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(New page: {{Player faction|Blood Dragons}} {{Faction Infobox | name = The Rising Sons Movement | image = Rsflag.png | origin = {{House Link | Kusari}} | alignment = Unlawful | founding_date = 815 | ...)
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{{Player faction|Blood Dragons}}
{{Player faction|Blood Dragons}}
{{Faction Infobox
<div align="center">[[Image:RSoK_BD.png]]</div>
| name = The Rising Sons Movement
| image = Rsflag.png
| origin = {{House Link | Kusari}}
== Blood Dragon History ==
<div align="right">{{Faction Infobox
| name = The Rising Sons of Kusari
| type = Official Faction
| affiliation = [[Blood Dragons]]
| image = BloodD.PNG
| imgsz =
| origin = [[Kusari]]
| alignment = Unlawful
| alignment = Unlawful
| founding_date = 815
| founding_date = 815 A.S.
| leader = Various Shoguns
| leader = Taishogun Hideyoshi
| founder = Shogun Hideyoshi
| founder = Hideyoshi's Guard
| primary_role = Restoring Kusari under True Rule of Taishogun
| primary_role = Restoring the Hideyoshi Dynasty
| secondary_role = Terrorism and Piracy to slowly bring down the Empire
| secondary_role = Destroy the current Kusari Empire
| base = [[Kyoto Base]], [[Chugoku]]
| base = [[Kyoto]], [[Chugoku]]
The Blood Dragons are an ancient faction descended from the body guards of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty. The Blood Dragons were formed after the Sakura festival ended in Shugon Hideyoshi being placed under arrest in the palace by the Kusari Military and his royal guard was forced to surrender. The remains of Hideyoshi's royal guard fled into the northern space of Kusari. Soon they adopted a new name, The Blood Dragons. This was 321 AS.
The Blood Dragons were left in ruins. Fleeing what was now being called Imperial Kusari Space, they headed to the remote system of Chugoku. Here they set up a base in the heart of a large asteroid. This base would be named Kyoto, and still stands today as the Blood Dragon's centre of operations.
<div align="center">[[Image:Kyotobase.PNG]]</div>
In the midst of the Blood dragon's Success, in 642 A.S, Yuyu Matsuda, a young but critically acclaimed poet, publishes "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom", and the Golden Chrysanthemum terrorist group is founded by young Kusarian women who refused to have their lives lacking in direction and are reluctant to become married and fulfill their traditional role in Kusari society. The Blood Dragons recognizing a severe need for allies, begin working with the Golden Chrysanthemums, and in time an alliance was formed.
Soon Ryuku base is built in the Tohoku system, which was used to monitor KNF activity found in the system. It was discovered that the Naval Forces and Samura were building a base in a large asteroid not far away from Ryuku. This base would be known in the short future as Tekagi's Arch. Not long after the completion of the installation, Governor Tekagi claimed the base as his own residence.
The Blood Dragons realized that Tekagi was schemeing plans of his own, and his constant meetings with representatives of the Chancellor of Rheinland were seen as suspicious by the Blood Dragon movement. Not long after, the Blood Dragons were contacted by The Order, an organisation determined to eradicate hostile alien forces from across Sirius.
<div align="center">[[Image:Tekagi.PNG]]</div>
The Order identified that the Kusari Politician, Govenor Tekagi, was under alien influence, possibly infected by the Chancellor of Rheinland. The two factions lead a strike force against the Tekagi's Arch. The Blood Dragons wanted Tekagi dead, and The Order were after a mysterious alien artifact, known only as the Proteus Tome. The Blood Dragons and the Order were successful in this event, the only regret of this mission was the death of honourable Blood Dragon veteran, Ozu.
Since the events of the Nomad War, the Blood Dragons have continued their attacks on the Kusari Naval Forces and Samura, with many successes and failures. Unfortunatley, the Hideyoshi's guard has slowly died out over the years to the present, and with the passing of the Hideyoshi's Guard, a new power has risen, The Rising Sons of Kusari.
== The Rising Sons of Kusari History ==
Founded in 815 with the creation of the first Blood Dragon "Togo" Battleship, The Rising Sons set aside their differences and competition for power to fight as one for the original Blood Dragon Cause, the installation of a direct Hideyoshi descendant and the destruction of the Traitorous Kusari Empire. Weilding the Blood Dragon's tag as a show of Honour and Bravery, the Rising Sons seek to restore the original cause, thereby reclaiming what, as they see in their eyes, is rightfully theirs.
<div align="center">[[Image:Togo2.PNG]]</div>
The Rising Sons movement originally consisted of three Shoguns, each descended from the three most powerful Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty, deposed during the bloody Sakura coup of 321 A.S. Today, these Shoguns are an awesome display of power and military right. Headed by a descendant of the honourable Shogun Hideyoshi, the new Rising Sons movement fight to restore Kusari to what it orginally was.
