LPI Sugarland

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LPI Sugarland
Tantalus class Prison Station
LPI Sugarland.png
Liberty Police, Inc.
5F, Texas
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Restricted
Amenities Limited
Crew 6K

The prison ship Sugarland, under the control of Liberty Police, Incorporated (LPI), was built in 600 A.S. to handle the Huntsville's criminal overflow. Sugarland is particularly hard-time, as a smelter worked by prison labour operates around the clock to re-process scrap from the Texas and New York debris fields (Scrap Metal; the Texas Incident's sole advantage). Apart from the prisoner population, a large contingent of cops, Hunters, and representatives of ALG Waste Disposal (the sole Rheinland faction still permitted into Liberty) round out the personnel on board.

