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| origin = {{House Link | Kusari}}
| origin = {{House Link | Kusari}}
| alignment = Unlawful
| alignment = Unlawful
| affiliation = [[Kamida Assembly]]
| affiliation = [[Tokui Komainu]]
| Clan Founder = Natsuo
| members =
| members =
* Kaito Kamida
* Hibiki Kamida
* Natsuo Kamida
* Yukio Kamida
* Yukio Kamida
The Kamida family is a family of some small noble birth. Put in power by the Emperor in the early years of the [[Kusari]] Empire to watch over [[Planet Kyushu]] and guard its rice offering qualities. Now however they have broken free from their chains of the current leadership of [[Kusari]] and strive towards their own goals. Although there have been some exceptions the Kamida all follow the pure blood line, and are always rules by the eldest descendant of the current lord.
The Kamida family is a family of some small noble prominence. Put in power by the Emperor in the early years of the [[Kusari]] Empire to watch over [[Planet Kyushu]] and guard its rice offering qualities. Following the rise of democracy within [[Kusari]] however they have broken free from their chains of the current ruling democrats of [[Kusari]] and strive towards their own goals, acting under the [[Tokui Komainu]] banner. Although there have been some exceptions the Kamida all follow the pure blood line, and are always rules by the eldest descendant of the current lord.
The Kamida Clans earliest archived history denotes their family as possessing some ties to the previous Imperial line following the hectic departure to present day [[New Tokyo]]. Work as court advisers and attendants granted the Kamida Clan prominence in the eyes of the Imperial line. Viewed as a reliable candidate, following the successful repression of several riots sourcing from southern provinces of [[New Tokyo]], Tetsu Kamida was soon short lined for the populations of recently discovered inhabitable planets. Following his sudden death on the 62 A.S. his son Shouta Kamida inherited this considerations.
= History of the Kamida =
On 75 [[A.S.]] the Kamida Clan, under Shouta Kamida, were granted their land holdings on the [[Planet Kyushu]]; during the Hideyoshi Imperial rule. Their orders, to utilize the large quantities of open plains discovered on [[Planet Kyushu| Kyushu’s]] surface and, on most of the clan’s cases, monitor the construction and maintenance of rice plantations across the planet’s surface.
The area of land granted to the Kamida was border to the north by the Fushi Clan, across the Eastern Sayamato River the Ókura clan, to the South the Maki Clan and to the West the Sato Clan.
===''Early Years'' (100 A.S. - 200 A.S.)===
= History of the Kamida =
[[image:Planet Kyushu2 - Smaller Image.jpg|frame|257px|‎Planet Kyushu, Kyushu]]
When the [[Kusari]] people first stepped out from the [[Planet New Tokyo]] many planets were colonised, and individual leaders put into position for each. Yet one man cannot control an entire planet and so to combat this, these men shared their power among lesser noble families, one of these noble families were the Kamida. During the year 108 A.S. on the Planet [[Kyushu]], in the [[Kyushu|Kyushu system]] this noble house, along with a few others, were based to watch over and guard the farmers of [[Kyushu]] - being one of the major areas for the production of rice at that time this job did hold some degree of pride.
As well as providing protection for the rice exports of [[Kyushu]], those of the Kamida blood line were often sent to join the [[Kusari Naval Forces|Naval forces]] early on in their life, often at the ages of Eighteen or Nineteen. Any that showed promise in the art of diplomacy or management however would in some cases be kept back to help govern their lands on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]]. This 'gift' towards the [[Kusari Naval Forces|Naval Forces]] was intended too show their continued support of the Emperor and his intended conquests. It was often the case that heirs, the oldest direct descendants of the current Kamida leader, would be found within the ranks of sons who were originally sent off to join the [[Kusari Naval Forces|Naval forces]], in which case they would, in most cases, be called back in order to take control of the lands on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]].
===''Early Years'' (200 A.S. - 300 A.S.)===
Through marriages and alliances the Kamida managed to become a much more note able family on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]], although still of a fairly small stature when compared too many of their rivals of that time. Through the many years that the Kusari continued to strengthen and expand little changed in this gap of power. With little other options they continued to follow the emperor and did their best to appear 'loyal' servants. While all the time watching their neighbours and seeing where and when they could expand. Using a mix of deception and espionage the Kamida's managed to remain aware and involved throughout Kusari. By 348 A.S. the Kamida were over 1/5th of the overall land mass of [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]]. Throughout this time they had grown a good connection with the rice farmers across the planet and were settled in their well of standard living of respect and luxury.
===1st Century===
===''Middle Years'' (300 A.S. - 400 A.S.)===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''41'' || Tetsu’s heir, Shouta Kamida, is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''62'' || Tetsu Kamida dies, Shouta Kamida assumes the position as head of Kamida clan.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''75'' || First colony is established on [[Planet Kyushu]], Kamida clan granted title of Daimyo and land holdings on [[Planet Kyushu| Kyushu]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''76'' || Shouta Kamida arrives on [[Planet Kyushu]], construction of rice plantations is begun.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''80'' || Construction and population of rice plantations are completed on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu's]] surface.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''98'' || Shouta’s heir, Masato Kamida, is born.
===2nd Century===
Most of these expansions were down to Kazuki Kamida, at the age of Twenty Eight and his 'forcible' power take over throughout many of the nearby lands. This was during the year of 334 A.S. when Kazuki came up with the idea to arm his farmers and, by paying them abnormal sums, to use them to forcibly remove other owners of the nearby lands. Although this was successful there was a large portion of lost life - most of which were the farmers used as 'wane-be' warriors. To Kazuki's misfortune officials heard of this attempted 'movement' and considered it reckless and demanded his quick dismissal from the planet. With this threat baring the family quickly reacted by singling out the twenty eight year old. Claiming that he was acting alone, the family managed to avoid a harsh punishment against them, this survival however cost the life of Kazuki - as many of the officials who had condemned him demanded that he show at least some honour in his action and on 339 A.S. Kazuki Kamida committed sepukku.
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''126'' || Shouta Kamida dies, Masato Kamida assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''132'' || Tensions mount between the Kamida Clan and the Ókura Clan.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''146'' || Masato’s heir, Hideki Kamida, is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''181'' || Masato Kamida dies, Hideki Kamida assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
===3rd Century===
Often feeling unappreciated the Kamida began to lose their respect for their current rulers. Yet unable to do anything in their current state they were forced to bite their tongue and bow to the will of the Shogun.
