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Liberty ships

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Liberty lawful ships

Fighters & Bombers

Name Faction Class Notes
Patriot Flag-liberty.png Liberty Light Fighter
Executioner Flag-liberty.png Liberty Heavy Fighter
Avenger Flag-liberty.png Liberty Very Heavy Fighter
Defender Flag-liberty.png Liberty Very Heavy Fighter
Taurus OscLogo.png Orbital Spa and Cruise Super Heavy Fighter OSC Shuttle
Upholder Flag-liberty.png Liberty Light Bomber

Gunboats & Capital Ships

Name Faction Class Notes
Defiant Flag-liberty.png Liberty Gunboat Light Gunboat
Archer Flag-liberty.png Liberty Cruiser Liberty Cruiser
Interdictor Flag-liberty.png Liberty Battlecruiser Liberty Battlecruiser
Overlord Flag-liberty.png Liberty Battleship Liberty Dreadnought
Atlantis Flag-liberty.png Liberty Battleship Liberty Carrier

Freighters & Transports

Name Faction Class Notes
Dorado OscLogo.png Orbital Spa and Cruise Freighter OSC Ferry
Grizzly LN Logo.png Liberty Civilian Freighter
Rhino LN Logo.png Liberty Civilian Freighter
Mammoth LN Logo.png Liberty Civilian Transport Liberty Transport
Bison LN Logo.png Liberty Civilian Transport Liberty Heavy Transport
Mastodon LN Logo.png Liberty Civilian Transport Liberty Supertransport

Liberty unlawful Ships

Fighters & Bombers

Name Faction Class Notes
Jackal RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Light Fighter
Greyhound RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Very Heavy Fighter
Prosecutor SeparatistsLogo.png Liberty Insurgency Very Heavy Fighter
Vindicator LH Logo.png Lane Hackers Very Heavy Fighter
Werewolf RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Super Heavy Fighter
Hyena RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Light Bomber
Barghest RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Heavy Bomber
Transgressor LH Logo.png Lane Hackers Heavy Bomber

Gunboats & Capital Ships

Name Faction Class Notes
Hellhound RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Gunboat Light Gunboat
Interloper LH Logo.png Lane Hackers Gunboat Light Gunboat
Inquisitor SeparatistsLogo.png Liberty Insurgency Gunboat Heavy Gunboat
Scylla RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Cruiser Rogue Destroyer
Judicator SeparatistsLogo.png Liberty Insurgency Battlecruiser Hellfire Legion Battlecruiser
Arbiter SeparatistsLogo.png Liberty Insurgency Battleship Hellfire Legion Battleship
Battleship Harmony SeparatistsLogo.png Liberty Insurgency Battleship Separatist Dreadnought (Only given via Admin)

Old Ships

Name Faction Class Notes
Bloodhound RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Light Fighter From orginal Freelancer - replaced by Hyena
Spyglass HFskull.png Hellfire Legion Battleship replaced by Arbiter
Wolfhound RoguesLogo.png Liberty Rogues / MollysLogo.png Mollys Heavy Fighter From orginal Freelancer - replaced by Werewolf