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XDS-2 "Voyager" Deep Space Freighter
Ship Class
Built by
Technical information
5 / 5
Opt. weapon class
Max. weapon class
Other equipment
Hull strength
Max. shield class
Cargo space
505 units
Max. impulse speed
80 m/s
Max. thrust speed
199 m/s
Max. cruise speed
400 m/s
Power output
34,000 u
Power recharge
1,400 u/s
Additional information
Ship price
Package price
DSCore: Voyager
The Voyager Freighter is the latest ship in a long generation of small craft designed by an independent Bretonian workshop. In the face of corporate manufacturing giants, the designers found success in offering a flexible, affordable ship with capacity for various auxiliary systems. It is now being produced in multiple factories across Sirius, making it accessible to most customers, though its utilitarian nature can keep away pilots looking for a little more luxury. Regardless, with a bit of ingenuity and effort, the Voyager can be adapted to suit the pilot's specifications, and the cargo space can be used to house living quarters for a small family or science team. The ship can often be found performing planetary surveys, stellar exploration, and assisting in mining operations.
[show]Outdated Review (4.86)
Review (4.86)
I think the Creators of the X-Shuttle were very wrong when they named it a 'Freighter'. They should have named it the smuggler's best friend, for this is the best craft out there for smuggling in moderate size. The X-shuttle handles like a light fighter, often out-turning Hostile with ease. It's 6 foward firing class 8 mounts, mean that if you put the right guns in (E.G vengence MK.IVs) you will out-gun neigh-on everything the same size or smaller than you and what you can't out-gun, you can sure-as-hell out-run. with the ship making 200m/s on thrusters alone. and 400m/s on cruise. and if the guy chasing you puts a CD up your engine, you can keep flying straight and gun 'em down with the three rear mounted turrets.
Hell, I remember when I was caught smuggling Cardamine to Manhatten (not very smart, I know but it feches good profits) the Police patrol take me on, and after about 60 seconds are calling for help with 3 out of 5 down. I hear the backup coming and because i'm a smart smuggler, I have a battleship grade radar installed (how IDK.)but still, I see 2 more heavy fighters and a gunboat coming. as I'm not likly to escape, I deal with the wingmen then charge in at the gunboat, swurving this way and that to not get killed, firing all guns at the brutish thing. After about 5 minutes, the gunboat is blowing up very nicely (good fire-works!) and I'm sat, still with my first round of sheilds.
Smugglers, if you want a good toy, buy an X-Shuttle. Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Review by Daking457
Purchase Includes
[show]Spoiler: Buying Locations