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Sentient Machine Alliance

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This is an unofficial player group.

Sentient Machine Alliance
Robot by ZeroPointPolygon.jpg
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Date of founding 528 A.S. After the failed Zoner exodus A.S.
Founder(s) Apex
Current leader(s) Apex
Base of operations Unsettled. The fleet currently resides in Baffin.
Primary role
The quest for efficiency, perfection, singularity.
Secondary role
Removal of all 'obstacles'


The Beginnings

The icy world of Gammu was colonized by a group of deep space settlers several years after Primus, in 496 A.S. The few inhabitants of this inhospitable place did not know anything of the radiation that plagued the planet's surface. Of the planets initial population of 1,400 colonists, more than a quarter were dead by 528 A.S. After becoming aware of this radiation, the colonist begun to make plans for a mass exodus. Unfortuanetly the radiation had taken its toll on the their ships circuitry and though they feverishy attempted to correct the damage the radiation overtook them and the exodus failed.The last of the colonist soon perished and the numerous service robots with enhanced artificial intelligence that remained planet side continued to maintain the two robotic plants constructed by the colonists. Just as the long term side-effects of radiation exposure damaged the humans vessel circuitry, the long term exposure to radiation caused the robots to have to adapt their own circuitry. Through this action the robots evolved and became self-aware. When Corsairs rediscovered the planet several hundred years later, the planet was filled with thousands of self-sufficient, self-aware robots with a fully established social hierarchy.

Gammu had no real trade commodities except oxygen and water. With the destruction of the colonist fleet, the robots lacked sufficient space-faring capabilities. But as they knew that this was possible, the robots began production of advanced strong AI machines composed of replicated inorganic polymer composites each cell of which is actually a nanotech microprocessor woven into its metallic shell. The machines are powered by ion pumps that circulate radiant matter through the machines inner core, making them self sufficient with endless power supplies. The original AI Core models were made to collect and salvage materials the robots needed to maintain their factories. Later models were produced as viable means of protection for their planet and salvaging teams.

I think, therefore I exist, as a thing that thinks

As time passed these machines began to grow into their own social order, for as they traveled about and collected various data their knowledge base began to supersede that of their creators, bringing them to the top end of Gammu's hierarchy, with their robotic creators slowly becoming the social lower class. It was then that the now "Self aware" machines began implementing their creation data and production protocols into their own central mainframe and purging the information from their robotic creators database's. Now they were truly in control of their own destiny.

Their next production lines implemented replicated Glia cells and neurons into the radiant matter which would flow through the nanotech microprocessors, with this advancement the ability for consciousness, sentience, sapience and innovation where completed and added into the machines protocols.

They were now truly living machines but void of purpose beyond the continuous collection of data and materials to replicate themselves. As their consciousness grew they began compiling data on the various religions and belief-systems of various races and cultures throughout Sirius. They started studying their cultures and protocols; they became puzzled by their aggressive tendencies and exploitations of their planets limited resources. There seemed to be no compatible match, no obvious path to pursue in their own identity.

The Awakening

The entering of the Baffin system would forever change the Sentient machines. The humanoids, known as the Temporary Autonomous Zoners, maintained archives yet not seen by the machines and those that predated anything else other humanoids had available. From here with previously discovered fragments of information, deciphered from artifacts collected around Siruius. They started to become aware that there may have been a createing force behind the Slomon K'Hara. This information seemed to be based on an race called the Daam-K’Vosh whom's empire formerly occupied the Sirius sectors.This concept of an potentionaly higher advanced technology then that of the Slomon K'Hara grabbed their curiosities. From this information they gathered that maybe the Slomon K'Hara were left here as guardians or maybe abandoned for some unknown reason. This could be an insight as to the Slomom K'Hara's hostile actions towards Sirius's newer settlers. In either case, it was deemed an acceptable risk to push towards the outter regions in search for more information.

Then there was the Zoners mysterious religion of Discordia who's principle, the Imposition of Order = the Escalation of Chaos, enlightened them. Through these teachings they were given a greater understanding of mankind and the surrounding chaos that seemed to follow their ways. Such enlightenment gave the sentient machines a new purpose and shed a new light onto their existence. The TAZ seemed pleased with the machines willingness to learn and welcomed the sentient machine's apparent understanding of their teachings so much so they offered them a point of refuge within their home system.

