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- This is an unofficial player group.
Consortium | |
Origin | ![]() |
Alignment | Quasi-Lawful/Unlawful (varies by region) |
Recruitment | Click to join |
Profile | |
Date of founding | Unknown A.S. |
Date of dissolution | 817 A.S., Reconstituted 818 A.S. A.S. |
Founder(s) | Ironwatsas |
Current leader(s) | Zeta Foxtrot, Overwatch |
Base of operations | Tau-65 |
Secondary Base | Unknown |
Identification | |
Primary ID | Golden Chrysanthemum ID |
IFF | Golden Chrysanthemum for now |
Tag(s) | \CS\ |
Primary role | |
Military defeat and replacement of the Kusari Republic with a transhumanist-faschist state. | |
Secondary role | |
Unknown |
The Consortium is a highly covert military-styled insurgency, which is comprised largely of Transhuman, or Posthuman cyborgs. Commanded by a Cabal of Artificial Intelligences and Cyborg Admirals, stated goals are to collapse the Kusari Government and replace it with a Techno-Faschist Imperial State of their own. The Consortium maintain a small but well organized and highly trained, Non-state military force.
1st Era
There are a few conflicting theories to how the Consortium came about. The original history being they were the descendants of the lost sleeper ship Mayflower, and a colony it later established long before the Coalition-Alliance war. However, this is now known to be an internal cover-up, designed to confuse and throw off enemy spies and curious people. While the Mayflower is a known historical incident, the Consortium itself has no direct ties to it.
The second, was the Consortium's alleged founding by a rogue AI known as OVERLORD, who's intents were to bring 'order' to Sirius. However, this too, was a falsification. OVERLORD was only activated after the first era, and reformatted the Neurocyte network in order to further it's own goals, which ultimately failed, and lead to OVERLORD's expurgation.
What is known is the Consortium was created by the 'individual' known as Ironwatsas, to what exact end, and exactly how Watsas was able to assemble such a large organization in a relatively short amount of time with no clear external support remains unknown.
What is also known was they had rapidly mobilized a significant and competent fleet, forging an alliance with the Golden Chrysanthemums and other assorted Kusari revolutionaries, ostensibly to hasten the end of the Tau War. The 1E fleet was a highly mobile gurellia force, predominantly operating from GC bases and Armada carriers, which would frequently raid commerce and skirmish with lawful forces, as well as the Farmers Alliance and Hogosha. While the AFA could not match the Armada's equipment and firepower, they did learn much more of the organization that anyone else. But the disappearance of Ze'ev Barak meant that little of this was acted on in a meaningful way.
The Armada's heavy firepower, combined with an alliance with the Golden Chrysanthemums, NovaPG and later Rising Sons, as well as arms deals with the Outcasts proved a significant thorn in the side of Kusari police and home guardsmen, and the Imperial Navy was forced to delegate additional craft to homeland security. Despite this, losses among frontline pilots gradually increased, and the 'recruitment' policies of the era often caused concern among their allies. While some diplomatic scuffles did occur, most were dealt with gracefully and normal service continued largely unimpeded.
2nd Era
However, Watsas abruptly departed in 817 A.S., throwing the Consortium into disarray. Zeta Foxtrot also shut down at this time, and OVERLORD was activated as part of a contingency plan.
OVERLORD managed to gain full control over the Neurocyte network; a task it was not designed for, but the AI grew to manage such a task... abiet at a reduced efficiency. Placing itself as a leader and concerning itself with it's own intents. OVERLORD apparently desired to create a 'unity', presumably an extrapolation of the Transhumanist intentions of the 1st Era, and justified this with the fabricated history of it's supposed arrival in Sirius.
Operations continued for a time, and the remains of the armada achieved limited success in raiding, but quickly devolved into petty supply piracy, as front organizations began to atrophy and logistics suffered. OVERLORD was a dispassionate and self-interested AI, following ingrained hard-logic patterns as opposed to a foresight that Watsas or any other human possessed. It twisted the remains of the organization to it's end, and ultimately, hastened it's downfall. What remained of the Consortium Fleets were laid up in reserve, kept in operable condition.. just in case.
