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==Roleplay with Deputy Chief Nick Harrison
[26.09.2019 14:50:25] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Attention: Unmistakable. This is Deputy Chief Nick Harrison. Please cut your engines and stand by for inspection.
[26.09.2019 14:50:47] Unmistakable: Should be clear sir
[26.09.2019 14:50:52] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Rheinland Weapons. Interesting.
[26.09.2019 14:51:00] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: But you check out.
[26.09.2019 14:51:05] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Carry on.
[26.09.2019 14:51:13] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *Takes a sip of his coffee*
[26.09.2019 14:51:16] Unmistakable: Well, only ones i could find with my taste , aldou I aren't orginaly from Rhienland sir
[26.09.2019 14:51:33] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I hear they are decent weapons.
[26.09.2019 14:51:46] Unmistakable: INdeed, gets job down i last knew
[26.09.2019 14:51:47] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Then again i have seen their fire power from back in the day.
[26.09.2019 14:52:24] Unmistakable: Yea, I heard about that, sorry if its still classed coraband.. its just they are a speed fire rate i can mostly use
[26.09.2019 14:52:36] Unmistakable: that does good range, damage and able keep low key on my core
[26.09.2019 14:52:48] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: At one time we wouldn't allow that equipment here.
[26.09.2019 14:53:11] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: But that was during the war.
[26.09.2019 14:53:14] Unmistakable: Yea, I heard since the war from the Rhienland and the houses i guess? or was it the war in 825?
[26.09.2019 14:53:42] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: 819-822
[26.09.2019 14:53:48] Unmistakable: am just staying here on vist not staying
[26.09.2019 14:54:12] Unmistakable: is it okay if i go grab myself a Bottle of ale to take back home to the omricons?
[26.09.2019 14:54:23] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: You're welcome to stay as long as you wish as long as you don't get in to anything illegal. *He Laughs*
[26.09.2019 14:54:34] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Go ahead.
[26.09.2019 14:54:42] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I aint gonna stop yea *He grins*
[26.09.2019 14:54:54] Unmistakable: okay , i just get some rogues mates and pirate transports then *as marking around*
[26.09.2019 14:56:19] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *He takes a sip of his coffee* Man its quiet... It can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.
[26.09.2019 14:56:51] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Back when i was a Lieutenant there was always something that would pop up out of nowhere.
[26.09.2019 14:58:41] Unmistakable: Things change sir
[26.09.2019 14:59:01] Unmistakable: I could get some work done but, i aren't much friend with either the law and the criminals
[26.09.2019 14:59:08] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: That they do as i would learn the hard way most nights
[26.09.2019 14:59:19] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Back when Outcast raided almost daily
[26.09.2019 14:59:33] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Mostly with war ships
[26.09.2019 15:00:08] Unmistakable: Yea, I heard that on the news one day ago, not pretty
[26.09.2019 15:00:26] Unmistakable: even a few months ago an Rogue group was engarging an Carrier in penns, was also not pretty
[26.09.2019 15:00:46] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: The rogues have gotten bold lately
[26.09.2019 15:00:54] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: With more Raids with Destroyers.
[26.09.2019 15:01:01] Unmistakable: i think that was a few... Scyllas and a handful of bombers killed the poor guy.. i hope his recovering well in hospital
[26.09.2019 15:01:19] Unmistakable: Oh my Apologise, Names Pilot Robert
[26.09.2019 15:01:29] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I had my fair share of wiping out Outcast Dreadnought.
[26.09.2019 15:01:59] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: And nice to meet you Robert. Deputy Chief Nick Harrison at your service.
[26.09.2019 15:02:31] Unmistakable: *sighs* life is hard hay, work and living the life.. doesn't pay up sometimes.. *as mutters softly*
[26.09.2019 15:03:00] Unmistakable: expectly your that type who loves to help out, but all you get is a boring shift or task doing jack..o.. nothing
[26.09.2019 15:03:04] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Nope. My Son was making a living for a bit with Universal Shipping.
[26.09.2019 15:03:15] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Haven't spoken to him for a while.
[26.09.2019 15:03:19] Unmistakable: *sounds depressed* I wished theres a lady i can please with my heart to..
[26.09.2019 15:03:43] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *He looks at his console and sighs*
[26.09.2019 15:03:55] Unmistakable: I see, well I was here on job but my contract had died.. a few months ago now..
[26.09.2019 15:03:57] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Had mine broken a few years back
[26.09.2019 15:04:12] Unmistakable: am sorry
[26.09.2019 15:04:25] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Wife was killed when gallia invaded
[26.09.2019 15:04:50] Unmistakable: I am sorry, I was trying to help prevent that but since my job is limited i can't
[26.09.2019 15:04:55] Unmistakable: well couldn't
[26.09.2019 15:05:03] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I haven't returned to freeport 4 since it was blown up
[26.09.2019 15:05:10] Unmistakable: She wouldnt die for nothing, but honour to her people sir
[26.09.2019 15:05:19] Unmistakable: died
[26.09.2019 15:05:43] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: There was nothing to be done. I was in the battle to stop them from taking out freeport 4 but their force was overwhelming.
[26.09.2019 15:05:45] Unmistakable: *looks down then Nick hears tapping in Robert's mic* she will always be here in the heart
[26.09.2019 15:05:50] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: We had no chance
[26.09.2019 15:05:58] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Of course.
[26.09.2019 15:06:10] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: With the war over she can rest easy as can I.