Embraced and cherished by the citizens of the True Kusari, The Rising Sons are often seen working with the Golden Chrysanthemums in the plight against the dishonourable and traitorous Kusari Empire. With rumors of a new power rising, the Kusari Empire is about to face a threat beyond the expected.
As the Blood Dragons continue their goals, the Sakura Coup still echoes in the mind of every Blood Dragon man, woman and child. The bloody massacre is far from over.
But the Blood Dragons have come a long way since then. They have grown. They have prospered. They have flourished. But they will never forget.
== Ranking System ==
<div align="center">'''Taishogun'''</div>
The head Shogun. The Taishogun is the leader of the Blood Dragons. A direct descendant of the Shogun Hideyoshi, the Taihogun has access to all ships and commands any Rising Son Officer. No person is to set foot upon any area 100 feet away from the Taishogun's presence without the Taishogun's permission. No person other than the Shoguns is allowed to know the Taishogun's real name.
<div align="center">'''Shogun'''</div>
Shoguns are the Military Commanders. Often known amongst Kusari Unlawfuls as the "Rising Sons", the Shoguns are descendents of the other Shoguns of old Kusari and are chosen from among the elite Shogunate. The Shoguns command every ranked officer within The Rising Sons and may use any ship. No person is to set foot upon any area 50 feet away from a Shogun without the Shogun's permission.
<div align="center">'''Daimyo'''</div>
The Daimyo is a lord of The Rising Sons. The most elite amongst their ranks, a Daimyo should be a feared name amongst the ranks of the Kusari Naval Forces.
<div align="center">'''Roju'''</div>
Usually translated as "Elder", a Roju has acended the ranks of those below him. A Grand Master at war, a Roju will be able to beat nearly everybody in The Rising Sons at Combat.
<div align="center">'''Hatamoto'''</div>
As a Master Warrior, a Hatamoto commands many officials within The Rising Sons. A Hatamoto is tasked to lead patrols and confront any KNF forces that enter Chugoku.
<div align="center">'''Oban'''</div>
An Oban is the guard of the House, usually of Kyoto or Ryuku, in some cases, Mito Shipyards. An Oban is deticated to protecting The Rising Sons and the Taishogun.
== The Rising Sons Role Play and Policies ==
'''Faction ID and IFF'''
All Blood Dragons of The Rising Sons movement must have either the Blood Dragon ID or Blood Dragon Guard ID. All IFF transmitters are to be set to display either a Blood Dragon or Blood Dragon Guard IFF. In addition to this, all official Blood Dragons of The Rising Sons movement must display the ]bd[ tag before their name or callsign.
'''Goals and Objectives'''
Goals and objectives of The Rising Sons are the destruction of the current Kusari Empire, as well as the destruction of Samura, the Hogosha and the Farmer Alliance movements. Eradication of all dishonourable Gaijin in Kusari, as well as those foreign traders who service our enemies and the eradication of Cardamine and Artifacts from Kusari. And finally the installation of a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi and re-introduction of the Shogunate Government.
'''Description of Activities'''
The Rising Sons primarily concern themselves with the Destruction of the Kusari Empire and driving off all foreign Gaijin. All forces are to operate within only within our Zone of Influence. The Rising Sons uphold their primary objectives by striking key points of the Kusari Empire. Our efforts to pirate along with the GC have been a great success, and Kusari profits have dropped by a reasonable number with many traders either destroyed or terrorised. In addition to piracy, terrorism not only appears in Kusari Space but also on planets such as Honshu, Kyushu and New Tokyo.
'''Blood Dragon Role Play'''
The Blood Dragons descend from what is depicted to be the most honourable faction ever created. Thus, The Rising Sons must honour everything and everybody that strays across our path. The Rising Sons MUST ALWAYS have an honourable character, and an honourable manner of speaking must be upheld at all times. Your temper is not to be lost at ANYONE and you should respect and mourn each friend and foe you encounter.
All Foreigners (Gaijin) who enter Kusari Space are to be treated with hostility. We are very suspicious of the activites of foreigners seeing as one of the reasons Shogun Hideyoshi was deposed is because of foreign influence in Kusari.
'''The Kusari-Bretonian War'''
We want this war to go on for as long as possible. Should Bretonia win the war, we will have trouble fighting them off again to reinstall a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi. Should Kusari win, they will gain more power and resources, making our job many times harder.
Terrorism in Kusari is highly encouraged, scaring people away from Kusari is one of our goals. We try to terrorise everyone except for Kishiro, the GMG and the GC. However, the Blood Dragons are not just terrorists, and RP must be formally held when "Terrorising", in accordance to Blood Dragon RP. The Blood Dragons are not a faction who can blow up everybody they see, but should be able to scare them away a bit. Terrorism within Kusari must be reasonable and fair to everybody, and should be done with the Honour and Dignity of the Blood Dragons.
