 80 years war. When the KMS Helle Wolke was lost and Kruger began aggression towards the GMG, he and the board of directors of DHC bribed several Imperial Admirals, and convinced them to annex Sigma 13, causing the war between the GMG and Rheinland, owning important shipbuilding contracts with the government he would profit from it. Nikola's son, Nikola II would take over the corporation during most of the 80 years war, after his father death, he was as ruthless and unethical as his father.
Nikola Daumann III 594 A.S - 671 A.S
He was the owner of the corporation on the last decades of the 80 years war assuming office at a late age right after his father died around 646 A.S. he showed the same unethical behavior of his father Nikola II and his grandfather, Nikola; after DHC's involvement in starting the war was revealed, he was found murdered in the Daumann mansion, the killer was never found, but many suspected of his younger brother Henrik.
Henrik Daumann 600 A.S - 691 A.S
Henrik was the younger brother of Nikola III, he was an excellent entrepreneur and created his own corporation dedicated to the design and manufacture of personal weapons. He was considered lesser by his brother, who was the heir of the corporation, and (according to himself) was treated unequally. After his brother was found dead in the Daumann mansion he took over the corporation and merged his weapons company into DHC, creating Daumann Arms Division. He always showed a slightly more ethical personality than his brother, still retaining most of the family's traits, he bribed several government officials to regain some contracts.
Helena Daumann 751 - 796
Helena was the third child of the primary branch, she showed skills at management and worked for the corporation since very young during the second half of the eight century. She was in charge of the corporation's finances, and was appointed to an office at the Rheinland's ministry of economy and industry, however due to popular speculation on how she got appointed, she was forced to quit and left the office just 2 years after her appointment. She was hired again by her brother Gerald at the corporation. She died around the age of 50, victim of a previously unknown disease. Despite no official document was ever presented, it is believed that the nomads attempted to infect the Daumann family at some point before the nomad war.
Walter Daumann 774 - To date
Walter is the current owner of the corporation, owning 73 percent of the corporation's shares. He is the founder of family's initiative to regain the corporation totally for themselves. He currently has 1 son and 2 daughters. His current heir is his daughter Rebecca, 22 years old.
Rebecca Daumann 797 A.S - To date
Rebecca Daumann is the current heir of the family. Before becoming actively involved in family affairs, Rebecca was a model for a very succesful firm; however due to the heavy restrictions imposed by the family she left the modelling business and started a jewelry business. Today she is the acting CEO of Daumann Heavy Construction, and is preparing to take the lead of the family. From a very young age, Rebecca had a cold personality, and a natural ability to manipulate people, like most of the Daumann family. Despite this, she became a succesful model, and initially showed little interest in corporate business. Towards her growth she had several mentors and companions; one of the most influential was Tsubaki "Tensai" Tanaka. Tensai had a very specific set of abilities, which she offered to the Daumann family directly. She has a very high IQ, and an excellent ability for planning and strategy, and was assigned to Rebecca when she was around 16 years old, despite Tensai beign only 3 years older. Tensai's past is not well known, but today is one of the most well paid contractors working for the Daumann Family. When Rebecca left modelling business, possibly influenced by Tensai, she started the jewelry business and hired Tensai as her personal advisor. Today, with Rebecca leading the corporation, Tensai still works as her personal advisor, and is involved with a lot of the corporate shadow deals. Rebecca is now involved in expanding the influence and power of the family and the corporation. The family spends a good percentage of its income funding the Imperialist Party; She has expanded the corporate influence into new formerly unexplored markets. Together with Tensai they have begun getting closer to Corsair families and Unioner cells. Rebecca seems to have developed her father's skillset, except for her interest in politics, which she consideres and added bonus. Currently she doesn't have any romantic affairs, focusing mostly in the corporation. She usually operates from The Ring.
Felicia Daumann 800 A.S - To date
The younger of the Daumann twins, one of the "Daumann twins", aged 19, she has showed a clear lack of interest towards the corporation. She is known for her conflictive behavior, and her boyfriend is the son of a pro-bundschuh politician, which has led to the anger of her family, and the imposition of certain restrictions. Despite her attitude she has shown a natural ability for business management. Currently she is not working with the corporation, and is studying political sciences, something rare for a member of the primary branch. To date, Felicia is not associated to a political party, but shows a tendency to pro-bundshuh movements.
Franz Daumann 800 A.s To date
One of the Daumann twins, 30 minutes older than Felicia. He is a natural born politician, which has made him a valuable resource for the corporation. He is working as an intern in the Public Relations Department, while studying political sciences with his sister. He is known for being a ruthless politician, seems he inherited the Daumann trait of sabotaging the competition. Opposite to his sister, he is an active member of the Imperialist Party