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Furyoku Station

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Revision as of 04:39, 10 January 2010 by Mwerte (talk | contribs)
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Furyoku Station
Akebono class Station
Interspace Commerce
E5, Okinawa
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 3,000


After the discovery of the Okinawa system, Kishiro and the GMG required a considerable amount of money to quickly begin the construction of the system's infrastructure. Unfortunately, the only corporation both willing and able to underwrite the project was Interspace Commerce, who agreed to insure and finance it in exchange for 5% of the H-Fuel profits and also being permitted to construct a base in Okinawa. The GMG grudgingly agreed, and construction started on Furyoku Station at the same time as Fujisawa Mining Facility was assembled. The station was eventually completed in early 816 A.S., despite a number of sabotage incidences that were believed to be the work of Hogosha agents.   The base handles a large portion of the traffic moving in and out of Okinawa, and the GMG often stores a large amount of H-Fuel reserves at Furyoku. Attacks in the system against GMG and Kishiro facilities, as well as the Interspace base, have been more or less non-existent, save for the occasional raiding parties that are almost certainly Hogosha in origin. Part of the reason for this is almost certainly due to the influence and dealings that Interspace are known to have with the Golden Chrysanthemums. In exchange for the lack of piracy and attacks on their facilities and transports within Okinawa, it appears that both the Kishiro and GMG authorities within the system have taken to turning a blind eye whenever a Golden Chrysanthemum vessel has been seen docking with Furyoku Station.



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