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Planet Jiangxi

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Planet Jiangxi

Owner The Coalition
Location 5F, Omega-52
Edge Worlds
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Temperate
Diameter 13,396 km
Mass 6.03 x 10e24 kg
Temperature -78°C to 87°C
Escape velocity 11.83 km/sec

Lush Jungles, Scorched deserts, frozen tundra, dense jungles and vast expanses of water all combine on the surface of this seemingly tranquil planet. The Coalition uses JiangXi as a key training facility for its crack Marine platoons because of the deadly flora and fauna found upon the planet's surface. JiangXi also contains deposits of very valuable minerals, such as Niobium, Berylium, and Iron making it a key resource for the Coalition’s ship building needs.

Although there is significant human population on JiangXi, the Coalition Commissariat deemed docking facilities un-necessary, routing all traffic through Zhukovsky Station in orbit.

The Planet is the primary food source of the Coalition populace, great farms covering vast plains on one of the northern continents, near to the capital city of New HangZhou.

The Capital has weathered a bitter uprising led by traitorous Counter Revolutionsaries in late 817, followed by a savage attack by the Phantom Empire that saw much of the planet stratobombed. The aftermath of these two, nearly devastating attacks, has brought about great changes in the Coalition government.

The New Economic Policy was started by the Coalition’s Government in an effort to rebuild the colony. The chief amongst this was a Zoner plan offering refuge to thousands of Bretonian refugees escaping the war, as well as innumerous blackmarket Gaian Wildlife brought to the lush world and bred through a careful genetics program that has seen them well adapted to life on the world.

The installation of a new orbital defense system, as well as formidable planetary shields ensures that JiangXi is defensible against any future assaults by the enemies of the Coalition.