Aperçu-- Overview IFF: Gallic National Intelligence ID: GSB]- Gallic Security Bureau Tag: GSB]-
Connaissance du public-- Public Knowledge
The Gallic Security Bureau, commonly known under the abbreviation of the GSB, is a specialized government agency created to resist the malicious influences from within and outside Gallia, entrusted with collecting information from within and outside the House to prevent harm and to further Gallic interests, sometimes by any means possible. These methods include infiltration, espionage, the collection, monitoring and analysis of data, and rarely -- blackmailing, bribery, kidnapping and assassination. For Gauls, who have recently survived a devastating civil war and an invasion on their own homeland, the end justifies the means, and stability is valued above all else.
GSB partially replaced police function within Gallic territories, leaving the rest to the Marine Nationale.
The foundation of the GSB lies in following the brutal nature of last wars and lack of reparations paid by Gallia, the other Houses view the former with suspicion, contempt, or even animosity. Such perception was enhanced by the invasion of Kusari. Thus, the Bureau was established to prevent any aggressive moves by various powers, as well as maintaining the stability within the House. The new agency was granted vast powers to eliminate "foreign" threats, including the right to monitor the private correspondence of any citizens deemed suspicious or a possible threat. Such powers were of no surprise to the population who had spent most of its life under the monarchy, but nonetheless concerns were raised among several republicans. However, no one is sure of the fate of these dissidents. The state propaganda promoted GSB as knights of cloak and dagger, always vigilant to prevent any disaster before the populace could even hear about it, though the masses rightly believed this to be a counter to the Bureau's growing vicious reputation, after many cases of brutal dissident repressions.
Informations classées-- Classified Information
What is not known, or officially proven to the public are the methods employed by the GSB in their work: assassination of inconvenient targets instead of detention, intimidation or even torture of relatives of the targets, staging “accidents” and other clandestine operational procedures are beyond the scope of methodology presented in public information sources. The lack of any transparency in the GSB’s work keep to keep this a secret and prevent an outroar among the public. If the stakes are high, any means are justified for the Bureau to keep Gallia safe.
Another part of the GSB’s work that the public remains ignorant about is the support of the current regime. The instability of the recent years in Gallia is a great lesson that internal strife causes Gallia to become vulnerable to external threats which, given the not-so-perfect reputation among the other Houses, is always looming on the horizon. To that end, the GSB can subvert freedom of speech by preventing public gatherings, interfering with the media, and even rigging elections if there is a need.
A Bureau operative during a scouting mission in the system of Tau-37, beyond the boundary of Gallic space.
The GSB’s foreign operations are highly classified and require high access clearance even from the members of Naval command. The Gallic population is oblivious to what its intelligence service is doing abroad. The GSB follows the covert position of the Gallic leadership, namely to preserve Gallic superiority in technological, military, and economic fields and is willing to overstep diplomatic and legal limitations to do so, such as steal commercial secrets from foreign corporations or stage “unfortunate accidents” to any guests who are unwelcome in Gallia.
Rumeurs-- Rumors
There are many rumours about Security Bureau's work in restricted zones and about classified stations in nebulae or asteroid fields across all the Gallia. Some of them are actually supported by the Bureau, yet others are just speculations from foil-capped people.
GSB Research Division has the crème de la crème of Gallic research society in their disposal.
Mind-controlling devices-- The Gallic Security Bureau is rumoured to use all possible ways to control the Gallic citizens. As such, myths about devices that manipulate the minds of Gallic people have started to appear ever since the Enclave has re-joined the Union. It is said that the Bureau uses such devices only on important people, in order to gain support and make sure that Gallia remains under their control. They have not been mentioned anywhere by Gallic officials, and the Bureau seeks to keep such information confidential.
Alien Experiments-- Rumours about a secret division of the Intelligence agencies of Gallia that specializes in alien research have appeared since Kingdom times. They continue to exist, as even now the Security Bureau is rumoured to have a secret division that uses agents to capture law-offenders and ordinary people alike in order to force them to undergo special experiments, which range from Nomad infestation to genetically modified soldiers, in an attempt to become again the dominant power it once was. The rumours were never confirmed by the Security Bureau, and the existence of such a division is questionable at best.
