Planet Braillia

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Planet Braillia
Planet Braillia.jpg

Owner SC
Location 4D/5E, Cayman
Edge Worlds
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain unknown
Diameter unknown
Mass unknown
Temperature unknown
Escape velocity unknown

Planet Braillia used to be the main settlement of those who wish to join the Reapers' cause. Being descendant of the Outcasts, most Reapers are addicted to Cardamine. In an attempt to transform the planet into a second Malta, the Reapers detonated massive fusion bombs laced with Liquid Cardamine particles throughout the atmosphere, intending to "seed" the planet's biosphere with Cardamine. The plan however failed catastrophically, scattering hazardous radioactive isotopes planetwide.

A small Reaper population numbering no more then 500 people still resides on the planet, in sheltered underground structures. It is expected that the surface will remain uninhabitable for several decades at least, until the planet purges the contaminants naturally, or until the atmosphere can be filtered. The dust cloud has also triggered a global cooling trend, causing much of the native flora to die off.