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Aksel Goldstein

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Aksel Goldstein
Aksel Goldstein, Freeport 10 bar 818 A.S.
Origin Flag-rheinland.png Rheinland
Occupation Citizen of Freeport 10, Station Security
Gender Male
Affiliation Zoners
Rheinland Military (Exiled) 815 A.S - 817 A.S
Status Alive (818 A.S.)
Born October 20, 795 A.S., Planet New Berlin
I still feel the need to rush into battle, to hold my Bergelmir's command stick in my hands, to show my enemies my might. But those feelings grow weaker every day, here, among the Zoners, I found my peace and am devoting myself to it. - Aksel, to his old Legion friend he managed to find


Born on Planet New Berlin in an old and rich Rheinland family. Since his early years he had been training to enlist into the Rheinland Military, as it was the family tradition. When he finally came to age, he enlisted into an independent branch of the Military named “The Dark Legion”, seeking a different fate than those family soldiers before him. The Legion had a lot of controversy and rumors following it, from being a well organized crime syndicate in disguise to being nomad-infested. These things did not hold Aksel back and he arose to the third in command position. For some years after Aksel joined, the Legion collected quite a few enemies among the Rheinland government and unlafulls. One night while Aksel was resting in a bar onboard battleship Wesphalia, he saw two Military agents approaching him. When they were so close that he could feel their breath, one of them said “Her Goldstein, you are under arrest…please proceed peacefully and you will not be harmed”.

A second after that he heard his best friends and his leaders voice on a communicator in his ear saying “Do not surrender, flee…we will think about our next move later." One of the agents placed his hand over his shoulder, an action to which Aksel responded with breaking his arm and knocking the other agent unconscious with a bottle to head. He quickly boarded his bomber he called the “White Widow”, only to find the battleship that was his home to only 2 minutes ago firing at him. He escaped greatly crippled and tired to Kreuzberg Depot in New Berlin where he met his leader. There they decided to rally the rest of the Legion and flee to the Omega systems. They were traveling through Stuttgart when they were intercepted by a Military patrol. They fought and got badly crippled, it was a fight they could never win. His leader told him to run, and that he will cover him. He was reluctant to leave him, but in the end he agreed. He fled to the Omega systems where he was traveling around, doing scrap work to sustain himself. All until he joined the Zoners in Omega-3. He found the life in the Omega systems dull and too close to his former homeland. Hearing nothing from the rest of the legion, he decided to go far, very far away. That is how he got to Freeport 10, where he lives now. He flies a Falcon he purchased when the “White Widow” became, too attention drawing to keep.