Dr. Werner Mazursky

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Dr. Werner Mazursky
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Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland - Planet Baden Baden
Occupation Zoner Guard
Affiliation Zoners Trading Consortium
Rank Shipmaster
Born unknown
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Born in Baden-Baden, Rheinland. As a small kid, moved after his parents to New York (father employeed in LPI, then in LSF). Studies on the New York Technical University (two faculties: Hypercommunications and Enterprise Management) finished with distinction. PhD written and defended on the Cambridge University.

In December 2008 (old Earth time) resigned from the academic life and moved to Gran Canaria where he established a small trading company, in the same period became a regular Zoner. In January 2008, together with John Chrichton and William Topper established the Zoners Trading Consortium, where he was on of the three founders and board members.

Calm, cool-headed, analytical, disciplined.