[26.09.2019 15:06:26] Unmistakable: I see what i can do with my contract in the IMG, seeing if theres a way we can rebuild such instullation as a memory
[26.09.2019 15:06:48] Unmistakable: post for the war that happened to Bretonia and liberty, but i don't think bretonia will agree since they declared war on one
[26.09.2019 15:06:50] Unmistakable: and another..
[26.09.2019 15:07:00] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: True.
[26.09.2019 15:07:18] Unmistakable: sadly.. *as looks at his database* its been to long gone to able repair now
[26.09.2019 15:07:52] Unmistakable: *Robert taps into his database* here a little something to help show my respects to your wife *as hotwires it over*
[26.09.2019 15:09:04] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *Has a suprised but accepting look on his face* Well This can always help especially with everything that has happend.
[26.09.2019 15:10:34] Unmistakable: I hope it pays for her feneral dets you owe the Govament for her grave and box *as sounds sad yet nicely*
[26.09.2019 15:12:34] Unmistakable: *sighs softly in quiet envorment*
[26.09.2019 15:12:48] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I always felt un easy when it was this quiet.
[26.09.2019 15:13:01] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I always said when its quiet its bad
[26.09.2019 15:13:29] Unmistakable: If you ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message -as gives his contract card thru database-
[26.09.2019 15:13:43] Unmistakable: less i can do *as it send thru*
[26.09.2019 15:14:05] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I have moved on it happened many years back. But thanks for the offer.
[26.09.2019 15:14:50] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I got more peace when the war ended
[26.09.2019 15:15:19] Unmistakable: *smiles softly*
[26.09.2019 15:15:38] Unmistakable: I rather be peace then warful since.. not everyone is into things like me and you
[26.09.2019 15:15:56] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Nope they sure arn't.
[26.09.2019 15:16:20] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Ive seen alot in my years with the Liberty Police.
[26.09.2019 15:16:41] Unmistakable: I assume so, your not planing of retirement soon?
[26.09.2019 15:16:46] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: No
[26.09.2019 15:16:54] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I came out of retirement
[26.09.2019 15:17:05] Unmistakable: OH? *as sounded shocked*
[26.09.2019 15:17:13] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: I took time to raise my son.
[26.09.2019 15:17:45] Unmistakable: *as tapping into database* I bet his been happy to be proud in honour to his father
[26.09.2019 15:17:54] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Now he is a hired gun. He was Universal shippings Chief Security officer for abit.
[26.09.2019 15:17:59] Unmistakable: *cuts off his weapons*
[26.09.2019 15:18:13] Unmistakable: I see
[26.09.2019 15:18:28] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: But he still held his mothers death over me as i couldnt save her.
[26.09.2019 15:18:36] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: We rarely talk.
[26.09.2019 15:18:44] Unmistakable: I guess he hates you for that?
[26.09.2019 15:18:56] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Yes.
[26.09.2019 15:19:15] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: But now he realised that it wasn't my fault.
[26.09.2019 15:19:24] Unmistakable: If i could talk to him into talking to you again, but i doubt he will listen..
[26.09.2019 15:19:24] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: And that i did everything i could.
[26.09.2019 15:19:42] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Last i heard he was last seen in the omicrons.
[26.09.2019 15:19:58] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: He left Universal and disappered
[26.09.2019 15:20:03] Unmistakable: The kid is in danger..! *as voice raisen a hella lot in shock*
[26.09.2019 15:20:14] Unmistakable: this is bad.. *as worried badly*
[26.09.2019 15:20:23] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: But i know he wouldnt turn to crime
[26.09.2019 15:20:28] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Its not in him to do so.
[26.09.2019 15:20:37] Unmistakable: I better not tell you as its not in my paygrade to tell you this but his in seriously bad position
[26.09.2019 15:21:16] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: hang on liberty gov crap
[26.09.2019 15:21:51] Unmistakable: *taps some more on his database*
[26.09.2019 15:22:01] Unmistakable: Know which system his last known in?
[26.09.2019 15:22:12] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Delta.
[26.09.2019 15:22:15] Unmistakable: Where was it.. *as looking on the database files*
[26.09.2019 15:22:26] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Rumors of him near back in liberty borders
[26.09.2019 15:22:26] Unmistakable: *Robert froze in shock*
[26.09.2019 15:22:39] Unmistakable: Nick, sir..
[26.09.2019 15:23:00] Unmistakable: I hope his back in Liberty safely..
[26.09.2019 15:23:07] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: As do I.
[26.09.2019 15:23:27] Unmistakable: I fly often in Omircons, and non that i seen is ur son..
[26.09.2019 15:23:50] Unmistakable: If i get hold of his location, i send you a message right away of i seen him, so you can keep tabs of his location
[26.09.2019 15:25:22] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *Looks at the time on his console* Well my shift is about up.
[26.09.2019 15:25:55] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Ill be returning to base to file my paper work for this evenings patrol.
[26.09.2019 15:25:58] Unmistakable: Alright nice meeting you, I will keep a strong eye on out for your son.. Whats his name? *as writes in his reminder*
[26.09.2019 15:26:13] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: Same to you. and Jack
[26.09.2019 15:26:28] Unmistakable: Jack... harrison *as write in* got it
[26.09.2019 15:27:11] LPI-Nick.Harrison[DC]: *Takes a final sip of his coffee and chucks it in a waste bin* Have a safe flight Robert.
[26.09.2019 15:27:16] Unmistakable: *turns on his weapons*