3rd Era
As of 818 A.S. CASE ORANGE has been activated, transmitting a wake-up signal to the surviving agents and ships. This resulted in a reformat of the remaining units and a rapid mobilization of the Armada's resources. The exact source of CASE ORANGE appeared to originate from inside the Kusari Military, specifically from within the Kempeitai, hinting at a wider conspiracy. In the days after CASE ORANGE was activated, Armada ships have been seen moving around deep in Kusari space and anomalous transmissions and jamming was detected. This appears to be part of a strategic-level deception operation to cover the movement of forces. Of what disposition and intent is unknown at this time.
Politics and Strategy
As of the first era, the Consortium did little in the way of wide-scale propaganda and had no set political beliefs. Their goals appeared strictly military, in the targeting of Kusari Personnel and infrastructure in order to weaken their fleet projection capability in the Taus. As of the third era, the strategy has changed to one of targeting key infrastructure to one of fihth column tactics and political subterfuge.
Officially, the Consortium appear to follow an extreme-Right Wing manifesto, though it is difficult to place their exact beliefs. It can best be described as an Amoral "Realpolitik", preaching against Gallic influance, urging political violence and defections, and appears to generally conform to a Machiavellian, if pragmatic, Militarist Regime. Stated goals are the complete destruction of the Kusari Government, Nationalization of all strategic resources, including Samura and Kishiro; a continuation of the Imperial Line under auspices other then those of Jien Kogen. They appear to also follow a quasi-relegious interpretation, beliving the Goddess Amaterasu ōmikami to be their patron and "employer", which has manifested into an ideology of "state shintoism", and often, literal interpretations of mythological events. Recent events however have raised the concerns of academic occultists and xenobioligists as to how correct the Consortium's interpretations are.
Their stance however, differs greatly from many of the Traditionalists and pro-Kogen Imperialists; specifically, openness to Foriegn Trade and Politics. Nationalization of the Keiretsu. Outlawing of the Hogosha. Mass mobilization of the public through Political Coercion and Neighborhood Associations, Ending restrictions on both Cardamine and Artifacts, and military action against Gallia. This has made the Consortium's Goals unpalatable to many of the "old guard" of the Kusari Political sphere. Often however, they will manipulate other, perhaps more moderate political groups into implicitly supporting their goals in an attempt to gain more traction.
Beyond political manipulation, the Consortium are actively trying to place sleeper agents within both the Kusari Naval Forces and the Democratic Government, with the end-goal of starting a military coup in their favor, and ousting the government that way. Failing that, the Armada is still, slowly but surely, building new ships and upgrading it's fleet forces.
The Consortium’s numbers are much smaller than those it wages war against, full strength numbering somewhere around twenty thousand agents. However, due to the very nature of its operations, more and more agents are assimilated or recruited every day, bolstering the strength of the fleet and replacing lost agents. Agents are assigned to different sections of the overall structure, usually to match their skills (augmented or otherwise).
The most visible arm of the Consortium, the Armada acts as a paramilitary force to secure territory as well as perform surgical strikes against targets of interest. Formerly, Much of the Armada’s ranks were filled by emotionless ‘blanks’, so highly cybernised that they have lost their emotions and free will entirely. Child soldiers and nekomata were also seen and used as combat pilots and ground troops, to further horrify and demoralize the enemy. While these drones are generally more effective in combat, there are many notable exceptions to this rule, mostly those who were ace pilots before "processing", who as a result have retained varying degrees of their personality.
As of the 3rd Era, with most veteran pilots dead or missing, most of the Consortium fleet consists of remote controlled Drones with a few surviving pilots who have been used to create a cabal of leaders to help rearm the organization. Most of the fleet's heavy warships and fighter squadrons fall under armada TSOG/BOLSOG units (or would normally), but are currently in a state of flux due to low numbers.
Intel Spike
The Consortium's intelligence department. It is made up mainly of experts in the fields of espionage, covert ops, and often former officers and members of various factions. Unlike other groups, many within INTELSPIKE are those who joined willingly, and with intent. INTELSPIKE runs a number of external operations, including deep recon, double-agent recruitment, liaison work, and recently, public propaganda.