All ships taking goods to Kusari are to be stopped and taxed. All ships taking goods out of Kusari to Liberty, Rheinland, the Borderworlds or Gallia are also to be taxed. All ships headed for Bretonia are to be taxed UNLESS the ship is a bretonian coorporation. All Samura ships are to be DESTROYED.
All ships smuggling Cardamine or Synthetic Marijuana are to be destroyed immediatley unless being smuggled by the Golden Chrysanthemums or Outcasts smuggling for the Chrysanthemums. Artifacts are to be destroyed on sight. Slaves, Black Market Munitions and Counterfeit Software are to be deposited at Kyoto where we can make very good use of them. Gaian Wildlife, Human Organs and Blood Daimonds can either be sold, or made to good use.
'''Laws of Dragon Space'''
The list of the laws that The Rising Sons implement in Dragon space can be found [http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=54543 here.]
== Useable Equipment and Ships ==
'''Equipment that can be used by members of The Rising Sons'''
Blood Dragon Weaponry
Golden Chrysanthemum Weaponry (requires authorisation)
Civilian Weaponry
Civilian Kusari Weaponry (sold on Kyoto)
Kusari Naval Forces weapons for Capital Ships (sold on Mito Shipyards)
'''Ships that can be used by the members of The Rising Sons'''
“Togo” Class Blood Dragon Battleship - Only the Shogun rank has access to this Legendary Vessel
The Blood Dragons are an ancient faction descended from the body guards of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty. Still stuck in the past, yet with an ambitious future, the Blood Dragons are dedicated to defeating the Kusari Naval Forces in hope of returning Kusari to the rule of the Shoguns, they attack Government targets mercilessly.
“Kagutsuchi” Class Blood Dragon Cruiser - Only a Daimyo may Command a Kagutsuchi
“Hachiman” Class Blood Dragon Gunboat - A Hatamoto of The Rising Sons can Command a Hachiman
The Rising Sons movement is made up of direct decedents of the Shoguns that have united under one flag to reach a common goal. Tired of the overall failure of the Blood Dragons to meet their ultimate goals, the Shoguns of The Rising Sons have put aside their differences and fight as one.
B69-R “Nodachi” Class Blood Dragon Bomber
== Blood Dragons Background ==
B50P “Katana” Class Blood Dragon Very Heavy Fighter
The Blood Dragons were formed after the Sakura festival ended in Shugon Hideyoshi being placed under arrest in the palace by the Kusari Military and his body guard was forced to surrender. The remains of Hideyoshi's royal guard fled into the northern space of Kusari. Soon after they adopted a new name, The Blood Dragons. This was 321 AS.
The Blood Dragons were left in ruins. Fleeing what was now being called Imperial Kusari Space, they headed to the remote system of Chugoku. Here they set up a base in the heart of a large asteroid. This base would be named Kyoto, and still stands today as the Blood Dragon's centre of operations.
J90 “Tanto” Class Blood Dragon Light Fighter
== Zone of Influence ==
<div align="center">[[Image:Bdzoir-1.png]]</div>
<div align="center"> '''Home Systems: Gold'''
The Home systems of the Blood Dragons, where all our activates are centred and all our ships are made. These systems are to be protected at ALL COSTS. No Matter What.
Tau 63</div>
<div align="center">'''Allied Space: Green'''
Allied systems are the home systems of our allies. These systems are to be protected if under siege.
Tau 65</div>
<div align="center">Zo'''ne Of Influence: Blue'''
Feel free to go amongst these systems. Destroy all hostile and unfriendly vessels.
New Tokyo
However, not long after the construction of Kyoto Base, a small group of Blood Dragons known still as Hideyoshi's Guard propsed a large base known as Mito Shipyard and built it in the neighbouring system of Tau 63. This shipyard would be the centre of operations of Hideyoshi's guard, a small faction of the Blood Dragons who prefered piracy to terrorism, and did not hate Gaijn as the majority of Blood Dragons did.
Over time the Blood Dragons formed a powerful organisation and ventured out back into Kusari space to avenge the death of Shogun Hideyoshi. The Blood Dragons turned into terrorists after the majority of their actions were blocked by the current military power - the Kusari Naval Forces. The Blood Dragons then sought to overthrow the current Kusari Empire to re-install a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi and restore the rule of the Shoguns.. The Blood Dragons slowly grew in size and number, and began to slowly attack foreign traders and Samura, lowering Kusari profits.
