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Cear fanning 01 h.jpg
Origin Alcatraz Depot, California
Affiliation LN Logo.pngJames Lambert
Born 806 A.S.

About Pita

Pita is a young teen. Her parents are always at the pub getting drunk, or busy with hookers. She was left to be looked after by the Rogues and had grown up around death, drugs and slaves. This lifestyle left her mentally unstable. She never had a proper childhood, and never went to school. Her dolls 'talk' to her, and she doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Ruby has her eye on Pita to be the next Evil Hussy of the Rogues, as the other females are too 'soft' to take on the role. Little did she know Pita would take a very different path to the one planned out for her.

A brief history

  • A glum childhood

Pita was born and raised on Alcatraz Depot. A quiet child, she never had any problems socialising with anyone and was well liked. Her Father developed an addiction to Cardimine and female slaves while her Mother began drinking to drown away her life. Pita was left on her own more and more from an early age, having to fend for herself. She never had much of a childhood compared to other children of her age, and this has caused problems with her later in life. Growing up around death being a daily occurrence and crime being the norm she never developed the ability to tell right from wrong.

  • A Queen in the making

Pita was accepted into the Rogues on Ruby's will, although she does not wish to make it public knowledge. Pita is not yet aware of what Ruby's intentions are yet. Ruby is well aware she will need to retire one day, and had been looking for someone to shape into her successor. Pita's entrance into The Liberty Rogues was the perfect opportunity for Ruby to take the mis-led child under her wing and shape her to fill her shoes. Ruby may inform Pita of her plans in the future, when she believes Pita will be old enough to understand, and be in a better space mentally and emotionally. Ruby refuses to allow Pita access to social workers to discuss her problems in fear of Pita realising what she was doing.

  • Freedom

After Pita became of an age where she realised her parents were not going to be there for her, she began to make her own way in life. After experiencing space for the first time in a stolen ship, she took her fathers Arrow and convinced one of the Engineers on Alcatraz it was a gift to her. He changed the call-sign to something he thought would be appropriate with his sarcastic sense of humour - LR-I'm.not.annoying. Pia was over the moon to see 'her' new vessel. After a few small incidents (Primarily almost blowing herself up with the missiles fitted to her new arrow) Pita eventually taught herself how to fly. She never really developed any skill in combat but became increasingly good at dodging the fire from enemies while still being able to taunt them.

  • A turn for the worse?

It was around this time The Rogues began to notice Pita's personality flaws. They didn't take much notice at first but it wasn't long before it got out of hand. She was having psychotic episodes frequently, especially when she was around her dolls as she claimed they were talking to her. These voices drove her to stitching each dolls mouth shut, and cutting out most of their eyes as she had convinced herself 'they can't talk to me if they cant see me'. She also became more interested in the concept of death after seeing a slave murdered for disobeying an order. It was noted not long after she began her psychotic episodes she would try to kill anything if it was not doing what she wanted, insulted her, or got in her way. The Rogues praised this behaviour until they realised the danger of it with her condition. Pita also became increasingly distracted and lost the ability to concentrate on the smallest of tasks.

  • Success at last

Once she was happy with her skill level in a ship, while nothing to brag about, she began to join The Rogue's in pirating and minor missions. Despite Ruby having allowed her to join them, the rest of The Rogues tend to not like Pita, avoiding her where possible. Moka once likened having to spend time with her as being "Worse then torture training". Pita, being oblivious to this attitude The Rogues have towards her, enjoys spending time with her 'friends'. It didn't take her long to figure out threatening tea parties and temper tantrums was a cheap way to get things done. After she became more confident in piloting a vessel, Pita began joining the boys in fire fights. Eventually she destroyed a navy vessel, piloted by a Lieutenant James Lambert. Being Pita's first 'kill', she decided to capture this pilot and hold him prisoner, subjecting him to tea parties and sing-a-longs.

  • Obsession

Pita became increasingly obsessive over Lambert and her dolls. Tea Parties were something she could not live without and she was unable to be settled if she was denied one. She began having more and more psychotic episodes and became increasingly distant. Ruby was worried, her successor was proving to be a bad choice. The boys kept telling Ruby it was hormones and she would grow out of it. Lambert eventually escaped Rogue custody, Pita's reasoning of taking him off buffalo Base have yet to be discussed.

  • The aftermath

Pita ended up running into Lambert multiple times after his escape, they ended up talking and James Lambert became concerned about her welfare, eventually talking her to join him in a new life. A Rogue named Buster Commodore had rigged her vessel to work under remote control, pulling her away from James Lambert to Puerto Rico where Ruby found her and took her hostage to try and mend her life that had started falling apart.

  • Hostage

Ruby moved Pita from Puerto Rico through to Humboldt, where she had planned on killing her. The Liberty Rogues were unaware of her actions until Buster Commodore managed to track her down and try talk Ruby out of her psychotic rage. James Lambert managed to develop a plan in rescuing Pita, this was successful and although Ruby had physically injured pita, she recovered well in medical care provided by the Liberty Navy. It is assumed Pita came into contact with Nomad life around this time, the details of these encounters has been classified top secret.

  • A new Life

Lambert bought Pita a small Liberator as a vessel she could use since she lost the Arrow. He took her planet-side for the first time on Planet Denver. She met Catelyn Smith, a Deep Space Engineering employee again while on Denver, realising people were a lot nicer then she was lead to believe she was becoming more comfortable with life outside the Liberty Rogues. After celebrating her 13th birthday, James Lambert bought a house on Planet Denver. She quickly became to think of this as home. She hadn't forgotten Buster Commodore and often thought about trying to find him to make sure he was allowed to return home safely. She had also obtained a civilian shuttle under Freelancer papers around this time.

  • Home?

Pita became more comfortable around strangers, and was taught how to read and write. The skills she had missed out on learning as a child were coming quickly to her now she was putting her mind to it. She decided to attempt to contact Buster Commodore around this time but there was no answer. After finding a doll house Buster Commodore had sent her with a note Pita decided it was time to see him again. Leaving their new home she began her search in the bar Alcatraz Depot.

Vessels owned

Owned ships:

LR-I'm.Not.Annoying - Destroyed ship
Li fighter.png
Dsy civilian shuttle.png
Civilian Shuttle



Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Rogues
Deep Space Engineering
At War


Faction Relationship
James Lambert
Buster Commodore
Catelyn Smith
Faction Relationship
Reginald Lewis
Jackson Stone
At War
At War

Forum stuff