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Planet Baden Baden

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Planet Baden Baden
Planet Baden Baden.jpg

Owner OscLogo.png Orbital Spa and Cruise
Location 6E/6F, Stuttgart
Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Technical information
Population 500.000
Docking Yes
Terrain Terrestrial
Diameter 11,293 km
Mass 5.96 x 10e24 kg
Temperature 6°C to 42°C
Escape velocity 10.99 km/sec

Baden Baden is an idyllic world of large oceans, black sand beaches, and the odd hot spring bubbling from volcanic outcroppings of rock. Orbital Spa and Cruise Lines maintains a popular resort here, though it has seen a decline in business as the economic situation in Rheinland grows worse while radicals sympathetic to the LWB farmer's movement attack government officials who vacation here. Orbital Spa has reportedly been trying to remedy the situation by attracting bargain-hunting tourists from other houses. Its population varies, fluctuating between 500.000 and 750.000 people depending on how many tourists are planetside.

Missions Offered

Bribes Offered




Transport armored.png
Armored Transport
Luxury Yacht
Luxury liner.png
Luxury Liner