In the midst of the Blood dragon's Success, in 642 A.S, Yuyu Matsuda, a young but critically acclaimed poet, publishes "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom". Charismatic and well-spoken, Matusda has a considerable following among young Kusari women who find their lives lacking in direction but are reluctant to become married and fulfill their traditional role in Kusari society. The Golden Chrysanthemums terrorist group is founded. The Blood Dragons recognizing a severe need for allies, begin working with the Golden Chrysanthemums. These relations turned into agreements, which furthur turned into a long-standing alliance between them. Both after very different futures for Kusari, but are united as one to take down the Kusari Empire.
Not long after the formation of the alliance between the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums, the Blood Dragons began altering the current Kusari Naval Forces ships they had been using since their founding. They formed a new line of ships consisting of the "Katana" Blood Dragon Heavy Fighter, the "Tanto" Light Fighter and the Nodachi Bomber. Around 690-700 A.S, the Blood Dragons finished a masterpiece Dragon Gunboat, the "Hachiman" Blood Dragon Gunboat
Desipte their recent success in ship production, the recently discovered system, Tohoku was found to have KNF activity, who ventured there through deserted systems from Honshu, Okinawa and Nagano. In response the Blood Dragons secretly began a small base in the west cloud, known as Ryuku base, which was used to monitor and destroy Kusari Naval Forces patrols and protect the jumphole to their home system, Chogoku.
Sigma 13
After years of monitoring, it was discovered that the Naval Forces and samura were building a base in a large asteroid not far away from Ryuku. This base would be known in the short future as Tekagi's Arch. Not long after the completion of the installation, Governor Tekagi claimed the base as his own residence.
Sigma 19
The Blood Dragons continued to watch over Tekagi and his arch, monitoring his movements and activities. It was soon clear that he was schemeing plans of his own, and his constant meetings with representatives of the Chancellor of Rheinland were seen as suspicious by the Blood Dragon movement. Not long after, the Blood Dragons were contacted by The Order, an organisation determined to eradicate hostile alien forces from across Sirius.
Sigma 17
Tau 29
The Order identified that the Kusari Politician, Govenor Tekagi, was under alien influence, possibly infected by the Chancellor of Rheinland. The two factions lead a strike force against Tekagi's Arch. The Blood Dragons wanted Tekagi dead, and The Order were after a mysterious alien artifact, known only as the Proteus Tome. The Blood Dragons and the Order were successful in this event, destroying much of the interior of Governor Tekagi's Fortress, along with the Battleships Ishioka, Musashi, and Senna, and killing Governor Tekagi. The only regret of this mission was the death of honourable Blood Dragon veteran, Ozu.
The Himeji, the last surviving battleship that guarded Tekagi’s Arc, managed to jump into Okinawa. It was finally disabled on the other side, near Sendai Research Complex, a recently developed Blood Dragon Base. Golden Chrysanthemum and Blood Dragon soldiers boarded the ship, and assisted by agents of the Order from Sendai, captured the vessel, destroying all traces of Nomads found onboard. The ship was discovered to have too extensive damage to move it too far, so it was slowly nudged into a parking orbit of the research station and left there under the control of Golden Chrysanthemum techs and soldiers, in gratitude for their assistance.
Since the events of the Nomad War, the Blood Dragons have continued their attacks on the Kusari Naval Forces and Samura, with many successes and failures. A remnant group of Red Hessians called the Nova PG fused with the majority of the Blood Dragons, and conducted many of the terrorism acts throughout Kusari and the Sigma systems. Together with Hideyoshi's Guard, Nova PG made up half of the Majority of Blood Dragons.
<div align="center">'''Restricted Access: Red'''
Traversing these areas is not recommended unless its an extreme circumstance. We don't want to lose any more of the precious little (elite) pilots we have left.
In 814 A.S, Bretonia began an invasion into Tau 31. This provoked the current Kusari Empire, and started a war between the two houses. Although the Blood Dragons and Bretonia were both fighting a common enemy, the Blood Dragons decided not to intervene in the war, unlike their Golden Chrysanthemum allies. Relations between Bretonia and the Blood Dragons currently remain at a neutral level.
Through the events of the War, in 815 A.S, the first prototype of the Blood Dragon Battleship, the "Togo", was completed. Along with the recently developed "Kagutsushi" Blood Dragon Cruiser, the Blood Dragons were now a feared and powerful force within Sirius with a Capital Ship line of their own.
Tau 31
Unfortunatley, the Hideyoshi's guard has slowly died out over the years to the present, although Nova Power Generation still exists in motion today. With the passing of Hideyoshi's Guard, a new power has risen, The Rising Sons of Kusari.
Tau 23