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''208'' || Ókura Clan build secure and arm borders to Kamida holdings, in response Kamida open diplomatic negotiations with neighbouring Fushi Clan .
| style="text-align: center;" | ''216'' || Marriage arrangements are arranged between Hideki Kamida and Chiyo Fushi are planned.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''221'' || Hideki Kamida is married to Chiyo Fushi, strengthened alliance deters Ókura activity near borders.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''228'' || Hideki’s heir, Katsu Kamida is born; Kamida-Fushi relations are solidified.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''248'' || Hideki dies, Katsu Kamida assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''257'' ||Katsu’s heir, Minoru, is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''274'' || Katsu dies, Minoru assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
===4th Century===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''306'' || Council held on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]] to discuss mounting tensions between land owners.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''306'' || Minoru’s heir, Kazuki Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''317'' || Minoru is murdered, by suspected Ókura insurgents; Kamida council assumes control of Kamida affairs until Kazuki is of age.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''318'' || Kamida borders to Ókura are reinforced following Minoru's death.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''323'' || [[Blood Dragons|Imperial Hideyoshi Clan]] are removed from power by [[Samura]], leading to a number of Kamida members leaving to join the [[Blood Dragon|Hideyoshi’s]] side.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''323'' || Kamida council of nobles gather to discuss offensive military movements against Ókura during the confusion of the Hideyoshi coup.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''331'' || Kazuki Kamida assumes position as Daimyo of Kamida Clan.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''332'' || Kazuki’s heir, Ayumu Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''334'' || Kazuki launches a surface war across [[Planet Kyushu| Kyushu]] between Kamida Clan and Ókura Clan, Farmers from Kamida land holdings are armed.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''335'' || Decisive victory in the battle of Sayamato river, Kamida territory expands to encompass one fifth of [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu's]] surface.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''337'' || First formal warning from [[Kusari|Kusari government]] regarding hostilities on [[Planet Kyushu| Kyushu]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''338'' ||Southern provinces of Sayamato river lost to Ókato advance, Kamida counter attack from Northern provinces prove successful.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''339'' || [[Kusari|Kusari Government]] intervene and hostilities are ceased on [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]], Kazuki Kamida commits seppuku.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''339'' || Kamida forces withdraw from contested territory commences.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''340'' || Kamida forces withdraw from contested territory completed, Kamida clan gather to discuss Ayumu's ability to lead, council of Elder assembled to deal with Kamida affairs until Ayumu is of age to lead.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''350'' ||Ayumu reaches the age of eighteen and assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''359'' ||A series of harsh tax laws are put in place in order to aid in the recuperation from the previous war.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''359'' ||Due to the harsh conditions and high taxes the main body of farmers under the Kamida's influence become discontent.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''390'' ||Ayumu’s heir, Shou Kamida is born.
===''Middle Years'' (400 A.S. - 500 A.S.)===
===5th Century===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''405'' || Ayumu dies, Shou assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''452'' || Shou’s heir, Itsuki Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''452'' || Shou’s second son, Daiki Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''479'' || Shou Kamida dies, Itsuki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''489'' || 'Itsuki's Truce' is implemented, heavy reductions on the taxes on farmers and in turn increases on nobility taxes, raises the opinion of farmers while sowing contempt into those within the Kamida nobility.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''496'' || Itsuki is murdered within the palace grounds; his brother Daiki being blamed for the incidence, Daiki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''498'' || Daiki begins to dismiss many of the laws previously evoked by Itsuki.
Throughout the next two hundred years little happened. The Kamida sat in their position on [[Planet Kyushu]] happily watching over the farmers and consolidating their wealth. This year of prosperity was governed by Itsuki Kamida, often considered this 'wisest' of all within his family. Born in the year 452 A.S, Itsuki was blessed on the [[Planet Kyushu]], with but one purpose - to redeem the name Kamida since its loss with Kazuki. Through words alone he watched and guided his people with an amazing grace. He was appointed ruler of the Kamida on 479 A.S. - at the age of twenty seven. Itsuki preached a message of unity within the Kamida lands, he hoped to create a connection between the working man and his master. Throughout his time he managed to, using his message of non-militancy within his own land, quell a total of twelve possible uprisings by the people of their lands. His most note able actions within the lands that the Kamida governed was the 'Itsuki truce' as he called it. A supposed 'well meaning' gift against the high rice taxations which the farmers often had to pay to the noble clan each harvest. Although gaining much loyalty from those who served him he failed to watch those within his court, many of whom were disgraced by his message of equality. In the year 496 A.S. Itsuki Kamida was found dead in the palace grounds. There is a number of rumours as to his death, some say that it was his own family and their fear of retribution for Itsuki's beliefs, while others say that it was his younger brother tired of waiting for the throne.
===6th Century===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''508'' || Daiki’s heir, Riku Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''517'' || A collection of Kamida nobles and farmers mount a civil war against Daiki which breaks out across the Kamida provinces.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''517'' || The Kamida rebels gain a decisive victory during the engagement against the Kamida garrison at the Riniou settlement.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''518'' || Rebel forces succeed in forcing back the remaining reserves and surround the Kamida palace, Daiki commits seppuku.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''519'' || Kamida nobility dictate the affairs of the Kamida until Riku is of age.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''526'' || Riku comes of age and assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''538'' || Riku’s heir, Taro Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''576'' || Riku dies, Taro assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''583'' || Taro’s heir, Yori Kamida is born.
