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Jump Devices (Very WIP)

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Jump Devices

Jump drives allow for instantaneous travel from any point to any other point in the Sirius sector (including within the same system). A Survey Module is used to retrieve, store, and encode jump coordinates into an alphanumeric string, which can then be decoded by jump drives. The precision of the jump is determined by the Hyperspace Survey Module used to encode the coordinates.

There are different tiers of Jump Drives and Survey Modules, which effects fuel, cargo and power usages, as well as charge time. Jump drives use a variety of fuels with different consumption for each, making MOX the most efficient and Deuterium/Helium-3 the least efficient per unit storage.

Most of the jump drives jump only the vessel equipped with them, however jump drives exist that are designed to pull others close by (usually 300 meters) into a wormhole with the jumping ship. They are usually only seen in large military or trading fleets due to their huge fuel consumption. They also take much more time to charge.

Jump Mechanics

There are several "Core Mechanics" to using a Jump Drive, as briefly outlined above: Fuel, Surveying and Jumping, each of which is explained in greater detail below


Before you go Surveying, or before you make a jump (but after you have your Module installed), you will need enough Fuel in order to begin work.

The amount of Fuel required varies based upon the particular module you are attempting to use, and the type of fuel found in your hold. Available fuels (in their order of efficiency) are: MOX, Oil and H-Fuel, Deuterium and Helium-3. For a complete list of requirements, please refer to the table below.

A point to keep in mind when using your Jump Drive in particular is that after it is done charging, it will continue to use fuel until you perform the jump. This means if you run out of fuel before issuing the "Jump" command, you will be unable to jump AND will have no fuel left to begin again.

Fuel Consumption (Units per second)
Name MOX Oil H-fuel Deuterium Helium-3
Jump Drive Module Series II 6 (360) 7 (420) 7 (420) 8 (480) 8 (480)
Jump Drive Module Series III 12 (360) 14 (420) 14 (420) 16 (480) 16 (480)
Jump Drive Module Series IV 12 (2400) 14 (2800) 14 (2800) 16 (3200) 16 (3200)
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk1 6 (600) 7 (700) 7 (700) 8 (800) 8 (800)
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk2 6 (600) 7 (700) 7 (700) 8 (800) 8 (800)
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk3 6 (6000) 7 (7000) 7 (7000) 8 (8000) 8 (8000)

Notes on use:

  • Numbers in parenthesis show the minimum amount needed to complete an operation, and is NOT the advised amount. Attempting to utilize this amount will typically fail, and so you ought to begin with several seconds more fuel at the very least.
  • MOX is perishable, meaning extra units are necessary to allow for decay.

Surveying Locations

The command to begin a survey is /survey by default.

Surveying a location requires a Hyperspace Survey Module. To begin the survey, you must have over the minimum Power requirement, and have a Hyperspace Survey Module installed.

After the survey has begun, the Survey Module will consume fuel (at the rate given below) for a variable length of time (also found in a table below).

Once it has finished its surveying, you will be presented with an alphanumeric string, representing your current coordinates that you can use when performing a jump.

Survey Modules
Name Accuracy Survey
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk1 5 100 100,000 800 50,000 $550,000
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk2 20 100 100,000 600 100,000 $550,000
Hyperspace Survey Module Mk3 30 1,000 100,000 400 150,000 $550,000


Stuff goes here.

A "blind" jump may also be initiated, whether the coordinates are entered incorrectly (often unintentionally) or not at all (usually intentionally). Note of the fuel requirements even after prepared.

Jump Drives
Name Field
Jump Drive Module Series II 0 60 3,600,000 900 60,000 $550,000
Jump Drive Module Series III 0 30 7,000,000 900 80,000 $550,000
Jump Drive Module Series IV 300 200 7,000,000 1,200 100,000 $550,000

Guidelines on Use

More stuff here.

See Also