This new Blood Dragon movement holds one of the most powerful seats in unlawful Kusari. Headed by descendants of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty, the Rising Sons unite the different Piracy and Terrorist policies of both the old Hideyoshi's Guard and NovaPG. The Rising Sons of the Blood Dragons now make up the majority of Blood Dragon Activity.
== The Rising Sons History ==
Founded in 815 with the creation of the first Blood Dragon "Togo" Battleship, the Rising Sons set aside their differences and competition for power to fight as one for the original Blood Dragon Cause, the installation of a direct Hideyoshi descendant and the destruction of the Traitorous Kusari Empire, a cause which does not focus so much on Terrorism and Piracy (although the Rising Sons will commit these acts only to slowly bring down the Empire, not for the money and fun of doing so). Weilding the Blood Dragon's tag as a show of Honour and Bravery, the Rising Sons seek to restore the original cause, thereby reclaiming what, as they see in their eyes, is rightfully theirs.
The Rising Sons movement originally consisted of three shoguns, each descended from the three most powerful Shogunsof the Hidyoshi Dynasty, deposed during the bloody Sakura coup of 321 A.S. Today, these shoguns are an awesome display of power and millitary right. Headed by a descendant of the honourable Shogun Hideyoshi, the new Rising Sons movement fight to restore Kusari to what it orginally was.
After the merging between the two most influential parties in the Blood Dragons, Hidyoshi's Guard and Nova Power Generation, the Blood Dragons were cast into a long year of Unbalance. As this unbalance grew, the Rising Sons movement sought to declare themselves amongst the general public of the Blood Dragons.
Embraced and cherished by the citizens of the True Kusari, the Rising Sons are often seen working with Nova PG and the Golden Chrysanthemums in the plight against the dishonourable and traitorous Kusari Empire. As the plight continues to bring the downfall of the Kusari Empire, the Rising Sons movement have made diplomatic arrangements with the most unlikely of allies, attempting to construct a monsterous fleet, so that one day, it will be possible to take down the Kusari empire, unlike the Blood Dragons who have joined only to pirate and terrorise the citizens of Kusari.. With rumors of a new power rising, the Kusari Empire is about to face a threat beyond the expected.
As the Blood Dragons continue their goals, the Sakura Coup still echoes in the mind of every Blood Dragon man, woman and child. The bloody massacre is far from over.
Tau 42
But the Blood Dragons have come a long way since then. They have grown. They have prospered. They have flourished. But they will never forget.
== Diplomacy ==
<div align="center">
{{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
{{Faction Diplomacy begin}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]] | +0.8}}
{{FD | [[Golden Chrysanthemums]] | +0.9}}
{{FD | [[The Order]] | 0.0}}
{{FD | [[Gas Miners Guild]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Outcasts]] | -0.3}}
{{FD | [[Kishiro]] | +0.2}}
{{FD | [[Kishiro]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | [[The Order]] | +0.1}}
{{FD | [[Gas Miners Guild]] | -0.5}}
{{FD | Everyone else | +0.0}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[Colonial Remnant]] | -0.1}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia Armed Forces]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Kusari State Police]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Bretonia Police Authority]] | -0.4}}
{{FD | [[Farmers Alliance]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Bounty Hunters Guild]] | -0.6}}
{{FD | [[Hogosha]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Corsairs]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Samura Industries]] | -0.8}}
{{FD | [[Gaians]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Keepers]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[SCRA]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Aoi Iseijin]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Outcasts]] | -0.7}}
{{FD | [[Kusari Naval Forces]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Kusari State Police]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Samura]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Hogosha]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Farmers Alliance]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Wilde]] | -0.9}}
{{FD | [[Nomads]] | -0.9}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
{{Faction Diplomacy end}}
== Members List ==
<div align="center">
Taishogun Hideyoshi (Friday)
Otaru Egami (TanJay)
Miyamoto Musashi (Husker)
Sum-Gok-Li (Friday)
Red Dragon (Rogue)
Akuji (Akurawr)
Uesugi Kenshin (Curt Remmert)
Hirosho Horatami (Death.Running.Verminator)
Arisu (Elrainn)
Kintaki Mintano (Nathaw)
Hattori Hanzo (TeXvA)
Yuji Yamasuto (aerelm)
Ryu Mitano (Combine Soldier)
Ashes Yotaka (Nighthawk)
Katherine Crowe (Kaze.Dagon)
Red Orchid (Akurawr)
Yuji Ikegami (Kazinsal)
==Known Bases==
Cheng Lo (Will.Clayton)
*[[Kyoto Base]], [[Chugoku]]
Ryuu Noboru (Neyc)
Basaito Kambowa (Shagohad)
[[Category: Player Factions|Rising Sons]]
Haruki Katashi (IoTa)
[[Category: Kusari]]

