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Genesis Fury
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Origin Unknown
Occupation Mercenary
Affiliation Unknown
Born Unknown (Estimated 21)
Died Alive

Genesis Fury is a Mercenary with no home, no family, no sentimental attachments. At first glance he is simply a quiet, sophisticated pilot. Deep down he is a ruthless killer. This makes him the perfect mercenary; no matter how much he gains, he never anything to lose.


Early Life

Born on an unknown day, on an unknown planet, to unknown parents. The earliest records of Genesis, merely that of an 801 A.S local news broadcast. The broadcast was of an assault on a freighter outside the Planet Sprague, to which having been hidden in a loose panel, a child was the sole survivor. A follow up broadcast aired days later, sparked by the discovery of a tattoo behind the child's ear, it read nothing more than; "Genesis".


Without parents, home, or any known relations at all, Genesis was sent to live at an orphanage on New London. Genesis lived at the orphanage for five years. While silent in words, he spoke in many actions at the orphanage. He frequent in fights, was known to seemingly "acquire" the possessions of others and on a more severe occasion, hospitalized another child.

Genesis was eventually adopted out to James and Eve Fury, both wealthy mining investors from the Planet Leeds. Whiles his new identification was permanent, his family life however was short lived. In the one year spent with the Fury's, they noticed his unsettling habits and traits develop and even escalate. The Fury's were at first a little unnerved by Genesis, but later became frightened of him. Eventually they saw no other option. The Fury's took Genesis on a vacation to Planet Manhattan, only to leave him there alone.

Genesis, while still very young, was anything but afraid of being alone on Manhattan. He sustained himself by stealing from wealthy tourists and taking advantage of others. He kept this up for almost a year before making the mistake of pickpocketing from a Liberty Police Officer. Due to Genesis's age and lack of home, as punishment he was sent to a Liberty Navy Academy.

Teenage Years

For the majority of Genesis's teenage years, he spent at the Liberty Navy Academy on Manhattan. It was there he learned to not only fly light fighters, but also refined and improved many of his physical and mental skills. Unfortunately, while his wrath and evil was seemingly suppressed and contained, they was very much still there. To make matters worse, the way he expressed these emotions also developed and refined. He became far more wise, calculating and discreet with his actions. Three months shy of graduation, Genesis was expelled from the academy for disobeying a direct order from an instructor.


Nine months later in the March of 816 A.S, Genesis found himself in a deal with a trusted Liberty Rogue only known to him as Mr X. The plan was to rob a research facility with a few other Liberty Rogues. However on the day of the raid, when all the Rogues met up, Genesis turned up to find Alvin Seymour, a fresh graduate from the Liberty Navy Academy that Genesis knew personally, and knew joined the Liberty Police. Genesis found it clear that Alvin was a mole and working for the Liberty Police. Genesis exposed Alvin to the other Rogues. As thought the Liberty Navy showed up demanding immediate surrender. In a midst of panic, one of the other rogues grabbed Alvin, holding him as a hostage. The Liberty Police without hesitation stormed the facility, in doing so the rogue shot Alvin Seymour, fatally killing him. The rogue was then shot and killed, whilst the others were apprehended and arrested.

Genesis was found guilty of armed robbery, but found not guilty of being an accomplice to murder. On July 12th 816 A.S, Genesis Fury was sentenced to 3 years on the Prison Station Mitchell.

Custody & Release

On the January 14th 819 A.S Genesis Fury was released from prison, to serve the rest of his sentence working for and under the custody of his legal father James Fury.

On the 12th of July 819 A.S Genesis fulfilled his 3 year sentence and was released from custody of his father.

On the 3rd of August, James and Eve Fury were reported missing.

Diplomatic Status

Faction Relationship Status
Liberty Rogues
Liberty Security Force
Liberty Navy
Liberty Police Inc.
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing


Genesis tends to favor the maneuverable high firer power classed ships.