Planet Iridescencia

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Planet Iridescencia
Planet Iridescencia.jpg
Location 7D, Vespucci
Independent Systems
Technical information
Docking No
Terrain Volcanic
Diameter 8,304 km
Mass 5.58 x 10e24 kg
Temperature 15°C to 76°C
Escape velocity 8.10 km/sec

The Planet Iridescencia, named after the optical phenomenon "Iridescence" in which hue changes with the angle from which a surface is viewed, is a good example of how something which appears to be beautiful and simple at first can be deadly up close. No surveys of the surface have been taken, due to the extremely hostile conditions on the planet. The atmosphere is toxic, with massive volcanoes billowing up a mixture of sulphuric vapors and ash. These create violent lightning storms and intense showers of acidic rain which consume most man-made materials in minutes. While this can be a beautiful sight to behold from orbit, any pilot who foolishly ventures too deep into the planet's gravity well is fated never to return.