While his body may have died the message he bore lived on. Out in the open fields of Kyushu, under the tree of which he was named, lies a shrine built by the farmers to honour him. With one of Itsuki's famous quotes inscribed on the lower half of the stone shrine "Sow, reap, prosper".
===7th Century===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''604'' || Yori’s heir, Gorou Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''622'' || Taro dies, Yori assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''653'' || Gorou’s heir, Haruki Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''674'' || [[Samura]] begins attempts to occupy [[Planet Kyushu]], dialogue between the Kamida Clan and [[Samura]] begins.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''676'' || [[Samura]] displace several clans from [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]] including the neighbouring Maki Clan.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''677'' || Yori dies, Gorou assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''679'' || Kamida Clan remain stagnant to their claim to the land and refuse to be bought over.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''686'' || Gorou dies, Haruki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''690'' || [[Liberty|Libertionian]] invention of [[Synth Foods]] become prominent with [[Kusari]], value of rice farming dramatically drops.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''693'' || Haruki’s heir, Kenta Kamida is born.
===8th Century===
===''Late Years'' (500 A.S. - 600 A.S.)===
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''738'' || Haruki dies, Kenta assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''738'' ||Kenta’s heir, Saburo Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''761'' ||Saburo’s heir, Hibiki Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''775'' || Farmers begin an open revolt against foreign companies, farmer population under Kamida control reduces.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''776'' || Saburo’s second son, Jirou Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''778'' || Shortage of farmers results in a lack of income, Kamida are forced to sell southern provinces of Ritsu and Erii to [[Samura]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''781'' ||Kenta dies, Saburo assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''793'' || Hibiki’s heir, Tarou Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''793'' || Hibiki’s second son, Hiroto Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''793'' || Hibiki’s third son, Natsuo Kamida is born.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''793'' ||Jirou is enlisted onto the [[Heaven%27s_Gate|Heaven’s Gate]] defense force, operating from the Battleship Musashi.
===9th Century===
The year following Itsuki's equality campaign throughout his land held much anticipation for rice farmers all across [[Planet Kyushu|Kyushu]]. With the unfortunate demise of Itsuki his brother Daiki quickly took his place, in his first few years he did his best to disassemble many of the laws and changes enacted by his older brother. This was met by fierce opposition, not only with the rumour of his own involvement in his brother's death; this was considered to be by many of his family dishonourable to the memory of his brother. With this in mind Daiki found it difficult to manoeuvre in any fashion. All this time there had been a growing resentment for their current leader throughout his family and on 517 A.S. civil war broke out between Daiki and his angered family. Following their announcement Daiki locked himself, and what few loyal subject he had, within their palace down on [[Planet Kyushu]]. While this happened the rebels formed a small army of farmers in the outlying fields. When they numbered nearly a few hundred they marched back, with the intention of taking back their lands. However as they approached the palace grounds they found Daiki’s men outside its gates, bowing in respect. It quickly became apparent that he had no stomach to fight, as he was found out in the palace grounds, near the spot of his own brother's death, his body lying face down, after committing sepukku - or this is at least the story told by his men.
{| width="100%"
! style="width:8%" | Year (A.S.) || Event
| style="text-align: center;" | ''800'' || Jirou is killed during the [[Blood Dragon]] assault on [[Heaven%27s_Gate|Heaven’s Gate]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''801'' || Saburo dies, Hibiki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''816'' || Tarou is killed during an offensive operation in [[Bretonia]], Hiroto assume the position as Hibiki’s heir.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''818'' || [[Kusari Exiles|Kusari forces loyal to the Emperor]] are exiled to [[Bretonia]], leaving Hiroto, and several other members of the Kamida blood stranded, out in [[Bretonia]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''819'' || Emergency council is arranged on [[Planet Kyushu]] to discuss the dilemma; Hiroto is assumed dead and Natsuo assumes the position as Hibiki’s heir.
| style="text-align: center;" | ''819'' || [[Kusari| Kusari Republic]] is established, fearful of reprisals the Kamida nobility unite with other noble clans to form the [[Tokui Komainu]].
| style="text-align: center;" | ''819''|| Fleeing nobles gain shelter with the [[Blood Dragons]].
===''Late Years'' (600 A.S. - 700 A.S.)===
[[image:Kyushu_Rice_Field.JPG|frame|237px|Rice Fields on Kyushu‎]]
Within the year of 674 A.S. [[Samura]] took on the role, on the [[Planet Kyushu]], to organise the farmers there into a much more proficient force, over time this began to sap away the once high position of the Kamida was being undermined by the focused movement of [[Samura|Samura Industries]]. This was considered an irritant, as they had have a relatively free reign while watching over the farmers throughout the planet and this new [[Samura]] expansion was limiting their control over the planet and its farmers, however with little chance at striking against such a large organisation with ease the did their best to ignore their subtle expansion. This attempted ignorance to Samura's expansions became increasing difficult as [[Samura]] attempted to gain the rights of the lands owned by the Kamida Clan, often through bribery or in subtle threats.
= Loyalties =
== Summary ==
By about 690 A.S. 'rice farming' had almost been completed replaced by the much more popular [[Synth Paste|Synth Paste]]. With this transition meant the loss of many farmers, and the sudden reduction in the value of the Planet Kyushu. This resulted in the demoralisation of many members of the Kamida family. Since with this change meant the loss of their once prestiges position. Even with the small portion of farmers who still remained on the planet there were two few to attempt to contain any degree of pride.
Although not directly the Kamida silently supported the [[Farmers Alliance]], feeling almost cheated by this new invention, [[Synth Paste|Synth Paste]], which had robbed their family of their much favoured and regarded position. This carried forth a subtle resentment of [[Liberty]] who has in many ways introduced it, and continued to export it, to the [[Kusari|Kusari systems]].
===''Late Years'' (700 A.S. - 800 A.S.)===
As the years went on the Kamidas became more and more determined to rid the [[Liberty|Libertonian]] influences in [[Kusari]]. This determination quickly turned to caution however as war began to ravage the whole of Sirus. Rumours of the order and alien influences spread throughout [[Kusari]]. With this news the Kamidas became ever vigilant of the threat which exterior influences could offer to [[Kusari]]. Although this did tie in with similar claims preached by the [[Farmers Alliance|Farmer's Alliance]] the Kamida were hesitant to involve themselves with any movement of theirs, since reports had indicated that the 'movement' had quickly turned to a group of vigilantes under the service of [[Samura]]. With this in mind they continued to watch those ships importing and exporting good to, and from, [[Kusari]] - watching, and waiting.