Revision as of 08:30, 18 February 2010

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Blood Dragons
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Blood Dragon History

The Rising Sons of Kusari
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Origin Kusari
Affiliation Blood Dragons
Alignment Unlawful
Date of founding 815 A.S. A.S.
Founder(s) Hideyoshi's Guard
Current leader(s) Taishogun Hideyoshi
Base of operations Kyoto, Chugoku
Primary role
Restoring the Hideyoshi Dynasty
Secondary role
Destroy the current Kusari Empire

The Blood Dragons are an ancient faction descended from the body guards of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty. The Blood Dragons were formed after the Sakura festival ended in Shugon Hideyoshi being placed under arrest in the palace by the Kusari Military and his royal guard was forced to surrender. The remains of Hideyoshi's royal guard fled into the northern space of Kusari. Soon they adopted a new name, The Blood Dragons. This was 321 AS.

The Blood Dragons were left in ruins. Fleeing what was now being called Imperial Kusari Space, they headed to the remote system of Chugoku. Here they set up a base in the heart of a large asteroid. This base would be named Kyoto, and still stands today as the Blood Dragon's centre of operations.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

In the midst of the Blood dragon's Success, in 642 A.S, Yuyu Matsuda, a young but critically acclaimed poet, publishes "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom", and the Golden Chrysanthemum terrorist group is founded by young Kusarian women who refused to have their lives lacking in direction and are reluctant to become married and fulfill their traditional role in Kusari society. The Blood Dragons recognizing a severe need for allies, begin working with the Golden Chrysanthemums, and in time an alliance was formed.

Soon Ryuku base is built in the Tohoku system, which was used to monitor KNF activity found in the system. It was discovered that the Naval Forces and Samura were building a base in a large asteroid not far away from Ryuku. This base would be known in the short future as Tekagi's Arch. Not long after the completion of the installation, Governor Tekagi claimed the base as his own residence.

The Blood Dragons realized that Tekagi was schemeing plans of his own, and his constant meetings with representatives of the Chancellor of Rheinland were seen as suspicious by the Blood Dragon movement. Not long after, the Blood Dragons were contacted by The Order, an organisation determined to eradicate hostile alien forces from across Sirius.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

The Order identified that the Kusari Politician, Govenor Tekagi, was under alien influence, possibly infected by the Chancellor of Rheinland. The two factions lead a strike force against the Tekagi's Arch. The Blood Dragons wanted Tekagi dead, and The Order were after a mysterious alien artifact, known only as the Proteus Tome. The Blood Dragons and the Order were successful in this event, the only regret of this mission was the death of honourable Blood Dragon veteran, Ozu.

Since the events of the Nomad War, the Blood Dragons have continued their attacks on the Kusari Naval Forces and Samura, with many successes and failures. Unfortunatley, the Hideyoshi's guard has slowly died out over the years to the present, and with the passing of the Hideyoshi's Guard, a new power has risen, The Rising Sons of Kusari.

