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[10.03.2020 12:56:02] LPI-Blake.S[O]: oh hello robert

[10.03.2020 12:56:08] Unmistakable: ay kid

[10.03.2020 12:56:24] Nator: not bad sir, just grinding for the liv'in

[10.03.2020 12:56:36] Unmistakable: I see you ran out of supplies... *as looks at him suspiously*

[10.03.2020 12:56:59] Unmistakable: Picking up something on long range scanners

[10.03.2020 12:57:04] LPI-Blake.S[O]: hmm me to

[10.03.2020 12:57:21] LPI-Blake.S[O]: What the hell is that

[10.03.2020 12:57:23] Unmistakable: Oh jeeze

[10.03.2020 12:57:33] Unmistakable: something you wouldnt like picking on... *as grins*

[10.03.2020 12:57:36] Ashur: (~Irritation~) *Metal cross things are trying to bite us*

[10.03.2020 12:57:51] Unmistakable: Keep your distance i try reason with it

[10.03.2020 12:58:10] LPI-Blake.S[O]: okay but i should be doing this you know

[10.03.2020 12:58:33] Ashur: (~Curiosity~) *Diving into minds of new coming trying to understand them further*

[10.03.2020 12:58:36] Unmistakable: if you think you can go ahead *as it can read that the pilot in the Unmistakable is a friend*

[10.03.2020 12:59:30] Ashur: (~Curiosity~) *Watching actions of two new darklings, and guessing, a friend or foe would be they?*

[10.03.2020 13:00:16] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Well then... what ever you are i am pretty sure your not ment to be here *Curious as what it is and if it will leave peacfully*

[10.03.2020 13:00:22] Birdie: contact

[10.03.2020 13:00:28] Unmistakable: *thoughts talk with their mind* what brings you here Friend, This place isn't that welcome to your type..

[10.03.2020 13:00:48] LPI-Blake.S[O]: another tag

[10.03.2020 13:01:05] Unmistakable: That other thing is a Rogue

[10.03.2020 13:01:14] Ashur: *a planetside full of minds attracted the nomad, they are so many of them, but not singing in chorus*

[10.03.2020 13:01:14] Birdie: and ?

[10.03.2020 13:01:56] Unmistakable: *He sees and feels the planet in his head*

[10.03.2020 13:02:29] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Quite the party i know how to deal with you but this blue thing can it understand me even

[10.03.2020 13:03:01] Unmistakable: *as talking to it with his mind* not quite..

[10.03.2020 13:03:18] Ashur: (~Sadness~) *The nomad feels dark emotions coming from new arrival*

[10.03.2020 13:03:19] Unmistakable: It's not much a threat, that Gunboat is

[10.03.2020 13:03:50] Birdie: i think navy must leave the system

[10.03.2020 13:04:26] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Look What ever you are leave to leave

[10.03.2020 13:04:48] Ashur: (~Curiosity~) *The nomad sends probing mind wave and asks if you are one of ours?*

[10.03.2020 13:04:52] LPI-Blake.S[O]: can this thing understand me?

[10.03.2020 13:04:52] Birdie: wow nomad first

[10.03.2020 13:05:17] Unmistakable: *he looks like he isn't one but he has connections to the Light and the elders*

[10.03.2020 13:05:40] Ashur: (~Joyness~) *The nomad is sending thelepatic wave of agreement to understand the words of metal bird*

[10.03.2020 13:05:51] Unmistakable: Blake You should go, cause if it opens fire, I am not the one to stop it *as tells him as helps him for his own good*

[10.03.2020 13:06:16] Birdie: nomad leave dudtem or die

[10.03.2020 13:06:25] Birdie: system*

[10.03.2020 13:06:56] Birdie: ok open fire

[10.03.2020 13:07:10] Ashur: (~Sadness~) *The nomad was right about the dark one

[10.03.2020 13:07:12] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Last warning creature

[10.03.2020 13:07:19] Unmistakable: *he loses contract to it* Damn it guys..

[10.03.2020 13:08:01] LPI-Blake.S[O]: O

[10.03.2020 13:08:28] Ashur: (~Sadness~) *The emotions of greed and power are sensen by nomad from the attacking metal bird*

[10.03.2020 13:08:54] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: *Sigh*

[10.03.2020 13:09:00] Ashur: (~Joyness~) *Feeling better, as the nomad is agile enough not to be caught by the dark one*

[10.03.2020 13:09:02] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Okay i warned you engaging what ever it is

[10.03.2020 13:09:39] Unmistakable: are you both sure you want to pick on it?