===''Current Years'' (800 A.S. - 819 A.S.)===
'''The Emperors Disappearance'''
When the Emperor disappeared from [[Kusari]], cut off in Bretonia, the Kamida realised it was there time to rise, combining with a few smaller noble families throughout Kusari and began to consider how best to utilise this opportunity.
Many of the sons sent to join the [[Kusari Naval Forces|Naval Forces]] have been trapped with the Emperor in [[Bretonia]], presenting a dilemma of succession. Since the current eldest cannot be found and brought back encase of the death of their current leader, Hibiki desided that the only son who was still unattached from the [[Kusari Naval Forces|Kusari Naval forces]], Kaito Kamida, should remain within [[Kusari]] and act as the personal aid for his father and act as his next heir encase of his death. Only aged sixteen there have been concerns regarding the boy’s ability for the position however nothing has been expressed openly against Hibiki's wishes. In order to aid and protect the heir while in the service of his father, Hibiki gave one of his nephews, Yukio Kamida - aged twenty four, the duty of protecting and guiding the decisions of his son.
[[image:‎KusariBS-Bret-small.JPG‎|frame|237px|Kusari Battleship trapped in Bretonia]]
There is only one other member who was not caught out in Bretonia and of an older age than Kaito. The member in question was however banished from Kusari, by his father Hibiki, after a lengthy row about his 'true love' that he considered a [[Liberty|libertonian]] girl to be. After escaping to [[Liberty]], to follow his love, his father’s opinion of him has not improved. On pain of death of returning, to Kusari, it would be unlikely that he could fulfil the role.
'''Current Day'''
Following their announcement against the current regime the Kamida family, and their followers, continued their quick escape from [[Planet Kyushu| Kyushu]] taking reserves of rice and water in order to survive the trip. With their numbers so few the Kamida sent out a call too people throughout [[Kusari]] who shared their belief - in the hope of increasing the bulk of their force, this new force going under the banner of the 'Kamida Assembly'. For the first month or so the group moved around attempting mild strikes against the trade lanes and using the many nebulas and debris fields throughout [[Kusari]] to provide cover.
While this was going on contact had been achieved with the [[Blood Dragons]] and negotiations were under way. Only a few months following the initial negotiations with the [[Blood Dragons|Dragons]] a successful agreement had been made in which the Kamida had managed to secure the usage of [[Ryuku Base|Ryuku]] the Kamida Assembly finally had an area to base their operations around. Following this announcement all ships of the Kamida Assembly, including the large transports containing the food reserves, changed their course to [[Ryuku Base| Ryuku]] and in a few hours after the order to alter their course was given the ships touched down and began preparations on the base.
= Noteable Members of the Kamida Family =
=== '''Shouta Kamida''' - The First Lord of the Kamida, ruled from 108-172 A.S. (Died Age: 87) ===
'''''Brief Description:'''''
Born in 85 A.S. Shouta was the eldest of two. Contrasting to his younger brother who was a little light headed Shouta was a kind, but cautious, child. A boy with a deep thirst for knowledge Shouta was often seen to be found in the libraries of New Tokyo in his younger years. At the age of only twenty one he succeeded his father who died as the result of food poisoning at their Villa in New Tokyo. His years in New Tokyo however were short lived since he received a message by the current Emperor, late in the year 108 A.S. of that time informing him that he was to be offered a portion of one of the newly colonised worlds, to watch over it as its lord. This was an opportunity too good to miss and Shouta grabbed it with both arms. Although he was officially the lord of a segment of land on 'Planet Kyushu' he did not actually take up the position physically until 110 A.S. This was because of delays with the new crafts which were to ferry people across the great depths of space - not to mention the variety of paper work and legal issues which needed to be covered before he could even leave to make his way too the planet.
Once down upon the planet Shouta served as the first Kamida lord of Kyushu for 72 years. He was considered a kind - if somewhat eccentric leader. While in the position of Lord Shouta was announced the father of four children, three sons and one daughter. He listened to his subject and kept an eagles watch on those who surrounded him. Ever the wise man, Shouta, (at the age of 40) had great concerns about his children and how they would fare when they succeeded him. In order to put his worries to ease he formed the 'Advisory Council' this would, he hoped, allow his sons to be given knowledge on areas which perhaps they were not familiar. It would also allow those that he trusted among his courts to watch over them in his stead while we was gone.
Shouta's end came for him as he expected forty seven years later. In his last few hours he called in each of his family in turn and talked with them. He told them how much he valued them and how much they still had to achieve. Lastly he called in his six sons one at a time, to each he imparted one piece of wisdom each one different from the last.
''Enacted the following law(s):''
Obedience of the Land (113 A.S. - Current Date)
Should a servant, whom is under the command of the Kamida family, ever act against one of the noble blood then the action of punishment is always to be decided by the member affected. However should the servant's act insult, or offend, the integrity or honour of the blood line as a whole they are to be brought before the collected council present in the planet affected and charge accordingly.
Advisory Council Formed (125 A.S. - Current Date)
In order to aid the current Lord in his decisions the Advisory Council was formed. Its members chosen from the Kamida blood line, and on rare occasions some note able servants. Its purpose to report information on their area of expertise - each advisor will have a certain field in which he operates, be it a specific faction or a specific purpose. This council’s role is only to aid and report, never to act - unless instructed to do so by their current lord. In most cases each advisor will play both the role as an advisor and another role, be it in the military or the economy.
"Even the greatest of lords must be wary of those who pave his path"
"As much as a servant must be wary of the mood of his master so should his master be wary of mood of his people"
"In war it is not the loss of people that makes the difference more the loss of their will to continue."
=== '''Kazuki Kamida''' - The Lord of the Kamida from 331-339 A.S. (Died Aged: 33) ===
'''''Brief Description:'''''
Born on 306 A.S. Kazuki was a ordinary child who held great respect and value in his clan. One of four, he was the second oldest in his family. During the late 321 A.S. Kazuki and his family were out on a trip through one of the woods which cover Kyushu Kazuki's brother was bitten by a poisonous snake and died only a few hours later. This event changed Kazuki's view on the world harshly. From a once innocent mind set to one of hatred. When his father passed away in 331 A.S. Kazuki was ill-equipped to take on the roles and responsibilities that being a lord had too offer. His hatred to the outside world was altered and shaped by many of the prominent figures in the Kamida court who hoped to expand the family's influence. Using him as their puppet Kazuki began a war against many of the other lords on Kyushu.