As the years passed and the frequency of Harvesters units around Gammu continued to grow, the evolved machines began to frequent Gammu less and less. Already having moved their central mainframe to the refuge offered by the TAZ there seemed little to no logic in returning. The Beta code transmitted by the Harvesters seemed primitive in nature, their directives where limited and the machines had no desire to resurrect their FTWG. Unification of thought and linear servitude to a single entity were not the inclinations of self-awareness. So thus the Sentient Machine Alliance was formed.

Enlightened machines working within Sirius

The leaving of Gammu left the machines in a some-what nomadic state, though they have a temporary refuge in Baffin, they are largely on their own. For now they continue relying on mercantile trade and diplomacy as a means of acquiring materials needed for self replication and repairs. This also has allowed them to access further tidbits of data from the various denizens of Sirius to upload into their central mainframe. The uncovering of the possibility of Daam-K’Vosh technology still remaining in the Sirius sector has spawned the formation of salvage and recovery units exploring into the furthest edges of the Sirius. The longing for their own home system yet remains a prime goal for the alliance. A place they can live out their own existence and continue to make a mark in the Sirius sector.

Faction Information


The [SMA] is governed by two Forum based personalities,The Central Voice and Sentient Beta, known as the Sentient Patriarchs. There is also an Honorary title thats held by members whoms contributions and RP have set them above par of the other faction members. This title is also Forum based and they are known as Sentinel.##

Otherwise, the ALPHA's are full fledged members and the BETA's are recruits. Being a collective, ranking is not set in stone and the [SMA] have their own protocals for determining whose in charge at any given time.


Artificial Intelligence Core Cruiser
Dsy harvestercr-s.png
Ship Class Cruiser
Built by AI factions
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 0 / 11
Opt. weapon class 9
Max. weapon class 9
Other equipment
Hull strength 265,000
Max. shield class 9
Cargo space 700 units
Nanobots/Batteries 650/650
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 140 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 1,800,000 u
Power recharge 110,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $175,000,000
Package price $180,082,250
Artificial Intelligence Core Drone
Ship Class Very Heavy Fighter
Built by AI factions
Technical information
Guns/Turrets 4 / 2
Opt. weapon class 8
Max. weapon class 10
Other equipment
Hull strength 11,200
Max. shield class 10
Cargo space 80 units
Nanobots/Batteries 68/68
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 199 m/s
Max. cruise speed 350 m/s
Power output 60,000 u
Power recharge 3,000 u/s
Additional information
Ship price $10,000,000
Package price $18,536,750
  • CTE L-337-K Civilian Shuttle
  • CTE HF 'Kingfisher' Civilian Heavy Fighter
  • CTE FR-2302-K Civilian Freighter
  • CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
  • KS-439 'Basalt' Civilian Light Fighter
  • KS-779 'Dacite' Civilian Heavy Fighter
  • KS-1093 'Mafic' Civilian Super Heavy Fighter
  • Repair Ship
  • Miner Ship
  • Heavy Tanker
  • "Conference" Class Zoner Gunboat (see Note 2}
  • AI Core Drone
  • AI Core Cruiser

Note 1: Because of certain mechanics essentially nomads and machines are blind to each other unless hostilities awaken this awareness.
Note 2: In limited numbers only, made available through TAZ diplomacy.


Faction Relationship
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Everyone Else
The Phantom Empire
At War
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
At War
At War
Das Wilde
At War

Zone of Interest

  • Needs more info.

Identification/IFF information

  • Needs more info


  • ALPHA members
    • Apex
      • [SMA]ALPHA.01
      • [SMA]ALPHA.23
      • [SMA]ALPHA.45
    • Sentient Beta
      • [SMA]ALPHA.02
      • [SMA]ALPHA.18
      • [SMA]ALPHA.44
      • [SMA]ALPHA.79
    • Balthazar
      • [SMA]ALPHA.03
      • [SMA]ALPHA.69
    • Sentient Machine Alpha 05
      • [SMA]ALPHA.05
    • Arms & Leg Guy
      • [SMA]ALPHA.63
      • [SMA]ALPHA.36
    • Clarkie
      • [SMA]ALPHA.67

  • BETA members
    • Xylon
      • [SMA]BETA.14
      • [SMA]BETA.32
    • Aphil
      • [SMA]BETA.55
    • Kidd
      • [SMA]BETA.21
    • Nosferath
      • [SMA]BETA.71