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Short Info

Alexandar Vasilev born in Dobrich, Bulgaria on the 4th of October 1992. Joined the Discovery Freelancer community on the 7th of September 2007 as AlexBG


Cars, Life, Freelancer, Girls, Graphics, Animation, Movies, Music, Cats and probably more things that I can't think of right now ...

Ingame Discovery 24/7 Characters Names

  • [HF]-Andrew.LeBlanc - Broadsword, LH HF - Lane Hacker Guard
  • GMG|Satoru.Kanegi - GMG Bomber, GMG HF - GMG
  • James.Esseker|XG - Civillian Bomber - Xeno Guard
  • (NovaPG)-Fuschida - BD Bomber - Blood Dragon Guard
  • [MR]Michael.Harrell - Werewolf, Barghest - Molly
  • [RoS]Pesanta[X] - Sabre - Outcast
  • BHG|Core-Sha'eo - BH GS - BHG
  • GMG|GTS-Utashinai - GMG Transport- GMG
  • "Chanticleer" - Yacht - Orbital Spa And Cruise
  • Libertine - Spyglass - Lane Hacker Guard
  • Lucas.Wagner - Civilian Bomber - Unioners
  • {C-S}-Aleix.Ventura - Bomber - Council
  • Marty.McSnuggles - Upholder - LN



Freelancer Signatures

Gas Miner's Guild signature [1]

Order Battleship Tenabras [2]

Mercenary Jonas Salk [3]

Freelancer Dante Kingston [4]

Malarlo Stores [5]

Chanticleer [6]

Don Carlos Benitez [7]

Molly Republic [8]

Molly Republic Version 2 [9]

Molly Republic Version 3 [10]

Molly Republic Version 4 [11]

Saheto [12]

Sekhmet [13]

School Work

Magazine poster [14]

3rd Of March [15]

RP Projects


Ship Class Freighter
Built by Samuel Rothschild
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 5
Opt. weapon class 7
Max. weapon class 7
Other equipment
Hull strength 170,000
Max. shield class 7
Cargo space 1,500 units
Nanobots/Batteries 400/400
Max. impulse speed 90 m/s
Max. thrust speed ~130 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 90,000 u
Power recharge 7,500 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $72,000,001
Package price $72,000,000

The "Chanticleer" was built by the Rothschild family, a powerful and rich OSC family that's roots go long into the OSC company.

The Class A Yacht was ordered in 800 A.S. by William Rothschild, father of Samuel Rothschild. It was lost shortly after it's first launch.

Experts presume that it was silenced by a hostile in Cortez as there was a distress call from it a short bit before it was lost off the radars. No evidence was ever found and no explanation further from the current one was ever given ... Investigations are still underway trying to explain as to how such a ship was lost without a trace ...


The Libertine (actual name of the ship/char) is a Lane Hacker Guard Spyglass class Battleship. The Admiral of the ship is named Jonathan MacArthur a distant relative of a Fleet Admiral in the Hellfire Legion (Andrew Le'Blanc).

MacArthur has become reviered amongs the other Lane Hackers as a cruel man, altough he has shown multiple times that he would not risk his men's life with no reason.

The Libertine has been seen recently closer to Liberty's capital (New York). Rumor amongs the other Hackers say that it's gathering information about all coming and going commercial along with looking for weaknesses in Liberty's defense.

Multiple times Admiral MacArthur has breached said defense and attacked multiple warships of the Liberty Navy destroying many and striking critical hits to those that have survived.

De'Reina familia

The De'Reinas are a Corsair family, have been arround for a long time, since Matei De'Reina of The Brotherhood.

  • Matei De'Reina - former brother of The Brotherhood lost in a fight in Omicron Eta against the Outcast fleet
  • Casiodoro De'Reina - older brother of Matei De'Reina, former commander of a Corsair Legate class battleship "Dins El Darrer". Went missing in action after the murder of his daughter's husband, has not been seen since then. Rumour has it he's gone to look for vengeance against Taro Katsuo an ace pilot of the GMG| that murdered Handro De'Reina.
  • Elizabeth De'Reina - daughter of Casiodoro De'Reina, former captain of a Corsair Gunboat "Crimson Night". Died shortly after the tragic loss of her husband Handro De'Reina.
  • Handro De'Reina - husband of Elizabeth De'Reina. Former Scourge of the Omega Pirates Guild. Lost in a fight in Sigma-13 trying to defend his wife's honour against a GMG| pilot by the name of Taro Katsuo!
  • Nicolas De'Reina - brother of Elizabeth and son of Casiodoro De'Reina. Current member of the Corsair Brotherhood. Experienced bomber and fighter pilot.

Family Tree: [16]

Wikipedia Projects

The Brotherhood page

The Brotherhood <--- My first page created on Wiki, it was made when I had free time and nothing better to do ... free of charge ofcourse :D

The Luxury Liner "Rhodes"

LL Rhodes <--- The second page I created on the discovery wiki, it was per request of a friend ...

Bretonian Armed Forces

BAF <--- The third page I created, per request of the faction ...

Molly Republic

Molly Republic <--- Lastest page I created per request of the Molly Republic faction.


To contact me PM me on the Discovery forums [17]