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Agent Leere

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Revision as of 02:01, 25 October 2018 by Laz (talk | contribs)
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Formally: "Lazrius Hawkins"
Leere Dark Profile.png
Picture taken just before disappearance, 823 A.S.
Origin Flag-liberty.png Republic of Liberty
Occupation Unknown. Former: Cryer President, Wilde Agent.
Gender Male
Height 5' 11"
Weight 79 kg
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Affiliation Formally, Das Wilde. Currently N/A.
Status Declared MIA, last seen Omicron Lost.
Born 27th of July 795 A.S. Planet Denver


Leere, formally known as Lazrius Hawkins, was born into a family of well-accomplished scientists mostly specialising in the fields of genetics, genetic modification and the effects of Cardamine on the human body. From a young age, high standards were set for him to the point that he was being trained scientific concepts well before he would normally have learnt them in the academy he attended. This driving factor is what influenced his attitude and personality, as well as intelligence. Lazrius never had much of a relationship with his family, he considered himself as a 'resource' to them as it seems his only purpose was to advance the line further and make more discoveries in the 'family name'. He often made it out to be far worse than it was given it was their help that allowed him to excel above and beyond his fellow students.

This in itself was part of the problem, however. He didn't have many friends as a child, and what ones he did were never retained for a long period of time. This overtime caused an aversion to social situations and the development of some nasty sociological habits and psychological issues, that he still carries to this day. This avoidance got worse as time went on, to Lazrius' parents this was disguised as 'being focused on his studies'. They grew him into the mastermind he was, albeit unintentionally, through this state of over-nurturing and overload of information. Lazrius wanted to leave his parents because of this, he wanted to leave for a very long time.

His wish came true at the ripe old age of 16 when he was at able to leave them behind. Being the highest performer and outmatching his fellow peers for so long, it appeared that people took notice. Being the 'Famed Child Prodigy', Lazrius was contacted by Cryer Pharmacuitcles who had an offer for him ready. The offer was simple: Having finished school, Lazrius was invited to Planet Cambridge where he would live and be provided for at the expense of the company. Midweek he would study and saw first hand of the operations of a Cryer facility when he was working aboard Cambridge Research Station. It's likely that he only got this opportunity due to how well known his parents and family name were, but he didn't care. Lazrius took the opportunity, didn't look back, and after the move, he never once spoke to his parents again. "Good Riddance."

Cryer Solutions

After spending years on his work, and developing a mixed reputation among his peers and the science community, Lazrius Hawkins started the next chapter of his life and career. He used his resources and influence to move to Atka Research Station in the Sigma-17 System, it was here that he met his best friend to be: Dr William Hudson. They began working on the same projects which quickly allowed them to form a strong and well-structured friendship.

They worked on numerous projects over the years they spent on the station, most of which got buried and left to the dust within the Cryer archives, but it didn't matter in the end as it was all just to earn their paychecks. Yet Will had an idea, an idea that changed the game, and with nothing more than the idea, the duo got to work on their next 'big thing'.

"Cryer Solutions", as it was dubbed, was to be a private sector Cryer, one that was privately funded and managed. The beauty of this was that no one would check up on them, peer into their projects. It was this, that meant they could conduct 'Unethical Research' and 'Prohibited Experiments.' A nice idea, in theory, a tad harder to keep hidden in practice; onlookers always managed to get involved in business that wasn't their own.

When Everything Changed

This sketchy side of things was mostly kept under wraps and no real issues every broke out, the pair of scientists continued on as normal. That was until a small venture into Rheinland where Lazrius Hawkins encountered one 'Erika Keller'. At first, she appeared to be nice enough, she was a simple BDM agent doing her rounds, yet after some time things began to appear a bit off about the woman. It wasn't until she actively revealed herself, however, that Lazrius finally caught on.

Keller or 'Wespe' as she'd rather be known, was a Wilde Agent, an agent working for the Nomads. She had a goal, an objective, one that Lazrius was "Chosen" to help with. If it wasn't for the blackmail, bribery, and overall feeling of dread and fear its likely he would never have done it. But he did. And he enjoyed it.

The stem of chaos and fear, that feeling of injustice he has caused. Something about it brought upon this rush that he had only felt when taking the Orange Dream that he had been oh so warned about. It's a feeling that Wespe got him hooked on, that rush of euphoria. It was that step that pushed him over the edge, there was no return anymore and it was only a matter of time...