The Rising Sons of Kusari History

Founded in 815 with the creation of the first Blood Dragon "Togo" Battleship, The Rising Sons set aside their differences and competition for power to fight as one for the original Blood Dragon Cause, the installation of a direct Hideyoshi descendant and the destruction of the Traitorous Kusari Empire. Weilding the Blood Dragon's tag as a show of Honour and Bravery, the Rising Sons seek to restore the original cause, thereby reclaiming what, as they see in their eyes, is rightfully theirs.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

The Rising Sons movement originally consisted of three Shoguns, each descended from the three most powerful Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty, deposed during the bloody Sakura coup of 321 A.S. Today, these Shoguns are an awesome display of power and military right. Headed by a descendant of the honourable Shogun Hideyoshi, the new Rising Sons movement fight to restore Kusari to what it orginally was.

Embraced and cherished by the citizens of the True Kusari, The Rising Sons are often seen working with the Golden Chrysanthemums in the plight against the dishonourable and traitorous Kusari Empire. With rumors of a new power rising, the Kusari Empire is about to face a threat beyond the expected.

As the Blood Dragons continue their goals, the Sakura Coup still echoes in the mind of every Blood Dragon man, woman and child. The bloody massacre is far from over.

But the Blood Dragons have come a long way since then. They have grown. They have prospered. They have flourished. But they will never forget.

Ranking System


The head Shogun. The Taishogun is the leader of the Blood Dragons. A direct descendant of the Shogun Hideyoshi, the Taihogun has access to all ships and commands any Rising Son Officer. No person is to set foot upon any area 100 feet away from the Taishogun's presence without the Taishogun's permission. No person other than the Shoguns is allowed to know the Taishogun's real name.


Shoguns are the Military Commanders. Often known amongst Kusari Unlawfuls as the "Rising Sons", the Shoguns are descendents of the other Shoguns of old Kusari and are chosen from among the elite Shogunate. The Shoguns command every ranked officer within The Rising Sons and may use any ship. No person is to set foot upon any area 50 feet away from a Shogun without the Shogun's permission.


The Daimyo is a lord of The Rising Sons. The most elite amongst their ranks, a Daimyo should be a feared name amongst the ranks of the Kusari Naval Forces.


Usually translated as "Elder", a Roju has acended the ranks of those below him. A Grand Master at war, a Roju will be able to beat nearly everybody in The Rising Sons at Combat.


As a Master Warrior, a Hatamoto commands many officials within The Rising Sons. A Hatamoto is tasked to lead patrols and confront any KNF forces that enter Chugoku.


An Oban is the guard of the House, usually of Kyoto or Ryuku, in some cases, Mito Shipyards. An Oban is deticated to protecting The Rising Sons and the Taishogun.

The Rising Sons Role Play and Policies

Faction ID and IFF

All Blood Dragons of The Rising Sons movement must have either the Blood Dragon ID or Blood Dragon Guard ID. All IFF transmitters are to be set to display either a Blood Dragon or Blood Dragon Guard IFF. In addition to this, all official Blood Dragons of The Rising Sons movement must display the ]bd[ tag before their name or callsign.

Goals and Objectives

Goals and objectives of The Rising Sons are the destruction of the current Kusari Empire, as well as the destruction of Samura, the Hogosha and the Farmer Alliance movements. Eradication of all dishonourable Gaijin in Kusari, as well as those foreign traders who service our enemies and the eradication of Cardamine and Artifacts from Kusari. And finally the installation of a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi and re-introduction of the Shogunate Government.

Description of Activities

The Rising Sons primarily concern themselves with the Destruction of the Kusari Empire and driving off all foreign Gaijin. All forces are to operate within only within our Zone of Influence. The Rising Sons uphold their primary objectives by striking key points of the Kusari Empire. Our efforts to pirate along with the GC have been a great success, and Kusari profits have dropped by a reasonable number with many traders either destroyed or terrorised. In addition to piracy, terrorism not only appears in Kusari Space but also on planets such as Honshu, Kyushu and New Tokyo.

Blood Dragon Role Play

The Blood Dragons descend from what is depicted to be the most honourable faction ever created. Thus, The Rising Sons must honour everything and everybody that strays across our path. The Rising Sons MUST ALWAYS have an honourable character, and an honourable manner of speaking must be upheld at all times. Your temper is not to be lost at ANYONE and you should respect and mourn each friend and foe you encounter.


All Foreigners (Gaijin) who enter Kusari Space are to be treated with hostility. We are very suspicious of the activites of foreigners seeing as one of the reasons Shogun Hideyoshi was deposed is because of foreign influence in Kusari.

