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[09.03.2020 01:57:04] Unmistakable: *Thoughs talk* hello

[09.03.2020 01:58:13] Birdie: in NY

[09.03.2020 01:58:45] Unmistakable: *Talks in their mind*

[09.03.2020 01:58:54] Unmistakable: *mind talking*: Why hell little guy

[09.03.2020 01:59:46] Vagrant.Libye: "Light Brethren. We recognize."

[09.03.2020 02:00:13] Unmistakable: I am not sure you know me but I quite well know you *as speaks within their mind*

[09.03.2020 02:00:47] Unmistakable: *in mind* I may seem human, but thats my cover for something i may believe is true

[09.03.2020 02:01:00] Vagrant.Libye: "Knows our kind. Yours do not know us."

[09.03.2020 02:01:39] Unmistakable: well that i heard that is at less i can say *as shows sadness with face actions while speaks*

[09.03.2020 02:01:52] Vagrant.Libye: "Yours know our race. Yours not know us."

[09.03.2020 02:02:09] Unmistakable: yes in which i mean *as nods*

[09.03.2020 02:03:12] Vagrant.Libye: "Amusement. Yours seen the truth. We are pleased."

[09.03.2020 02:03:30] Vagrant.Libye: "We entered this Void to seek further knowledge of Darklings."

[09.03.2020 02:03:55] Unmistakable: I seek the light in a hearted way, not a threaten way *as looks down in a bow and they sence small bump on their spine*

[09.03.2020 02:04:30] Unmistakable: The darklings want power, strengh, overoam the nature balance within the solars for personal use not freedom like us

[09.03.2020 02:04:57] Unmistakable: even they are to steal from the mother who we are known to believe

[09.03.2020 02:05:17] Vagrant.Libye: "We concur. Unpure these darklings are. To purge them away from existance we seek."

[09.03.2020 02:05:30] Unmistakable: yes..

[09.03.2020 02:05:57] Unmistakable: That darklin is really harmless to us.. but can be a threat within numbers my friend..

[09.03.2020 02:06:13] Birdie: hello pilot

[09.03.2020 02:06:18] Unmistakable: hello there

[09.03.2020 02:06:20] Zefirka: Greetings

[09.03.2020 02:06:27] Birdie: only 2 mil and you free

[09.03.2020 02:07:00] Birdie: ok Captain

[09.03.2020 02:07:04] Birdie: good way

[09.03.2020 02:07:10] Unmistakable: *small sights* darklings keeps on fighting each other for power over the others

[09.03.2020 02:07:36] Vagrant.Libye: "Yes. Greed"

[09.03.2020 02:07:56] Birdie: nomds in system

[09.03.2020 02:07:56] Unmistakable: Exerise me Gunboat?

[09.03.2020 02:07:58] Vagrant.Libye: "this one is agressive."

[09.03.2020 02:08:11] Unmistakable: They seek power as said my friend

[09.03.2020 02:08:30] Unmistakable: they are alarmed of your presents, we need to go somewhere more secture..

[09.03.2020 02:09:26] Vagrant.Libye: "What is your purpose on these Voids."

[09.03.2020 02:10:26] Unmistakable: Just helping them with their taskes, but not to kill one of the light, since its a big thing i am never a fan of

[09.03.2020 02:10:51] Unmistakable: i find there will someday in the generations in future they will stop seeking war within each other and us too but I

[09.03.2020 02:11:02] Unmistakable: Know by a fact *as voice changes* wouldn't happen

[09.03.2020 02:11:46] K'Hara|Pa'zuzu: ***(Amusement)***

[09.03.2020 02:11:52] Vagrant.Libye: "Do not fear, brethren - time will come."

