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Kusari "Satsuma" Imperial Yacht

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Kusari "Satsuma" Imperial Yacht
Ship Class Battleship
Built by Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Tech Column Kusari Naval Ships
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 16
Opt. weapon class 9
Max. weapon class 10
Other equipment
Hull strength 600,000
Max. shield class 10
Cargo space 1,500 units
Nanobots/Batteries 2000/2000
Max. impulse speed 90 m/s
Max. turn speed 11.46 deg/s
Max. thrust speed Thruster not available
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 8,000,000 u
Power recharge 260,000 u/s
Hyperspatial Modules 3 Hyperspatial Modules
Docking Bays 4 Docking Bays
Additional information
Ship price $545,000,000
Package price $810,000,000

In the first centuries of Kusari expansion the Emperor and his Shogun would traverse the glowing skies of the state in a flotilla of vessels, each in turn housing the guardsmen and secretaries of state needed to enable the will of the Emperor. When came the day that the royal house would travel to Liberty in order to effect trade negotiations it was decided that a vessel as secure as it was awe inspiring more suitable vessel was needed.

Built to dwarf the fleets of nations, the Satsuma was commissioned as a artisan craft, as ornate as it was deadly, as awe inspiring as it was indestructible. It was the crowning vessel of its age, the flag vessel of the Liberty Navy would have been blackened in her shadow if it were not illuminated by her light. Now centuries old these vessels, one still for the Emperor and his Shogun, maintain the same dominance of grace and beauty with the deadly ferocity to ensure the safe passage of her precious cargo.


  • This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.


Purchase Includes


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