Control of Gallia-- Very often, it is rumoured that the Security Bureau is in control of the Gallic Union itself. The rumours say that the Security Bureau has agents in every corner of Gallia and often blackmails and tortures those who oppose the current regime. Whatever true or not, the mysterious disappearance of people has made those stories more and more believable - however, none dares to question the authority of the Security Bureau.
Mode opératoire-- Methods of operations
GSB has access to cutting edge technologies, required for their operations to succeed.
The Bureau invests and operates heavily in covert and often downright sinister operations to maintain intelligence supremacy and a tight stranglehold on the overall security of the Gallic Sector. Massive resources are put towards maintaining their operatives' elaborate false identities and diversionary information to allow them to delve ever deeper down investigative routes. These tactics allow the Security Bureau to stay two steps ahead of any threat, domestic or foreign.
The Security Bureau specializes in surgical strikes and carefully planned operations against unwanted entities. They use well-coordinated strike groups to achieve their objectives. In the commonly-encountered configuration, a Perilous accompanied by several small craft converge on the targets' position, swiftly disabling or destroying them.
During counter-intelligence operations, the Bureau uses covert ships to gather information and have managed to set up a complex network of agents throughout the Union and beyond. Through these tactics, the Outcasts and Maquis have lost countless ships and pilots while the Security Bureau have suffered few casualties.
Hiérarchie-- Hierarchy
⠀⠀⠀┌── Ministère des Armées
⠀⠀⠀├── GSB Command
⠀⠀⠀│ ├── Director
⠀⠀⠀│ │⠀⠀└── Can operate GNFS Renaissance.
⠀⠀⠀│ └── Coordinator (Colonel)
⠀⠀⠀│⠀⠀⠀⠀└── Can utilise 'exotic' hardware.
⠀⠀⠀└── GSB Regular
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ├── Operative (Commandant)
⠀⠀⠀⠀ │⠀⠀⠀└── Can operate Gallic battlecruisers, recon-specialized liners.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ├── Agent (Capitaine)
⠀⠀⠀⠀ │⠀⠀⠀└── Can operate Gallic destroyers, other logistics vessels.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ └── Agent-in-Training (Lieutenant)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀└── Can operate Gallic small craft and freighters.
Technologies utilisées-- Technologies in use
GSB EW-specialized Triumph-class Destroyer "Kléber" near Macon Base, Burgundy.
The Security Bureau has at its disposal well-equipped ships for their duties. These are typically heavily modified, sometimes experimental craft based on common Gallic Naval ship types, such as Servals, Lynxes and Cougars. When the need arises for a more forceful approach, utilization of Perilous-class Gunboats, Triumph or Gallant-class Destroyers or even Obstinate-class Battlecruisers is not uncommon within the borders of Gallia. While the Triumph remains a brutal answer to hostiles, the Gallant can cause a lot of damage without even entering a fight, just by using its advanced cyber-warfare technologies to disrupt hostile targeting or to jam enemy fleet coordination. If this firepower is not enough, the Renaissance -- the Charlemagne-class Battleship and a flagship of the Bureau is deployed as a heavy asset to tip the scales in the GSB's favour. Some agents prefer to utilize civilian craft for their operations, either due to their specific capabilities or mission profile. However, very few utilize the limited long-range small craft used mostly by the Gallic Metal Service for their operations across Gallia.
Diplomatie-- Diplomacy
⠀⠀⠀┌── Allied [■■■■■■■■■■]
⠀⠀⠀│ ⠀⠀⠀└── Gallic National Intelligence; Gallic Navy
⠀⠀⠀├── Friendly [■■■■■■■■■■]
⠀⠀⠀│ ⠀⠀⠀└── Gallic Metal Service; EFL Oil & Machinery; IDF Shipping
⠀⠀⠀├── Neutral [■■■■■■■■■■]
⠀⠀⠀│ ⠀⠀⠀└── Everyone not listed.
⠀⠀⠀├── Suspicious [■■■■■■■■■■]
⠀⠀⠀│ ⠀⠀⠀└── All listed under Article 6.2 of the Gallic Laws.
⠀⠀⠀└── Hostile [■■■■■■■■■■]
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀└── All listed under Article 6.1 of the Gallic Laws.
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