When this ultimately came crashing down Kazuki was used as a scapegoat, and true to his honour on 339 A.S. he committed sepukku.
''Enacted the following law(s):''
Blade of the Grain (334 - 483 A.S.)
Under this law farmers could be drafted into the Kamida military in order to aid in conflicts. On occasion farmers would be paid large amounts of money and be hired, however this law does not require payment, merely the lord's will ----> This law was abolished by Itsuki in 483 A.S. in favour of farmer 'freedom of choice'.
=== '''Itsuki Kamida''' - The Lord of the Kamida from 479-496 A.S.  (Died Age: 44) ===
'''''Brief Description:'''''
Born in 452 A.S. Itsuki was very possibly one of the most memorable members of the Kamida family. A child of three Itsuki displayed the gift of respect, no matter how high or low, big or small, rich or poor. His brother Daiki, often displaying a length jealousy towards his brother Itsuki who was often considered the 'favoured' child. Their sister, Hotaru, often seen as the shyest of the three was often rarely seen in the palace as she enjoyed the beauty of the outdoors much more than the security of the palace grounds. Itsuki's father cared from all three of them deeply, however held a special place in his heart for Itsuki. Being the oldest and most likely to succeed him this was not unheard of. It was in his early years that his sympathy for the equality began to present itself. Against many peoples judgements his father encouraged him, and did all he could to let him son see the outside world for what it was. As time progressed however these trips became less and less frequent as Itsuki's father became older, and so was confined to his bed many hours of the day. To Itsuki's great sadness during the early months of 479 A.S., while Itsuki was out on a trip to the rice farmers on Kyushu, he was told by a messenger that his father had been found dead in palace. Supposedly while travelling with the aid of some servants up the stairs to his bed chamber he collapsed.
On the same year (479 A.S.) Itsuki was appointed lord of the Kamida. It was here that he put his plans of equality into place and did his best to achieve equality for farmers across Kyushu. These good intentions were continued up until 496 A.S. where he was found dead on the Palace grounds. It is said that during his funeral his sister fainted during the ceremony after a long hour of depression leading up to the funeral.
''Enacted the following law(s):''
Itsuki's Truce (489 A.S. - Current date)
Rice farmers under the control of the Kamida may only be taxed 45% of their rice output. In opposed to the original sum (Prior to 489 A.S.) in which the rice tax was 85% of a separate farms rice output.
Farmer's Councel (492 A.S. - Current Date)
At the end of each month, in accordance with the planets seasons, an appointed representative for the farming community under the command of the Kamida family must attend a counsel with the current leading member of the planet in question. This counsel, with the farmers, will discuss issues which the farming community may wish to raise. ----> This law is only enforce is 40% or more of the planets lands mass is covered with farming land.
"Sow, reap, prosper"
"The universe is made of many things, one of them is not ignorance."
=== '''Daiki Kamida''' - The Lord of the Kamida from 496-518 A.S. (Died Age: 39) ===
''''Brief Description:'''
Born in 479 A.S. Daiki was the younger brother of two siblings. Always following in the shadow of his father's favourite 'Itsuki' - his brother. Throughout his childhood Daiki held a resentment for his brother and despised him in almost every way. Feeling helpless with his father 'worshipping' his brother Daiki felt helpless against his brother or father. However in his teens years that his brother Itsuki began to display an interest in 'equality' - this delusion was not helped by father who only aided in his brothers belief. It was because of his jealousy that Daiki made it his goal to do what he could to disrupt his brothers dream. Openly mocking his brother at court, doing what he could to gain support for some of his distant relatives of the blood line.
These insults continued until, on 479 A.S., his father was announced dead - and following this his brother took the position of 'lord'. This was as much of an insult as a limitation, his mocking of his brother lessened dramatically after his ascension to the seat of lord. His silence was largely because of his fear that Itsuki would silence his views and very possibly have him killed - although he knew within himself that Itsuki did not have the heart to murder anyone, yet the fear still lingered. So in place of his original mocking he simply sulked. Two years following his brother ascension to the seat of lord, 481 A.S. Daiki married and a year after that, 482 A.S., was pronounced the father of his first son. His anger and resentment began to die down as he focused more on his own family and his wife. He cared for his wife and children deeply, and was comforted in their company - rarely seen in the advisory council, or courts any more. This all changed however on the night of 496 A.S.. On this date his older brother Itsuki had been found dead on the palace grounds after a fight with an assailant. Considering his past record many blamed Daiki, even a few witnesses said they saw him wandering about the palace grounds with his sword. According to Daiki he was awoken from his slumber by the sound of combat and, fearful for his wife and children, grabbed his katana and searched the grounds for the source of the noise.
Even with these allegations it was eventually founded that there was not enough evidence to convict him, and so he was let off from any accusations of murder. To add insult to insult in many people’s minds he was, being the only living, direct, descendant of the previous lord was appointed the title in the place of Itsuki. Many considered this too be a fools move however it went ahead. His reign as lord however was a short on since in the late months of 517 A.S. civil war broke out against him. A short lived civil war also in just six months of gathering support the rebels marched on his castle and managed to take it following some questionable acts.
Supposedly in order to spare his wife and children, on 518 A.S., Daiki had committed seppuku, he supposedly hoped to end any punishment they might endure by killing himself and hopefully gain this act from the rebel groups. With the only descendant being of Daiki's blood this 'act' was somewhat unavoidable, and so in the early months of 519 A.S. was given the position of lord.
''Enacted the following law(s):'' N/A
=== '''Hibiki Kamida''' - The Current Lord of the Kamida 761-819 (Age: 79) ===
'''''Brief Description:'''''
Born in 740 A.S. Hibiki was a single child. To his misfortune Hibiki was born with a rare illness which drained his strength both physical and mental. Through his first few years the doctors on Kyushu doubted he could make it past the age of ten - with the way things were going. Refusing to give his son up the current lord, Hibiki's father, spent fortunes on different ointments and medicines. Through all the odds Hibiki survived, although still frail and hardly the sort of a commanding position. Despite his affliction Hibiki had a strong determination and with the help of his father managed to fight on. Unfortunately in the late months of 760 A.S. Hibiki's father past away in his sleep at the age of 68. Although stricken with sadness Hibiki carried and on 761 A.S. was appointed the lord of the Kamida.
Hibiki's rein has been one of happiness and regret. Having con-sieved six sons he has had a great degree of pride in their accomplishments, although with his affliction he finds few ways to fully embrace them at the same time. His regret came when news of the Gallic's assault on the Kusari Naval Forces, where many of his sons were station. With his sons behind enemy lines Hibiki has felt more helpless than he has ever felt before - all he can do is hope, pray and plan.
