Nolan Oakfiell

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Nolan Oakfiell
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Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Occupation Slaving, Exploring
Affiliation Independent Slaver
Born April 6 794 A.S., Planet Stuttgart (Age 23)

Nolan Oakfiell (call-sign Obsidian.Oak) is an independent slaver fueled by revenge and the money of supplying stations with slaves so that they may sell them to transports. Becoming more sinister by every trade and losing all respect for human life make him hated by many people in Sirius.

Early Life

Nolan Oakfiell was born on Planet Houston, Texas where he grew up on a farm. His life consisted of operating machinery and whenever he could visiting the urban areas of Houston. During his youth he met many people in the city's of the Planet: Bounty Hunters, Police, Convicts. A whole manner of people he would meet to hear their story and hopefully gain a better understanding of who he would side with, trust, and work for.

He couldn't answer this question even as he graduated school. After 2 years staying on the farm his parents became ashamed of him and told him to make something of his life. So he went back to the city this time looking for the right group of people that might just catch his interest. No one did. Of all the factions, he decided the best was himself. So he decided to do just that, work for himself as a Mercenary.


Desperate for money, starting out as a Merc Nolan found it very difficult to find traders willing to hire him with his inferior Starflier and weak weaponry. But over time and acts of charity from some, he amassed enough money to upgrade his ship to something worthy of pay. Following this regime he undertook more dangerous assignments for higher pay, until he had a powerful Raven's Talon in his possession and weapons to match. But the sides he worked for began to slip. He started to provide security services for all manner of pirates. He betrayed Navy officers to their death- and they would never know. He seemed to have no issue with who or how he worked. With the constant exposure to unlawfulls he also picked up smuggling routes. And thats how he became introduced to slavery. He escorted many a Slaver to the borders of the independent worlds and he once asked himself the question 'I could be in their position, money, the ability to explore and take anyone at my will!..' the more he thought about it the more it appealed.


He now scouts the Sirius system, looking for travelers with pilots in their holds, so that he may show the whole of Sirius who owns them. Still piloting his Raven's Talon from his Mercenary days, he will not spare those who do not give him the humans he wants.


Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police
Liberty Security Force
Ageira Technologys
Interspace Commerce
Universal Shiping
Deep Space Engineering
Synth Foods
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers

Zones of Operation

Oak operates in these areas of Sirius:

Flag-liberty.png Liberty Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia Flag-kusari.png Kusari Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland (Rare that he will go there) Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts Flag-nomads3.png Nomads (Will only travel too for interest) Flag-gallia.png Gallia (Knows of its existance though rarely enters) Taus Sigmas Omegas (Rare that he will go there) Independent Worlds