Using a mixture of cutting edge technology and old-fashioned spy work, INTELSPIKE operatives are constantly monitoring both allied and enemy organizations alike for threats and opportunities. Typically, operatives remain well away from the battlefields in space, and often intermingle with both friend and foe alike, often allowing them to play on sympathies and beliefs much better than those of other house intelligence groups and members of the Armada.
INTELSPIKE also operates a few ships of it's own, separate from the main armada, and typically try to avoid public scrutiny and evade law enforcement if necessary. Most of their ships are noncombatants, consisting of operative shuttlecraft, recon ships, and a few modified Commando Solo craft used for propaganda and neuro-communications broadcasting.
Blackwatch serves two main purposes; Internal security and Shipboard/Planetary combat forces. The former taking a priority, as land forces and marines are (currently) relatively few in number. Generally, Blackwatch troops are far more heavily indoctrinated and augmented even then most Armada pilots, and conditioned harshly to ensure loyalty to Overwatch and prevent defection and sedition. This is their goal throughout the organization, one which has grown more important with the influx of new members.
While Blackwatch operates some of it's own ships, these are mostly prototypes or stealth craft, or landing & support craft related to ground operations. Some types differ from those used by the Armada, so this should be taken into account. Though Blackwatch troops commonly provide on-ship security for larger Consortium warships and merchant marine vessels.
The Consortium's land and planetary forces tended to be relatively small and relied mostly on drones, but these were destroyed quickly after the Neurocyte net collapsed. A few small scale raids were staged on Planet Kyushu, but ultimately repulsed by the Imperial Kusari Army and local forces. Currently, a few units hoverspeeders and light mecha remain in service, and the Consortium lacks any planetary landing capacity as of this time. It should be noted, that some aquatic or amphibious forces may still be active on Planet Kyushu, as they were largely submersible drones designed for long-duration stealth missions, and may have re-activated with CASE ORANGE.
Little is known of the internals of Blackwatch's security operations, though rumors of torture and mutilation, sexual abuse, forced cybernetic augmentation, and experimental procedures and surgeries conducted on Humans means even Consortium troops look upon these security forces with unease. In part because of this, there is a noted inter-service rivalry between INTELSPIKE and Blackwatch, with the former's often sympathetic attitude and the latter's brutality and authoritarianism. While it amounts to little in terms of disharmony of operations, it is one that is constantly kept an eye on by Overwatch and the cabal.
Spawned from a need to move equipment and materials to Consortium-controlled and allied facilities and support the general war effort, the Logistics division is a major and integral part of operations. They also collect stolen goods and equipment for transport, and supply GC and allied bases as an act of partnership. Logistics spike performs many of the day-to-day service operations a force as large as the Armada needs to maintain operation and ensure fleets, warships, and personnel remain fed and fueled. With few permanent bases and a constantly mobile infrastructure, Logistics has a significant job to do. The ability to maintain itself and ensure contacts and trading agreements abroad is both remarkable and the main reason the organization achieved as much success as it did.
They also have administration over the Consortium's commerce raiders; Armored Q-Ships typically built on Liner hulls the fleet has collected over the years and outfitted for cargo interdiction. Standard Raider doctrine is to attempt to commandeer enemy ships whole, or atleast take their cargo. They will typically not risk engagement with superior military vessels in order to preserve their numbers and tend to remain sneaky and difficult to detect.
Not technically a division, but functions the leadership core of all branches of Consortium service. "Overwatch" can refer both to the single leader of the Consortium (Ironwatsas and later Zeta Foxtrot respectively, it is unknown if OVERLORD used this title), or a broader network of AIs and Cabal of admirals and adjutants which manage the day-to-day affairs of the Armada and subgroups.
Zeta Foxtrot currently bears the title of "Overwatch", with a lesser cabal made up of a few AI's (CANAL, MIGOU, & SYLPH) which were created for other tasks but are now taking some of the load off of ZF. As well, most of the surviving 'human' veterans have been promoted and serve as de-jure fleet commanders and admirals, helping the descision-making process move along and planning for operations ahead.
