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MNS Esperanza

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MNS Esperanza
Ship Class Dreadnought
Built by Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
Captain Zac del Sol Verde
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 20
Class 10 Turrets
Class 9 Turrets
Class 8 Turrets
Hull strength 3,920,000 (x4.0)
Shield strength 460,000 Graviton
Cargo space 1,075 units
Nanobots/Batteries 1600/1600
Max. impulse speed 90 m/s
Max. thrust speed Thruster not available
Power output 9,000,000 u
Power recharge 300,000 u/s (100%)
This is a player owned ship.

The Esperanza is a Ranseur class dreadnought of the secondary maltese fleet. It is flown by admiral Zac del Sol Verde.


The Esperanza was built in 817 AS, on Corsica Outer Sanctum in order to defend the Maltese Nation and Malta's population. Except for several duties in the Tau worlds and assaults in Omicron Gamma against the Corsairs, its main role is the defence of Omicron Alpha and Eta.

The admiral, Zac del Sol Verde is the lost twin of Lee del Sol Verde.

Outcast Capital Ship Registry

Extract from Zac's transmission

"Buenas dias senores,

I'm Zac del Sol Verde, admiral of the Esperanza, a Ranseur class maltese naval ship. The whole crew, the Esperanza and myself got lost two years ago in the bloody war against the Corsairs in Omicron Eta. The capital vessel was thought to be destroyed and me being in imprisonment on Crete. Ever since, no message of my survival reached the Outcast fleet. Therefore I got removed from the registry, and my status got changed to MIA and after one year to "died in combat". Since that time, nobody remembered me.

Until just a few days ago, when the Esperanza crossed the Outcast borders and reached Planet Malta. Almost undamaged and the crew being complete. People called it a mystery, that although it was said, that the ship got destroyed in the war, it returned after that long time.

Myself, I won't go further into that yet. I'm still in the process of getting used to what actually happened those two years. Shady memories and experiences are floating in my mind, and I'm thinking about how all the pieces fit together.

Anyways, I feel like getting back into action already. The ship is fine, so is the crew. Ready for combat. I won't bother you with my history anymore if you're not interested in. Gracias for your attention.

Muchos saludos,

Zac del Sol Verde


• Primary role: Warship for assaults in enemy territory.
• Secondary role: Exploration and border patrols in the Omicrons and Taus.
• Tertiary role: Defence and support within Outcast Space, mainly Omicron Alpha.


Lee's Diary

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