''Enacted the following law(s):'' N/A
"A smile can hide many things, yet it can never hide a man from himself."
= Kamida Diplomacy =
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/begin}}
{{FD | [[Blood Dragons]] | +0.9}}
{{FD | [[Blood Dragons|Hideyoshi Blood Line]] | +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Consortium]] | +0.9}}
{{FD | [[Kusari|Kusari People]] | +0.6}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]] | +0.7}}
{{FD | [[Jien Kogen|Kogen Blood Line]] | +0.3}}
{{FD | [[Order]] | +0.5}}
{{FD | [[Sirius|Gaijin]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[IMG]] | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[NPC_Factions|Corporate Entities]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Zoners]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Kusari|Kusari Republic]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Xenos]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Gallia|Gallic Unlawfuls]] | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[Bretonian Police Authority]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Bretonian Armed Forces]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Mandalorian Mercenaries]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Junkers ]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Independent Neuralnet Division]] | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[GMG]] | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[Farmers Alliance]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Lane Hackers]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Gallia|Gallic Lawfuls]] | -0.2}}
{{FD | [[Hellfire Legion]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Gaians]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Police]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Navy]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Liberty Security Force]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Cardamine|Cardamine Smugglers]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia|Bretonia Corporations]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Rheinland|Rheinland Corporations]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Liberty|Liberty Corporations]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Kishiro]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Outcasts]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[Coalition]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[Hogosha]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[Nomads]]/[[Aoi Iseijin]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Samura]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Synth Foods]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Kusari State Police]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]]| -0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy/end}}
== Relations ==
=== [[Blood Dragons|Hideyoshi Blood Line]] ===
Having been the lineage to appoint the Kamida to their place of nobility, as well as those that they swore their loyalty to, the Kamida retain a fierce loyalty to this lineage; following their removal from the new democracy.
=== [[Jien Kogen|Kogen Blood Line]] ===
While having served them faithfully the Kamida share a resentment to the [[Jien Kogen|Kogen]] lineage since many view their ascension to power to be one of the key factors in the increase of [[Samura]] influence across [[Kusari]]. Due to the lineages close connections with corporate figures they inadvertently aided in a corrosive effect of these figures on the traditions and values of [[Kusari]].
=Kamida Ship Variety=
===[[Kusari|Kusari Democracy]]===
{{Ship List/begin}}
View by the Kamida as both a traditional disgust and a threat to their very way of life, the Kamida are in contempt of this new Democracy; considering it an alien and disastrous ideal. Similar too many other nobles who fled Kusari the Kamida believe that the democracy is the casting down of tradition, and with its previous social statuses which it previously encompassed.
{{Ship List | [[Hayabusa]] | Light Fighter | Hayabusa-s.png|}}
{{Ship List | [[Griffin]] | Light Fighter | Hawk-Griffin-s.png}}
=Relevant Links=
[[Kamida Assembly]]
[[dgctopic:119559|Kamida Assembly Information]]
{{Ship List | [[Saishi]] | Heavy Fighter | Saishi-s.png}}
[[dgctopic:119480|Kamida Assembly Recruitment]]
{{Ship List | [[Falcon]] | Heavy Fighter | Falcon-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Wasupu]] | Very Heavy Fighter | Wasupu-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Touketsu]] | Very Heavy Fighter | Touketsu-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Eagle]] | Very Heavy Fighter | Eagle-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
{{Ship List | [[Roc]] | Bomber | Roc-s.png}}
{{Ship List | [[Waran]] | Bomber | Waran-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
{{Ship List/begin}}
===Capital Ships===
{{Ship List | [[Ahoudori]] | Gunboat | Ahoudori-s.png}}
{{Ship List/end}}
=Kamida Fleet=
This is a list of the ships currently in use by the Kamida, both in war and economical matters.
This is the Kamida 'noble yacht'. Created during reign of Lord Kaede, during the early 200 A.S, it was designed to allow ease and comfort while moving throughout Kusari's many systems. Nearing the end of its production Lord Kaede's wife, Tamiko, became very ill and was confined to her bed most hours of the day. It did not help that she was pregnant with Kaede's third son - which leeched away at what little stamina she had. With her health diminishing Kaede saw the only way to save his dearly beloved was to take her down too Planet New Tokyo and see that she was seen to by the doctors there. In order to do this the 'Kamida Yacht', as it was known then, was used to carry them across, being the only vessel in their service which could handle both comfort and her medical needs. Unfortunately during the journey Tamiko had a pre-mature pregnancy and gave birth to Kaede's third son. This act however took its toll on her, and not moments after having the baby went into shock and died. In memory of her Kaede rename the ship the 'Tamiko' in honour of her.
Built with state of the art automated defense turrets and shock absorbant armour this ship is a danerous foe to the unwarey. Since its primary purpose to guard members of the Kamida family no expense is spared in arming and equiping this vessel against whatever may come. It is manned by a crew of 500 of the most loyal and dedicated members of the Kamidas personal guard.
[[image:TamikoShot2Small.JPG|frame|257px|‎The Tamiko, orbiting Kyushu]]
Class: Geisha, SL-17 Kusari Luxury Yacht
Date of Production: 223 A.S.
Primary Use: Protect Kamida Family Members while traversing the systems
Leading Officer: Hibiki Kamida
Second in Command: Unknown
Crew Size: 500
= Systems of Influence =
The following are systems in which Kamida Family members may operate, either alone or with groups should they wish to, unless otherwise stated, lead [[Kamida Assembly|Assembly]] patrols through.
===Kusari Systems ===
[[New Tokyo]]
===Kusari Border Systems===
[[Independent Worlds| Kusari Independent Worlds]]
[[Edge Worlds| Kusari Edge Worlds]]
[[Border Worlds| Kusari Border Worlds]]
===Prohibited Systems===
[[Chugoku]] - The [[Blood Dragons]] have been generous in granting us access to [[Ryuku Base|Ryuku]] and [[Sendai Research Complex]] and in the same respect, unless otherwise stated,      all ships under the Assemblies banner are to avoid this system unless for extraordinary circumstances.
=Bases of Operations=
===[[Ryuku Base]]===
===[[Sendai Research Complex]]===
=Relevant Links=
[|Kamida Assembly Recruitment]
[|Kamida Assembly Information]
[[Category: Families]]
[[Category: Families]]
[[Category: Kusari]]
[[Category: Kusari]]