Sleeper Agents
Sleeper Agents make up the embedded politicians and military personnel used to funnel intelligence and affect enemy operations from within, administrated mostly by INTELSPIKE. Most are not even aware that they are agents of the Consortium and carry out their mole activities as if it was in their job description. It is this quality that makes them so effective at infiltrating governments, militaries and corporations for the benefit of the Consortium. Not a lot minus a detailed scan of the cranium or brain biopsy can detect the Neurocyte embedded within.
Many voluntaries working for the Consortium and unknown individuals remained active after the dormancy period. These were key in the activation of CASE ORANGE and the commencement of the 3rd era, relaying information and manipulating events to the organization's ends. After the activation, most remain active and as yet undetected.
Capture & Recruitment Policy
During the 1st and 2nd Eras, the Consortium primarily replenished their ranks with enemy prisoners of war, enslaved via a neurocyte and controlled by AIs. This was a highly efficient process, as bulk deliveries from the Slaver's union could effectively maintain the fleet with little down-time for training and indoctrination. However, the partial collapse of the Neurocyte network, as well as the collapses of the Slavers Union and a lack of ships and personnel capable of processing an influx of such slaves has lead to a shift in this trend.
The Consortium now have begun to recruit the 'old fashioned' way, seeking individuals with military experience, or those with transhumanist or militarist trains of thought. Raw recruits are more or less 'normal' humans; however, the Consortium tend to further indoctrinate, condition, and eventually augment their troops as time goes on and promotions increase. The highest ranking officers; the ones with organizational and internal power; tend to be the least 'human' among them.
Additonally, forced impressment of captured or shanghaied troops is common. Often with a degree of brainwashing more more draconian measures like neural-kill implants to ensure loyalty. These slave troops are generally kept as manual labor or cannon fodder. Typically overseen by Combat Blanks granted temporary officer authority. It is rare for these slaves to rise through the ranks, although it does happen.
Consortium Shiptypes
The fleet of the 1st era consisted mainly of second-generation Outcast and Borderworlds hardware. Typically 'off-the-shelf' hulls modified after purchase to the Consortium's ends.
A List of observed shiptypes has been compiled here
Zone of Interest
Armada military forces are mainly active inside Kusari Space, the Sigma Border worlds, Independent Worlds. Their warships have been seen as far north as Omicron Zeta and as far south as Galileo and Kepler. The fleet maintains redundant supply lines to Omicron Alpha. The Consortium have been reluctant to enter the Tau Border Worlds up until recently, due to the presance of the Gallic Royal Navy and it's superior forces, though a few incursions into Tau-44 have been noted. Armada forces can and will also invade Guard-level systems and attack key targets within.
Outside of Kusari, operations abroad include supply lines and diplomatic missions to Liberty, Bretonia, and limited operations in or near Rheinland. Blackwatch has shown interest in the Omega-3 system for unknown reasons and frequently send vessels between there and Bretonia. Omicron Alpha and Omicron Eta are also important links in the Consortium's supply chain.
Identification & Ranking
Consortium ships can be identified by their \CS\- tag, and a suffix based on subdivision. Armada [A], Intelspike [I], Blackwatch [B], and Logistics [L]
For most ships, Japanese names (typically referencing mythology, folklore, or history) are used, regardless of shiptype, with appropriate fleet suffix.
- \CS\-Tengu-[A]
- \CS\-Yousei-[I]
- \CS\-Nanjing-[B]
- \CS\-Manchukuo-[L]
Commerce Raiders (always Liners or Gunboats) however, use a less formal number system due to higher security. Two digits for liners and 3 for gunboats, without the suffix (all raiders are attached to secondary fleet logistics)
- \CS\-Raider-21
- \CS\-Raider-313
Some utility, specialized, or other ships will have a more descriptive name in english (often with a hull number as well). Typically these are less important non-combatants not deemed important enough for a real name.
- \CS\-Engineering.Drone-[L]
- \CS\-Cafeteria-[L]
- \CS\-Miner12-[L]
Consortium ships use Golden Chrysanthemum ID and IFF, and have commandeered several installations in the Tau-65 system.
Rank structure is as follows, in descending order:
- Overwatch: The singular leader and overseer of the faction. Usually an AI of some sort. Current Overwatch is Zeta Foxtrot
- Adjutant: Official advisor and part of the cabal.
