Omicron Lost

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Omicron Lost
Omicron Lost.jpg
Governing House Independent
Region Nomad Worlds
Omicron Delta
Omicron Major

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects

White Dwarf

  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 1.50 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.95 x 10e7 km
Planet Moros.jpg
Planet Moros
Inhabited -- Nomads

  • None
  • Atropos Field
  • Clotho Field
  • Lachesis Field
  • Moros Asteroid Belt
Industrial Development
Faction Presence
Lawful Factions
Corporations & Guilds
Unlawful Factions

System Map

Areas of Interest


Asteroid Fields

Atropos Field

One of three dense asteroid field formed by the remains of a planetary collision that occurred early in the system’s development.

Clotho Field

One of three dense asteroid field formed by the remains of a planetary collision that occurred early in the system’s development.

Lachesis Field

One of three dense asteroid field formed by the remains of a planetary collision that occurred early in the system’s development. Scanners detect high levels of iridium somewhere within the field’s expanse.

Moros Asteroid Belt

The debris from a planetary collision that has been pulled into orbit by Moros’ gravity, encompassing the entire planet.

Jump Gates/Holes

See Also