Thomas Turner

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Thomas Turner aka Lich
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Affiliation unknown
Born 788 A.S. Luxury Liner Shetland
Died Unknown

Thomas Edward John Turner(born 788 A.S) better known by his alias Lich was a convicted drug dealer from Liberty who went missing in 811 A.S. He was well known for his love of wines and the contraband substance cardamine. It is unknown whether he is still alive or dead after he and serveral other prisoners went missing when a prisoner transfer ship was reported missing in late 811 A.S. possibly due to a pirate attack.

Early Life

The second child of Peter and Moira Turner. Thomas was born four weeks premature in the Britonian system of Edinburgh aboard the Luxury Liner Shetland. Shortly after his birth his parents returned to their homesystem of New York. At the age of 13 Turner was brutally attacked and witnessed the killings of both his parents aswell as his older sister, his attackers were never brought to justice. After the deaths of his family Turner was adopted by a Liberty freelancer who had been along time friend of the family.


It was around this time that Turner first began using Cardamine. During an interview for a local magazine about the LPI and LSF in 808 A.S Turner was asked how he had felt that his family's murderers had never been brought to justice he was quoted as saying "As the people lay waste before you and after all the turmoil you have seen, never forget who you were but more importantly never forget who you are going to be." By 809 A.S Turner had heavy ties with the Outcasts and had begun smuggling and dealing cardamine on a vast scale under the alias Lich. At the height of his career it was suspected that he was earning in the region of 200million credits per week. In 811 A.S Turner was arrested for possession of cardamine.

Trial and conviction

Turner's trial lasted 6 months during which files were forwarded to the court to show that Turner had been brutally assaulted to try and force a confession out of him aswell as give the names and locations of his accomplices. These claims were dismissed by the court after evidence had shown that Turner had assaulted the officers responible for his arrest on several occasions during his incarceration. In late 811 A.S the jury drew a unanimous verdict and Turner was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for drugs trafficking and serveral charges of assault against an officer(A charge that Turner denied up until his disappearance)


After his trial Turner was to be transferred to the prison ship LPI Huntsville to serve out his sentence however the ship that was transferring him aswell as several other convicts lost communications shortly after it entered the Texas system and never arrived at its destination.