[09.03.2020 02:12:01] Unmistakable: Indeed

[09.03.2020 02:12:24] Unmistakable: I feel like i need to ask something but I aren't sure if anyone else can read my mind with you.. [09.03.2020 02:12:37] Birdie: ey stupis navy

[09.03.2020 02:12:41] Unmistakable: expect our elders

[09.03.2020 02:13:36] Unmistakable: *takes in a deep breath to relax their heart rate*

[09.03.2020 02:13:51] Vagrant.Libye: "We are listening to your request. . ."

[09.03.2020 02:14:27] Unmistakable: the question is.. *as takes a short one again* Were you guys the ones who been trying to talk to me, when I was at a young

[09.03.2020 02:14:30] Unmistakable: human age?

[09.03.2020 02:15:19] Unmistakable: It's like i was connected for a reason at a young age, to come a trusted insider for the Light to help them study the

[09.03.2020 02:15:41] Unmistakable: darklings plans and warn the elder guardians when they do some terrible things to them

[09.03.2020 02:15:43] K'Hara|Pa'zuzu: ***(Warmth)***

[09.03.2020 02:16:42] Vagrant.Libye: "Ours knows nothing of which you speak. Perhaps, the elder brethrens ... ~K'Harass~"

[09.03.2020 02:16:58] Unmistakable: *they look around* someone there? *as sences strange signals on hs ship penal*

[09.03.2020 02:18:03] Unmistakable: I may have to.. since this connection is at times, annoying me, but I learnt from a moment to understand why It happened..

[09.03.2020 02:18:04] Vagrant.Libye: "They are around. But our thoughts are seperated. We feel them near, the brethrens of the Light."

[09.03.2020 02:18:33] Unmistakable: I feel them to.. *as looks around*

[09.03.2020 02:18:50] Unmistakable: If your around, please show your presures my friends

[09.03.2020 02:19:58] Unmistakable: I seek peace and friendship within my heart and the Light brethrens within the solar system *as looks down in a honour way*

[09.03.2020 02:20:05] Vagrant.Libye: "They hunt on their preys. They are more vicious than ours."

[09.03.2020 02:20:54] Unmistakable: They may be vicious but I am a friend to them , to your race and our elders

[09.03.2020 02:21:45] Unmistakable: I seeking possible we could come close alliments within my mind and my heart?

[09.03.2020 02:21:57] Vagrant.Libye: "We will hunt with our brethrens."

[09.03.2020 02:22:17] Unmistakable: Is risky my friend

[09.03.2020 02:23:03] Vagrant.Libye: "Hate. Yours attack the light!"

[09.03.2020 02:23:11] Unmistakable: Need help?

[09.03.2020 02:23:22] Nat_Latchford: lobsters! ya know

[09.03.2020 02:24:18] Unmistakable: Thats it.. you asked for it, Engaging Rogue Nat_latchford.

[09.03.2020 02:24:32] Nat_Latchford: are you insane

[09.03.2020 02:25:23] K'Hara|Pa'zuzu: ***(Amusement)*** "Even the darkness fights you!"

[09.03.2020 02:26:13] Death: Birdie was put out of action by K'Hara|Minerva: (Gun).

[09.03.2020 02:26:26] Vagrant.Libye: "Joy. There is others."

[09.03.2020 02:27:00] K'Hara|Minerva:: ***..'Yours' shall ~perish~ in -flame-..***

[09.03.2020 02:27:45] Unmistakable: *nods in thanks*

[09.03.2020 02:27:53] Nat_Latchford: bigger fish, ya know

[09.03.2020 02:27:53] K'Hara|Pa'zuzu: ***(Amusement)***

[09.03.2020 02:28:02] Vagrant.Libye: "The Light prevails."

[09.03.2020 02:28:19] Unmistakable: Friends, I advice you guys go before anymore more darklings find out about this

[09.03.2020 02:28:38] Unmistakable: Call me if you need help *as smiles in respect*

[09.03.2020 02:28:46] K'Hara|Pa'zuzu: ***-Your- service is appreciated darkling, yours will receive a gift from the creators.***

[09.03.2020 02:28:56] Unmistakable: Please send my hello and love

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