- Grand Coordinator: Ranking admiral of the fleet. Typically commands a BOLSOG sized unit.
- Fleet Coordinator: Admiral analog. Typically commands a TSOG sized unit.
- Coordinator: Vice-Admiral analog. Typically commands a direct action group, individual base, or fighter wing.
- Fleet Coordinator: Admiral analog. Typically commands a TSOG sized unit.
- Director: A director of first class usually commands a commerce raider squadron, fighter squadron,or DESRON and may fly ships as large as destroyers.
- Ship Director: A ship-director is usually the ranking officer on a ship, and may command gunboats or liners. Typically heavily indoctrinated as of this point.
- Myrmidon: Junior officer analog. Typically the highest rank reached by pilots before extensive cybernetic augmentation begins. Can fly any fighter, bomber, or non-raider transport.
- Spahi 1st class: Veteran pilot. Has survived several tours of duty and is considered trustworthy and competant. Can fly any strike craft, including the spatial.
- Spahi 2nd class: Mainline pilot. Has completed flight training and is assigned to a squadron. Can fly any Light, Heavy, or Very heavy fighters, and all bombers and freighters.
- Spahi 3rd class: Trainee pilot. Typically flies a weaker training ship or basic fighter as part of their training program.
- Spahi 2nd class: Mainline pilot. Has completed flight training and is assigned to a squadron. Can fly any Light, Heavy, or Very heavy fighters, and all bombers and freighters.
- Combat Blanks: Human slaves heavily brainwashed and used as cannon fodder. They can pretend to be the people they once were, but this masks a robot that does anything the Consortium want them to.
In addition, AI and Machines have their own "ranks", loosely defined by their relative autonomy.
- Sentients: Fully aware, conscious, and intelligent AI which are capable of arbitrary and abstract decision making and emotional simulation. Typically function as high-level network maintenance and command lesser machines. Most however, have a specific area of expertise.
- Autonoms: Machines of limited intellect, typically non-self aware but with adaptive response protocols and dynamic programming. Usually machines designed for field work capable of tactical or situational descision-making, but not smart enough to be considered 'intelligient'.
- Drones: Non-intelligient pre-programmed or remotely controlled machines or vehicles. Typically lack any real form of intelligence beyond programmed threat-response or operational instructions. Generally controlled by an autonom or sentient.
- Autonoms: Machines of limited intellect, typically non-self aware but with adaptive response protocols and dynamic programming. Usually machines designed for field work capable of tactical or situational descision-making, but not smart enough to be considered 'intelligient'.
For human ranks, pilots that join are brought in as Spahi-3rd class until they pass basic pilot training and calibrate their Identification and IFF on their training ship. Completion also includes initial ideological indoctrination. As ranks increase beyond the Spahi-level, additional indoctrination, brainwashing, and eventually cybernetic augmentation are underdone, until at higher-ranks, most Consortium adjutants and coordinators are heavily cybernetically enhanced and effectively brainwashed, though many pilots never reach these high ranks due to combat losses, and promotions beyond Myrmidon require meeting the standards of a higher officer.
AIs and Blanks don't use the typical rank structure. AIs are built and deployed for specific roles and have differing levels of intelligence, and blanks are merely augmented and mind controlled humans. They effectively function as the tools of the human and transhuman troops.
Official Diplomacy
Faction | Relationship | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Golden Chrysanthemums |
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Blood Dragons |
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Junkers |
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Maltian State |
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Temporary Autonomous Zoners |
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Bretonia Lawfuls |
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Gas Miners Guild |
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Corsairs |
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Samura Heavy Industries |
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Kusari Law Enforcement |
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Communist Agitators |
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Kishiro Democracy |
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Exogens |
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All Gallic Factions |
Actual Diplomacy
Faction | Relationship | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Consortium Kempeitai |
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Red Cell |
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Kamida Assembly |
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LSF (Pre-shakeup) |
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Liberty Lawfuls |
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Blood Dragons |
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Exogens |
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Samura Heavy Industries |
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Kusari Naval Forces |
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Kusari State Police |
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Kusari Population |
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Gallic Population |
Due to the active and fluid nature of Consortium Diplomacy, many of the above are subject to change.