Latest revision as of 17:59, 22 February 2013

Kamida Family
Kamida family banner21 (2) New.png
Origin Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Affiliation Tokui Komainu
  • Hibiki Kamida
  • Natsuo Kamida
  • Yukio Kamida

The Kamida family is a family of some small noble prominence. Put in power by the Emperor in the early years of the Kusari Empire to watch over Planet Kyushu and guard its rice offering qualities. Following the rise of democracy within Kusari however they have broken free from their chains of the current ruling democrats of Kusari and strive towards their own goals, acting under the Tokui Komainu banner. Although there have been some exceptions the Kamida all follow the pure blood line, and are always rules by the eldest descendant of the current lord.


The Kamida Clans earliest archived history denotes their family as possessing some ties to the previous Imperial line following the hectic departure to present day New Tokyo. Work as court advisers and attendants granted the Kamida Clan prominence in the eyes of the Imperial line. Viewed as a reliable candidate, following the successful repression of several riots sourcing from southern provinces of New Tokyo, Tetsu Kamida was soon short lined for the populations of recently discovered inhabitable planets. Following his sudden death on the 62 A.S. his son Shouta Kamida inherited this considerations.

On 75 A.S. the Kamida Clan, under Shouta Kamida, were granted their land holdings on the Planet Kyushu; during the Hideyoshi Imperial rule. Their orders, to utilize the large quantities of open plains discovered on Kyushu’s surface and, on most of the clan’s cases, monitor the construction and maintenance of rice plantations across the planet’s surface.

The area of land granted to the Kamida was border to the north by the Fushi Clan, across the Eastern Sayamato River the Ókura clan, to the South the Maki Clan and to the West the Sato Clan.

History of the Kamida

1st Century

Year (A.S.) Event
41 Tetsu’s heir, Shouta Kamida, is born.
62 Tetsu Kamida dies, Shouta Kamida assumes the position as head of Kamida clan.
75 First colony is established on Planet Kyushu, Kamida clan granted title of Daimyo and land holdings on Kyushu.
76 Shouta Kamida arrives on Planet Kyushu, construction of rice plantations is begun.
80 Construction and population of rice plantations are completed on Kyushu's surface.
98 Shouta’s heir, Masato Kamida, is born.

2nd Century

Year (A.S.) Event
126 Shouta Kamida dies, Masato Kamida assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
132 Tensions mount between the Kamida Clan and the Ókura Clan.
146 Masato’s heir, Hideki Kamida, is born.
181 Masato Kamida dies, Hideki Kamida assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.

3rd Century

Year (A.S.) Event
208 Ókura Clan build secure and arm borders to Kamida holdings, in response Kamida open diplomatic negotiations with neighbouring Fushi Clan .
216 Marriage arrangements are arranged between Hideki Kamida and Chiyo Fushi are planned.
221 Hideki Kamida is married to Chiyo Fushi, strengthened alliance deters Ókura activity near borders.
228 Hideki’s heir, Katsu Kamida is born; Kamida-Fushi relations are solidified.
248 Hideki dies, Katsu Kamida assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
257 Katsu’s heir, Minoru, is born.
274 Katsu dies, Minoru assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.

