Geneva Base

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This page has been retired but kept for historical or other reasons, The information on this page may be incorrect, out of date or just not relevant to this version of Discovery. It should not be taken as canon nor any authority on the current version of Discovery. It is kept simply to show some history of the Discovery Mod:
Newcastle was emptied in 4.91 Patch 6. Battleship Whitefield moved to Virginia. Geneva and Dartmouth Station were removed.

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Geneva Base
Zimmermann class Station
Geneva Base.jpg
BundschuhLogo.png Bundschuh
B6, New Hampshire
Technical Data
Gravity Partial
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 340

The Bundschuh were dealt a terrible blow when their Dresden-based Zwickau Depot was destroyed in the fierce crossfire between Hessians and the Rheinland Military. With its loss, the party briefly lost both its means of looting from the crossfire, and its repository for salvaged Military-grade technology.

Delegates amongst various Bundschuh sects argued for weeks on how to combat both this loss and the abrupt refugee crisis on Planet Nuremberg and Hammersee. Geneva was hastily constructed from an ice asteroid to address both issues. First, a large amount of hangar space was made available for storage with limited production of military-class snubcraft, using parts salvaged from wreckage in wake of the war with Liberty. Secondly, chronic water shortages from the organization's overcrowded bases are patched up by forays deeper into the Bethlehem Nebula, harvesting its untouched and unexploited ice asteroids on a small scale.

Deemed suitable as a last redoubt for the Party if other strongholds were compromised, Geneva’s bustle belies its ramshackle and bare-bones construction. Refugees and dissidents easily find work here scavenging military technology (including of Libertonian manufacture, if they can get away with it) or mining the nebula’s ice asteroids.

Missions Offered

Bribes Offered




Rh fighter.png
Heavy Fighter
Rh elite.png
Very Heavy Fighter