Zoner Guard ID

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Pilot carrying this ID is a Zoner Guard, who :

  • Can trade and escort traders
  • Can demand Zoner pilots from any ship carrying them and can attack if the demand is ignored or refused
  • Can only attack those who are : directly attacking Zoners or Zoner NPC faction allies, carrying Zoner pilots, diplomatically hostile to Zoners, or those who have violated Freeport neutrality
  • Cannot ally with anyone except against Zoner faction enemies, or to defend Zoners, Zoner bases, or Zoner allies
  • Cannot participate in any unlawful actions
  • Cannot fulfill bounty contracts except against Zoner faction enemies
  • The Zoner ID does not make you immune to piracy, pirates may choose at their discretion whether to exempt you from being pirated.
  • Cannot dock on any stations/planets/bases in lawful House space except:
  • Independent Miners Guild (IMG) Bases
  • Gas Miners Guild (GMG) Bases
  • Council Bases
  • Zoner Bases
  • Planet Erie

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Prison Liner, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.