Maren Von Westefeld

Maren Von Westefeld is a special part of Leere's history. Its one of the few people that he truly cared for and trusted a great deal. The pair met within the dense nebula of Omicron Minor. Leere was returning from conducting some 'business' and happened to find a lone wraith, drifting in the void. The pilot was Maren, and at the time, she was naive and innocent. Being the 'gentlemen' Leere was, he inquired what she was doing out there, all on her own. She evaded the question, but they still got talking.

This was where Leere saw an opportunity, he soon discovered something about her. Maren, being the innocent soul she was, had never encountered a Nomad, Wild, or anything of the sort. In fact, she didn't even know of the existence of alien life. Leere chose to rectify that, and so the indoctrination of Maren Von Westefeld began.

Slowly, they built up their friendship, often flying to many landmarks with Planet Toledo being a frequent destination of the two to end their journeys. Before long Leere saw her in a position of trust, with her knowing his identity and him knowing a few of her dark secrets as well. With a mutual trust established, Leere got to work, enlisting Maren's assistance with certain 'tasks'.

Omicron Lost

Omicron Lost is a place that holds a lot of strong memories for Leere. It is here he spent months upon months slowly fading from the memory of others after Maren's assassination attempt. One day, sometime in 823A.S., Leere had arranged to meet Maren, as they often did. This time Maren had her own plans and ideas, however. She attempted to kill and silence him, steeling something very valuable in the process. Contrary to what she thought, however, Leere did not succumb to his injuries, and from thereafter carried a burning hatred for her, mixed in with an almost bi-polar level of affection. His mind was always a bit different, but her actions had damaged it far beyond what it had been before.

He was stuck there for a long time, before he moved on to elsewhere in Sirius. Before long, he had found his way back to Malta, and back into the company of some old contacts.

Planet Malta

Planet Malta was Leere's second home, after the accommodation he used to be issued during his more morally dubious work. He had a number of contacts planet wide, but most has disappeared or dropped of the radar all together, such is the ever flowing tide of life. One of the few contacts that remained was named, Aaron, and worked the job of smuggling various items around Sirius, including setting up Cardamine deliveries to some of the vagrants of the assorted Sirius houses.

In Leere's time of need, he provided shelter and work. Like everything in life, this was not free; but Leere had worked for him in the past and Aaron was confident he was able to use Leere's various abilities. After a long period of work in his service, Leere was free to make his own path once more. It wasn't long in the grand scheme of things, a few months, nearing a year. He'd regained his small holding far out in the wilds of Malta. It wasn't near anything, out of the way and the only chance you'd come across it is if you were trying to find it. The view and atmosphere was peaceful and filled with serenity. It was exactly what Leere needed, given the circumstances.

Freeport 11

Freeport 11 is the only other location where Leere takes up residence these days. At first he stayed there strictly for work, but now he does it for easy access to the rest of the Omicrons, and in hopes he finds certain individuals. Freeport 11 is a melting point for all the different factions within the Omicrons, as well as a great deal of independent Freelancers. It's a perfect location to pick up information in his endless search.

Medical Issues and Psychological Disorders

► He has suffered from Social Anxiety.

► Suffers from a Cardamine addiction.

► He has BPD (Undiagnosed).

Important Locations

The following are important locations to Leere as they hold some form of sentimental value or important meaning.

  • Omicron Minor:

It was in this system where Leere first stumbled upon Maren Von Westefeld, the person who would later betray him and leave him left for dead. Omicron Minor was also the location of countless meetings between the pair and also where some rather deep discussions took place. This place remains a scar within his mind.

  • Omicron Major - The Dyson Sphere:

It twas here that Leere started the initial indoctrination of Maren to sway her and change her views to ones more "Nomad Friendly".

  • Munich

Another place where Maren and Leere spent hours talking to each other.

  • Omicron Lost & The Wraith:

Omicron Lost is a place that became both a sanctuary and a prison to Leere. After Maren's betrayal Leere spent months in this place and the Wraith became his home. The Wraith carries the scars of Maren's actions and, just like Leere's brain, it's unlikely that its an issue that will be fixed.


Cv vheavy fighter.png
Eagle, Destroyed.
Leere's Personal Gunboat
Condor, Destroyed.
Rh elite.png
Wraith, given by Erika Keller for use within Rheinland.

Personal Relations

Individuals Relationship
Izzah, Deceased
Nomad Incubus
Maren von Westefeld
Erika Keller
She who opened his eyes
Hans Von Goeben
Unknown, Fellow Intellectual
Thallia Thorn
Unknown, shares similar views
Sapphire Raven
Active Hazard
Joshua Hunt
Active Hazard
Noah Xonnel
Direct Intervention with Plans
Maren von Westefeld