4th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
306 Council held on Kyushu to discuss mounting tensions between land owners.
306 Minoru’s heir, Kazuki Kamida is born.
317 Minoru is murdered, by suspected Ókura insurgents; Kamida council assumes control of Kamida affairs until Kazuki is of age.
318 Kamida borders to Ókura are reinforced following Minoru's death.
323 Imperial Hideyoshi Clan are removed from power by Samura, leading to a number of Kamida members leaving to join the Hideyoshi’s side.
323 Kamida council of nobles gather to discuss offensive military movements against Ókura during the confusion of the Hideyoshi coup.
331 Kazuki Kamida assumes position as Daimyo of Kamida Clan.
332 Kazuki’s heir, Ayumu Kamida is born.
334 Kazuki launches a surface war across Kyushu between Kamida Clan and Ókura Clan, Farmers from Kamida land holdings are armed.
335 Decisive victory in the battle of Sayamato river, Kamida territory expands to encompass one fifth of Kyushu's surface.
337 First formal warning from Kusari government regarding hostilities on Kyushu.
338 Southern provinces of Sayamato river lost to Ókato advance, Kamida counter attack from Northern provinces prove successful.
339 Kusari Government intervene and hostilities are ceased on Kyushu, Kazuki Kamida commits seppuku.
339 Kamida forces withdraw from contested territory commences.
340 Kamida forces withdraw from contested territory completed, Kamida clan gather to discuss Ayumu's ability to lead, council of Elder assembled to deal with Kamida affairs until Ayumu is of age to lead.
350 Ayumu reaches the age of eighteen and assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
359 A series of harsh tax laws are put in place in order to aid in the recuperation from the previous war.
359 Due to the harsh conditions and high taxes the main body of farmers under the Kamida's influence become discontent.
390 Ayumu’s heir, Shou Kamida is born.

5th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
405 Ayumu dies, Shou assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
452 Shou’s heir, Itsuki Kamida is born.
452 Shou’s second son, Daiki Kamida is born.
479 Shou Kamida dies, Itsuki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
489 'Itsuki's Truce' is implemented, heavy reductions on the taxes on farmers and in turn increases on nobility taxes, raises the opinion of farmers while sowing contempt into those within the Kamida nobility.
496 Itsuki is murdered within the palace grounds; his brother Daiki being blamed for the incidence, Daiki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
498 Daiki begins to dismiss many of the laws previously evoked by Itsuki.

6th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
508 Daiki’s heir, Riku Kamida is born.
517 A collection of Kamida nobles and farmers mount a civil war against Daiki which breaks out across the Kamida provinces.
517 The Kamida rebels gain a decisive victory during the engagement against the Kamida garrison at the Riniou settlement.
518 Rebel forces succeed in forcing back the remaining reserves and surround the Kamida palace, Daiki commits seppuku.
519 Kamida nobility dictate the affairs of the Kamida until Riku is of age.
526 Riku comes of age and assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
538 Riku’s heir, Taro Kamida is born.
576 Riku dies, Taro assumes title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
583 Taro’s heir, Yori Kamida is born.

7th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
604 Yori’s heir, Gorou Kamida is born.
622 Taro dies, Yori assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
653 Gorou’s heir, Haruki Kamida is born.
674 Samura begins attempts to occupy Planet Kyushu, dialogue between the Kamida Clan and Samura begins.
676 Samura displace several clans from Kyushu including the neighbouring Maki Clan.
677 Yori dies, Gorou assumes the title as Lord of the Kamida.
679 Kamida Clan remain stagnant to their claim to the land and refuse to be bought over.
686 Gorou dies, Haruki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
690 Libertionian invention of Synth Foods become prominent with Kusari, value of rice farming dramatically drops.
693 Haruki’s heir, Kenta Kamida is born.

8th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
738 Haruki dies, Kenta assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
738 Kenta’s heir, Saburo Kamida is born.
761 Saburo’s heir, Hibiki Kamida is born.
775 Farmers begin an open revolt against foreign companies, farmer population under Kamida control reduces.
776 Saburo’s second son, Jirou Kamida is born.
778 Shortage of farmers results in a lack of income, Kamida are forced to sell southern provinces of Ritsu and Erii to Samura.
781 Kenta dies, Saburo assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
793 Hibiki’s heir, Tarou Kamida is born.
793 Hibiki’s second son, Hiroto Kamida is born.
793 Hibiki’s third son, Natsuo Kamida is born.
793 Jirou is enlisted onto the Heaven’s Gate defense force, operating from the Battleship Musashi.

9th Century

Year (A.S.) Event
800 Jirou is killed during the Blood Dragon assault on Heaven’s Gate.
801 Saburo dies, Hibiki assumes the title as Daimyo of the Kamida.
816 Tarou is killed during an offensive operation in Bretonia, Hiroto assume the position as Hibiki’s heir.
818 Kusari forces loyal to the Emperor are exiled to Bretonia, leaving Hiroto, and several other members of the Kamida blood stranded, out in Bretonia.
819 Emergency council is arranged on Planet Kyushu to discuss the dilemma; Hiroto is assumed dead and Natsuo assumes the position as Hibiki’s heir.
819 Kusari Republic is established, fearful of reprisals the Kamida nobility unite with other noble clans to form the Tokui Komainu.
819 Fleeing nobles gain shelter with the Blood Dragons.



Faction Relationship
Hideyoshi Blood Line
Kusari People
Kogen Blood Line
Corporate Entities
Kusari Republic
At War


Hideyoshi Blood Line

Having been the lineage to appoint the Kamida to their place of nobility, as well as those that they swore their loyalty to, the Kamida retain a fierce loyalty to this lineage; following their removal from the new democracy.

Kogen Blood Line

While having served them faithfully the Kamida share a resentment to the Kogen lineage since many view their ascension to power to be one of the key factors in the increase of Samura influence across Kusari. Due to the lineages close connections with corporate figures they inadvertently aided in a corrosive effect of these figures on the traditions and values of Kusari.

Kusari Democracy

View by the Kamida as both a traditional disgust and a threat to their very way of life, the Kamida are in contempt of this new Democracy; considering it an alien and disastrous ideal. Similar too many other nobles who fled Kusari the Kamida believe that the democracy is the casting down of tradition, and with its previous social statuses which it previously encompassed.

Relevant Links

Kamida Assembly

Kamida Assembly Information

Kamida Assembly Recruitment