[10.03.2020 13:10:00] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Well if it isn't Birdie again.

[10.03.2020 13:10:19] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Watch it, alien.

[10.03.2020 13:10:31] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: I don't take kindly to your form of CDs.

[10.03.2020 13:10:41] Ashur: (~Apologetic~) *The nomad misdirected his missile, he wants to catch the dark one*

[10.03.2020 13:10:52] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Now, Birdie, shall we get this over with ?

[10.03.2020 13:11:03] Unmistakable: Blake.. I'd Keep away from it, its already pissed

[10.03.2020 13:11:03] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Oh, it's shooting the Nomad.

[10.03.2020 13:11:19] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Interesting.

[10.03.2020 13:11:37] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Right, time to get this over with, weapons are armed, we are moving in on the Rogue vessel !

[10.03.2020 13:11:51] LPI-Blake.S[O]: okay sir

[10.03.2020 13:12:09] Birdie: navy you must kill nomad

[10.03.2020 13:12:20] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: I'd hate to break it to you.

[10.03.2020 13:12:25] Birdie: or not ?

[10.03.2020 13:12:31] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: But gunboats are not exactly suited to chasing Nomads.

[10.03.2020 13:12:33] Ashur: (~Joyness~) *The nomad is happy to help stopping the source of greed and agressiveness*

[10.03.2020 13:12:46] LPI-Blake.S[O]: Engaging nomad

[10.03.2020 13:12:52] Ashur: (~Angriness~) *The glow intensifies, and energy lines shine brighter leading to sparkling outputs of the nomad warform*

[10.03.2020 13:12:54] Ashur: (~Angriness~) *The warform starts shooting bright stars to shredder lifeless metals*

[10.03.2020 13:13:02] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Right, there is the solution, Blake, approach my vessel for cover if needed.

[10.03.2020 13:14:13] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Come now, why are you going away already ?

[10.03.2020 13:15:06] Unmistakable: I got you kid *tectors him in*

[10.03.2020 13:15:20] Ashur: (~Joyness~) *The nomad is happy, the one is hurting is gone*

[10.03.2020 13:15:56] Unmistakable: *he looks upset a little* sorry this had to happen friend

[10.03.2020 13:16:09] Ashur: (~Curiosity~) *Sending thelepatic probic waves trying to find the dark one and chasing one*

[10.03.2020 13:16:29] Unmistakable: The GUnboats are long gone *as he speaks with his mind*

[10.03.2020 13:16:43] Ashur: (~Curiosity~) *Perhaps the hearing one has seen their direction in the void?*

[10.03.2020 13:18:42] Ashur: (~Thinking deeply~) *The nomad has heard the tales of elders one about the planet~

[10.03.2020 13:19:19] Ashur: (~Recognicition~) *This is the one, mentioned from the very long past*

[10.03.2020 13:19:53] Unmistakable: hey there rookie, what can I do for you?

[10.03.2020 13:20:03] Ashur: (~Concentrated~) *Million light rounds ago, there was there...*

[10.03.2020 13:20:10] Unmistakable: *Thoughts reading* she is an good planet but bad people on it

[10.03.2020 13:21:38] Ashur: (~Irritation~) *The humans has robed us on the planet*

[10.03.2020 13:22:01] Unmistakable: *opens his mind again as speaks* the humans stole it by force from you, they didnt take it

[10.03.2020 13:22:02] Ashur: (~Sadness~) *There was ours*

[10.03.2020 13:22:37] Ashur: *They stole not the planet, the humans stole what was on the planet*

[10.03.2020 13:22:41] Unmistakable: *he feels its sadness* its okay my friend, its not the end of the galaxy for our elders and our family within the light

[10.03.2020 13:23:08] Unmistakable: we will someday make them pay for they toke from us *as he fists madly*

[10.03.2020 13:23:49] Death: -|-Garcia.Ortega was put out of action by Immolate (Mine).

