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New Tokyo

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New Tokyo
Republic of Kusari
Planet New Tokyo
Government factions
Corporate factions
Other factions

Settled in 5 AS, this system was the heart of the Republic of Kusari , housing the Imperial Palace on Planet New Tokyo as well as the headquarters of the Keiretsu. Now it is the Capital of the Republic of Kusari. With connections to 4 other core systems, this system is one of the most used in the house of Kusari. The system holds one inhabited planet: Planet New Tokyo. There are also 6 permanent stations, which are all corporate bases.

The government advises to not use the Kanto and the Chiba Field, as terrorist groups like the Farmers Alliance, Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums are frequently spotted in the area. Another place that is strongly discouraged is the area around the Hiroshima Jump hole .

The system holds a lot of economical activity; traders from all off Sirius come over here to make money (including those from Bretonia).

System Navmaps

System Map

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Astronomical objects
Produced commodities
Mineable commodities

None known

Areas of Interest

Asteroid Fields

Kanto Field

Kanto Field

An asteroid field mined out centuries before the initial Kusari burst of expansion. The field is entirely deserted today except for Kabukicho Depot, where the Hogosha endeavor to "protect the anonymity of their clients". Police patrols have recently been increased as terrorists groups such as the Blood Dragons and Farmers Alliance have been using the field to launch strikes uncomfortably close to New Tokyo itself.

Chiba Field

Chiba Field

An asteroid field exhausted of useful resources shortly after the larger Kanto field was depleted. The field has no other features of interest, though the Blood Dragons in the area have become more frequent of late.

Jump Gates/Holes

See Also