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BlueWarningTriangle.png A lot of these system pages are outdated, Space's nav map may be better.
Omicron-74 System

The gas giant Planet Tirane is orbiting the medium green star Omicron 74. It is the the Zoners Guard System. Because of Freeport XV it is the biggest producer and exporter of food in the Omicrons, to supplying local Zoner demands and provide food for Corsairs, The Order, and other factions that experience food shortages. Furthermore it shelters vital Zoners installations, specifically Livadia Shipyard and Corinth Research Station, which is guarded by Sparta Station

Omicron 74 is currently highly contested between various rival Omicron groups and opposing Zoner organisations, and is thus considered extremely volatile at this present time, with Order, Zoner Alliance, Phoenix and Consensus fleet movements all warring in-system. None-essential travel is inadvisable and extremely hazardous, especially within the immediate vicinity of the system's two jump connexions, to Omicron Theta and Omicron Kappa respectively.

System Navmaps

System Overview

Local factions

None known


None known

Planet Tirane

Areas of Interest

Asteroid Fields

Peloponnese Asteroid Field Large field of asteroids, many areas of which remain unexplored. Contains alien organismus.

Mine Fields

Corinth Mine Field The Corinth Mine Field protects the Corinth Research Station and its guardian base, Sparta. There is only one entrance to the field which consists of a narrow, twisting, path from the outer edge of the field to the empty area inside that houses the two stations.

Jump Gates/Holes

See Also: