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Planet Tomioka

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Planet Tomioka
Planet Tomioka.jpg

Owner Samura Industries / Blood Dragons
Location G7, Nagano
Flag-kusari.png Kusari
Technical information
Population 300.000
Docking Yes
Terrain Jungle
Diameter 6030 km
Mass 6.35 x 10e24 kg
Temperature -156°C to -59°C
Escape velocity 5.22 km/sec

When Samura first surveyed Planet Tomioka they found it to be similar to Planet Kyushu, an even mix of land and water, with a large variety of primitive sea life. Many of the land masses on the planet are rich in plant life with some smaller lizard-like creatures appearing the main animal species on the planet. The usually calm weather and large, open "shrub forests" have become an attractive retreat for the wealthy well-connected Kusari citizen who just wants to get away from the crowded cities of New Tokyo.

Samura has begun developing the planet, creating large farmlands on one continent, while leaving an entire second continent completely allocated as a resort. Small villas are erected, with dozens of square kilometers of open country inbetween them - making a Tomioka visit "an undisturbed time".

Planet Tomioka seen from orbit.

Samura is also experimenting with the native fish-like life in the oceans, but has thus far not found anything worthwhile. Some of the species seem edible, but their appearance and taste makes them unappealing. Samura established two small mining outposts on the planet on sites where prospectors found deposits of valuable minerals - naturally, these are nowhere near the resorts. Between the fledgeling farming communities, miners and the people employed at the resorts, the planet has roughly 300.000 people on the surface, but this number is expected to rise quickly as Samura expands its operations on Tomioka.

Recently, the Blood Dragons have started an offensive on the planet, taking advantage of the lack of substantial local support from Republican forces. Fighting has intensified on the southern hemisphere, where the Blood Dragons attempt to make advances against the Samura security forces in the hopes of one day capturing the planet for their own ends. While the Samura security forces have kept the fighting away from their main areas of operation, only time will tell if they can manage to contain this new threat.

