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Battleship Carcassonne

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Battleship Carcassonne
Richelieu class Battleship
Gallic Royal Navy
5G, Leeds
Technical Data
Docking bays CLASSIFIED

Carcassonne was the flagship of Gallic Royal Navy forces that were preparing to enter Languedoc and "liberate" the system from dangerous Council presence. However, the plans of attack had to be delayed when Council and Maquis jointly attacked the Navy in Burgundy and in the Core Worlds in 816-817 A.S., which bought some time for the Council to eliminate Navy defences near Languedoc mine field, and finally breach the field itself. Carcassone finally entered Languedoc in the middle of 817 A.S. as a forerunner of larger Navy forces, and with the push into Sirius, was one of the ships to spearhead the taking of Tau-31. Heavily damaged during multiple engagements with Kusari Naval forces, the ship was unable to keep up with the main fleet as the Gallic attack focused on Edinburgh. Carcassonne was returned to full operational status in late 818 A.S., and was chosen to be one of the ships to lead the Gallic push into Leeds. After securing the Leeds/Tau-31 Jump Gate and Stokes, Carcassonne and her support fleet were ordered to bypass Planet Leeds and secure a bridgehead in Newcastle, but the Bretonian scuttling of the jump gate prevented any ships from making it through. Unable to advance further, the ship has taken up position by the heavily damaged gate while engineers assess the damage and attempt to restore the Jump Gate.

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