*** Lithiel ***
2 lovers united.
Julie Marshall
Mysterious ex-LSF Paramilitary Officer.
Mireille Ceyes
Disgruntled Libertonian Ex-Colonel; wanted terrorist; known SCRA affiliate.
Consortium Control Unit
A heavily augmented transhuman, suppressing what's left of her emotions with advanced technology. Occasionally using the code name "Juliet November".
Clarence Harper
Professional soldier; freedom-loving; 1st SFOD-D operator.
Leroy "The Loving Chainsaw" Hale
Disgruntled mercenary now making a living robbing transports with the Liberty Rogues. Enjoys explosions - the bigger, the better.
Itakura "Just Testing" Ayane
Enigmatic weapons engineer, interrogation specialist and propagandist, currently flying with the Liberty Rogues.
LCSV Independence
Gunboat utilized by the 1st; usually commanded by Clarence Harper or Elizabeth Reeds.
PFS Juneau
Commercial transport under the command of Planetform Head of Shipping Dave Johnson and his secretary, Judith Rose.