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Mireille Ceyes

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Mireille Ceyes
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Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Occupation Revolutionary
Affiliation Independent
Years of service in the LMC 805 - 816
Rank Colonel (dishonorably discharged)
Born July 23 783 A.S., Planet Manhattan (Age 34)

Mireille Justine Ceyes, born 23 July 783), is a former Liberty Marine Corps Colonel and ex-leader of the now defunct Sons of Liberty movement, a terrorist ring best known for the '16 Liberty Supreme Court bombing and other high-profile acts of destruction. She currently ranks number 8 on the LSF's Top Ten Most Wanted List. Although frequently seen engaging in activities harmful to the Liberty government's interests, LSF analysts yet have to pin down her exact HQ and it is believed that she is constantly on the move to evade House authorities.

Early life

Ceyes was born in Washington, Planet Manhattan. Her father Henry Snider was a Liberty Army Brigadier General before his death in 816 A.S.; her mother, Nicole Ceyes, is a wealthy Senator and businesswoman.

Ceyes, the sole child of her parents, grew up in a conservative, highly pro-government-oriented family. Apart from a court process over a killing in self-defense, her pre-military life was a largely undisturbed one. She attended various private elementary and high schools and graduated from West Point Military Academy in 805 A.S. with magna cum laude.

Career and life in the Liberty Marine Corps

Allegedly due to the influence of her father, Ceyes quickly climbed through the Army's ranks, and she was promoted to the rank of Colonel after only 10 (instead of the usual 18-20) years of service. Despite her high rank however she was still actively engaged in field operations; being in command of the LMC's 48th Forward Reconnaissance Battalion she was part of many recent conflicts in which special operation forces were involved. Ceyes herself cites her overly quick career as a sign of corruption in Liberty, while LSF analysts frequently blame the rapid growth of responsibility she was unable to handle for her defection to the SCRA.

Not only her career was subject of dispute however. After an incident involving her and a Nomad specimen near Maine, her mental stability and integrity were deemed questionable and she was accused of being unfit for duty as well as cooperation with Order agents multiple times. None of those accusations led to a conviction, but the LSF still believes that Ceyes's past and present actions were and are partly backed by the Order.

Naval Brutality

While the reason for Ceyes's defection is subject of many debates among analysts, it is commonly agreed upon that it's main cause was the criminal behavior of government agents she witnessed during her career in the LMC. Being a Marine Corps pilot carrying troops into combat and assisting naval operations, she frequently observed acts of questionable legality and morality performed by Navy personnel, and found herself frustrated over the unwillingness of Navy officers to bring their subordinates to justice.

When she witnessed an extrajudicial execution carried out in Planet Manhattan's orbit by LSF operatives, she finally snapped, opening fire upon and eventually killing not only the LSF team in question, but also a full Navy wing on her own before being shot down and captured.

Escape from the Sugarland

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The heavily damaged Sugarland

In what would later be described as a "grave mistake" by an unnamed LSF agent, Ceyes's escape pod wasn't destroyed on the spot following standard protocols; instead, she - now an Unlawful Combatant - was taken in for interrogation and assigned a cell on the LPI Sugarland.

The Sugarland, however, was not properly equipped to handle prisoners sporting military-grade augmentations and training, and neither where it's jailers: after a series of incidents involving Outcast slavers, a nearly killed prison guard and two dead prisoners, she managed to get into contact with Benjamin Thule, the 48th's junior commander, with whom she shared a rather intimate relationship.

Thule organized and carried out a daring strike on the Sugarland. Armed with heavy, sealed power armor usually used by LMC drop troopers, he and a loyal platoon entered the Sugarland while the White Rose, a Gunboat formerly under Ceyes's command, provided the means of extraction. Staging a prison revolt, they managed to liberate Ceyes. When the LPI depressurized parts of the Sugarland to prevent her escape, more than 400 prisoners and 24 officers were killed.

The Sons of Liberty

Mireille during a Sons of Liberty operation

From there on, Ceyes and Thule led a bloody guerilla war against the Liberty government. Recruiting a force of Xenos, mercenaries and disgruntled citizens to bolster their ranks, they founded the first generation of the Sons of Liberty, infamous for acts of terrorism such as the infamous detonation of a tactical nuclear warhead above the Liberty Supreme Court Building and a nearly-successful attempt on destroying a Bretonian Embassy Liner sent to Liberty to discuss the terms of the Treaty of Curacao.

Ceyes as a SCRA agent

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Ceyes in SCRA dress uniform

In late 816 A.S., Ceyes was contacted by a Commissar serving the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and subsequently recruited. Thule remained in command of the Sons of Liberty as well as the White Rose, which has served the Sons of Liberty as mobile HQ.

Ceyes' relationship with the SCRA can be described as difficult at best. While initially embracing the group's propaganda, forming a friendship with Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko and Chief Engineer Yue Fei and even receiving a promotion to Lieutenant Commander in late 816, her enthusiasm about the Coalition began to fade after she realized that behind the big words, the people fighting for "liberation" were just as criminal as her former employers.

In early 817, she had seen enough - again, she decided to flee her flag and, covertly assisted by Chief Engineer Fei, she defected from the SCRA, setting course to Liberty again.

Post-SCRA operations

After arriving in Liberty, Ceyes was confronted with grave news. Most of the Sons of Liberty where dead; some, among them Benjamin Thule, had joined forces with the Liberty Rogues in what she viewed as a complete betrayal of all the group stood for. While the White Rose was still in control of Sons of Liberty revolutionaries loyal to her, it was in a barely functional shape and soon ended up destroyed when it was confronted by a Navy bomber wing.

Aim- and homeless, Ceyes traveled through Liberty for over a year, her only possession being the Raven's Talon which she stole from SCRA hangars and a trunk full of guns. During this most desperate chapter of her life, she slowly turned towards an almost religious philosophy of sins, purity and atonement.


As of 818 A.S., Ceyes's desires seem to have shifted from grand revolution to atonement for her sins - which she believes to be so grave that only a lifetime of penance could free her from her guilt. Basing out a wreck she discovered in the midst of the Tahoe Ice Cloud, she once again roams Liberty (and, occasionally, the other houses), fighting pirates and House forces alike in her quest for justice.

Rep sheet

Faction Relationship
Liberty and Kusari Revolutionaries
The Order
House Corporations
House Government Agencies
Rheinland Revolutionaries
At War