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Planet Odense

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Revision as of 16:23, 24 March 2010 by Cshake (talk | contribs) (V4.85.3)
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Planet Odense

Owner Red Hessians
Location 6C, Omega-54
Border Worlds
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain N/A
Diameter 28,216 km
Mass 9.89 x 10e24 kg
Temperature N/A
Escape velocity 15.42 km/sec

Odense is a gas giant in the far reaches of the Omega-54 system. Captured in orbit between the minor and the major star, the planet is characterised by it's chlorine and xenon upper atmosphere composure, giving it a distinct bright green tint. Automated probes surveying the planet confirmed a small iron core encased by water, ammonia and methane in it's larger, lower atmosphere.