[10.03.2020 13:24:02] Ashur: (~Feeling brighter~) *The nomad starts raising from his sadness and becoming happier about possible outcome*

[10.03.2020 13:24:23] Unmistakable: *smiles* me and you will get what we ask for

[10.03.2020 13:24:24] Ashur: (~Hope~) *The past is not important, important is now and the future*

[10.03.2020 13:24:46] Unmistakable: You are right there *as he nods at the light within the ship core*

[10.03.2020 13:25:03] Unmistakable: You get what you want as long as I find out what I need to know

[10.03.2020 13:25:42] Unmistakable: *he rubs his neck on the strange mark* I know its hard since we are not one yet

[10.03.2020 13:26:19] Unmistakable: Want come with me to a depot in California?

[10.03.2020 13:26:30] Unmistakable: were we might be more safer?

[10.03.2020 13:26:52] Ashur: (~Sadness~) *The nomad should return to its home*

[10.03.2020 13:27:12] Ashur: (~Hope~) *Sends invitation to the Void of Creation to see again*

[10.03.2020 13:27:14] Unmistakable: I feel the best you do that, want me come with you so you get home safely to the Elders?

[10.03.2020 13:27:43] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Now, back to that damn Nomad.

[10.03.2020 13:27:47] Unmistakable: Thanks *as he takes and codes it so others dont seek the invitation*

[10.03.2020 13:28:03] Ashur: (~Refusing~) *The nomad should go alone by rifts in the void, as it is not safe for metal birds*

[10.03.2020 13:28:07] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: The hell are you doing ?

[10.03.2020 13:28:19] Unmistakable: who?

[10.03.2020 13:28:23] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Unmistakable, why is this alien still a thing ?

[10.03.2020 13:28:41] Unmistakable: It was looking for infomation for its elders, nothing so serious

[10.03.2020 13:28:46] Ashur: (~Confusion~) *The nomad watches around, and looks who is that damn Nomad*

[10.03.2020 13:29:12] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: And you that information ?

[10.03.2020 13:29:17] Ashur: (~Realization~) *Apperently the nomad is him, the thought striked him as light from the star*

[10.03.2020 13:29:40] Unmistakable: No.. I aren't its infomation

[10.03.2020 13:29:51] Unmistakable: *he mind talks* go I'll try hold the gunboat off

[10.03.2020 13:30:04] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Aha...right.

[10.03.2020 13:30:10] Ashur: (~Determination~) *The nomad should return to elders, and sends warming wave of good bye*

[10.03.2020 13:30:30] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Ok...

[10.03.2020 13:30:34] Unmistakable: It not happy about that *as checks his research records*

[10.03.2020 13:30:37] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Perhaps you 2 know each other ?

[10.03.2020 13:30:53] Unmistakable: that ship.. nah first time meeting and a word of advice..

[10.03.2020 13:31:00] Unmistakable: Be nice to it

[10.03.2020 13:31:07] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Aha, and why should I:

[10.03.2020 13:31:11] LNS-Monitor: ?*

[10.03.2020 13:31:12] Unmistakable: they only hurt if you threaten it

[10.03.2020 13:31:33] Unmistakable: come on lets go have a beer, the first bottle each is on me

[10.03.2020 13:31:34] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: That was a Nomad, a species actively trying to kill all humans basically.

[10.03.2020 13:31:45] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: And you are chatting with it like that ?

[10.03.2020 13:31:46] Unmistakable: Yes.. but thats if they threatened..

[10.03.2020 13:31:56] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Threatened ?!

[10.03.2020 13:32:03] Unmistakable: Its long story..

[10.03.2020 13:32:05] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: It was next to New York you bloody idiot !

[10.03.2020 13:32:24] Unmistakable: I wasn't the one who called it, they call themselves

[10.03.2020 13:32:40] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: Do you have any idea what happened the last time Nomads showed up en-masse in New York ?

[10.03.2020 13:32:45] Unmistakable: also i need to rest my head, it reading my mind is draining my enegy

[10.03.2020 13:32:53] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: They wanted to bombard Manhattan.

[10.03.2020 13:32:57] Unmistakable: I has no idea i wasn't there at the time

[10.03.2020 13:33:05] Unmistakable: I see

[10.03.2020 13:33:08] Unmistakable: well.. sees

[10.03.2020 13:33:09] LNS-Monitor: Sawyer: And you are just casually "chatting" with one like that, right.

-To go back-