The Kusari-Bretonian War

We want this war to go on for as long as possible. Should Bretonia win the war, we will have trouble fighting them off again to reinstall a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi. Should Kusari win, they will gain more power and resources, making our job many times harder.


Terrorism in Kusari is highly encouraged, scaring people away from Kusari is one of our goals. We try to terrorise everyone except for Kishiro, the GMG and the GC. However, the Blood Dragons are not just terrorists, and RP must be formally held when "Terrorising", in accordance to Blood Dragon RP. The Blood Dragons are not a faction who can blow up everybody they see, but should be able to scare them away a bit. Terrorism within Kusari must be reasonable and fair to everybody, and should be done with the Honour and Dignity of the Blood Dragons.


All ships taking goods to Kusari are to be stopped and taxed. All ships taking goods out of Kusari to Liberty, Rheinland, the Borderworlds or Gallia are also to be taxed. All ships headed for Bretonia are to be taxed UNLESS the ship is a bretonian coorporation. All Samura ships are to be DESTROYED.


All ships smuggling Cardamine or Synthetic Marijuana are to be destroyed immediatley unless being smuggled by the Golden Chrysanthemums or Outcasts smuggling for the Chrysanthemums. Artifacts are to be destroyed on sight. Slaves, Black Market Munitions and Counterfeit Software are to be deposited at Kyoto where we can make very good use of them. Gaian Wildlife, Human Organs and Blood Daimonds can either be sold, or made to good use.

Laws of Dragon Space

The list of the laws that The Rising Sons implement in Dragon space can be found here.

Useable Equipment and Ships

Equipment that can be used by members of The Rising Sons

Blood Dragon Weaponry

Golden Chrysanthemum Weaponry (requires authorisation)

Civilian Weaponry

Civilian Kusari Weaponry (sold on Kyoto)

Kusari Naval Forces weapons for Capital Ships (sold on Mito Shipyards)

Ships that can be used by the members of The Rising Sons

“Togo” Class Blood Dragon Battleship - Only the Shogun rank has access to this Legendary Vessel

“Kagutsuchi” Class Blood Dragon Cruiser - Only a Daimyo may Command a Kagutsuchi

“Hachiman” Class Blood Dragon Gunboat - A Hatamoto of The Rising Sons can Command a Hachiman

B69-R “Nodachi” Class Blood Dragon Bomber

B50P “Katana” Class Blood Dragon Very Heavy Fighter

J90 “Tanto” Class Blood Dragon Light Fighter

Zone of Influence

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Home Systems: Gold

The Home systems of the Blood Dragons, where all our activates are centred and all our ships are made. These systems are to be protected at ALL COSTS. No Matter What.


Tau 63

Allied Space: Green

Allied systems are the home systems of our allies. These systems are to be protected if under siege.

Tau 65

Zone Of Influence: Blue

Feel free to go amongst these systems. Destroy all hostile and unfriendly vessels.


New Tokyo





Sigma 13

Sigma 19

Sigma 17

Tau 29


Restricted Access: Red

Traversing these areas is not recommended unless its an extreme circumstance. We don't want to lose any more of the precious little (elite) pilots we have left.


Tau 31

Tau 23






Tau 42


Faction Relationship
Golden Chrysanthemums
Gas Miners Guild
The Order
Everyone else
Colonial Remnant
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police Authority
Bounty Hunters Guild
Kusari Naval Forces
At War
Kusari State Police
At War
At War
At War
Farmers Alliance
At War
At War
At War

Members List


Taishogun Hideyoshi (Friday)


Otaru Egami (TanJay)

Miyamoto Musashi (Husker)

Sum-Gok-Li (Friday)


Red Dragon (Rogue)

Akuji (Akurawr)


Uesugi Kenshin (Curt Remmert)

Hirosho Horatami (Death.Running.Verminator)


Arisu (Elrainn)

Kintaki Mintano (Nathaw)

Hattori Hanzo (TeXvA)

Yuji Yamasuto (aerelm)

Ryu Mitano (Combine Soldier)

Ashes Yotaka (Nighthawk)

Katherine Crowe (Kaze.Dagon)

Red Orchid (Akurawr)

Yuji Ikegami (Kazinsal)


Cheng Lo (Will.Clayton)

Ryuu Noboru (Neyc)

Basaito Kambowa (Shagohad)

Haruki Katashi (IoTa)