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Liberty Police Incorporated (player faction)

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Liberty Police Incorporated

Liberty Police Inc.
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Alignment Lawful House Police
Date of founding ~ 620 A.S.
Founder(s) unknown
Current leader(s) Chief of Police Matt Myers
Base of operations Fort bush, NY, Manhattan, NY
Primary role
Upholding of the Laws of Liberty


The Liberty Police Incorporated (LPI) is a private company that handles the policing of Liberty space to interdict the transportation of contraband and to prevent attacks on civilian and commercial traffic. As with any Government-endorsed company, the LPI are the best in their field. Many other corporations bid for the position but the LPI brutally crushed such opposition by clandestine means. As such, the Liberty Police Incorporated have a reputation for being the ruthless and efficient.

While there are rumours of corruption and bribery being rampant within the ranks of the LPI, they are normally silenced quickly. The LPI is renown for it's ability to strike with deadly force at any threat from within Liberty's borders.

Summary of Duties:
[*]Interdiction of smugglers

[*]Upholding the peace, by deadly force if necessary

[*]Destruction of any pirates, including Rogues, Hackers, Xenos, Outcasts, and any other rabble-rousers

[*]Filling of the prison stations Huntsville and Sugarland for the rehabilitation of criminal elements and the riff-raff


0 A.S. The Liberty Peacekeepers are formed to help maintain the peace and provide assistance those in need. The Liberty Peacekeepers were a combination of Police force / rescue and assistance squads.

620 A.S. Liberty Police Inc takes over control of the old government funded liberty Police Department.

816 A.S. Terrorist attack on Fort Bush Kills 150 LPI officers. Leads to the largest man hunt in all of the LPI's History. It was discovered that the bomb parts used in the bombing were Rhinelandish in origin. Liberties President Powell lays blame for the bombing at Rhinelands feet.

817 A.S. War is declared on Rhineland. The LPI distinguishes itself by assisting the Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Forces in several battles in the opening of the war that turn out to be complete losses for Rhineland.


Notable LPI officers include:

Chief of Police Matt Myers, the current Chief of Police. Rumour has it that he has his own goon squad to help him enforce his policies over the LPI. Has in his possession a tazer shot gun. Officers report that if his eye Twitches, you should run.

Officer Cesar Fazini, Officer that flies his patrol craft while naked. Not a pretty sight. Think overweight Sasquatch.

Captain Sean Toronto, Recently retired, was hell on wheels in a bomber. Woulkd charge off into the Badlands with a war cry with no regard to his own safety.

SWAT Officer L.Jenkins, a "some what" off balanced SWAT officer. Calling him by his full name has been the bane of more than one pilot, lawful or unlawful. LPI pilots know not to say his full name. Occasionally slips his Anti Psych meds into other officers coffee.

LPI Officers Roster

Chief of Police
Matt Myers (Zapp)

Deputy Chief of Police
Jim Markey (Boss)
Hull O'Brian(Hack)
Riza Williams (Heavy Metal Queen)

Kent Markey (Boss)
Jack Bauer (JBauer)
Fred Hamilton (JakeSG)
Open Slot 1
Open Slot 2
Open slot 3

Andrea Berkeley (pieguy259)
Alexi Burgess (Dab)
Joe Smith (donutman)
Larry Morrison (Sovereign)
Aiden Maggard (Stygian)
Alfred De Beckon (Alfred De Beckon)
Jerry Shaw(Sonny)
Seymore Justice(Garrett Jax)
Open 1
open 2
open 3
open 4
open 5
open 6
open 7
open 8

Jack Sawyer (Zapp)
Steven Taylor (dark177)
Lisa Hunter (Jim.Hunter)
Bigsby Smith (Alex.Stone)
Wright Woody (Hribek)
J.D.Masket (Maskage)
Flint Westwood(Tic)
Joseph Truman (Sky Jocky)
Jason McDonald (Ghostface)
Scott Mitchell (Varon Vanderpeck)
Colin Sinclair (Error)
Bradley "Edge" Marsh (Tavarez)
Sean Neves (Sean Neves)
Glenn Lakewood (middy)
Amy McTavish (Akka)
Chris Briggs (Chopper 91)
Oliver Shaw (Dejavu)
Jake Monroe (Zig)
Rodrick O'Rielly (fzyhd)
Vito Graziano (Rudo)
James Kurios (Kurios)
Jarjaxle Entrie (Jarjaxle23)
Norman Radclyff (Nitram)
James McNulty (DrBo42)
Sentinel 101 (Fletcher)
Sentinel 201A (Fletcher)

Recruit Officer
Ron Davis (Varthog)
Leslie Power (evvind)
Vick "V" Mackey (SKR.Romeo)
Robert Jenson (Canadianguy)
Carol Ann Suthers (Adamantine Fist)
Robert Edward Lee (Lost)
Scott M Manheim (A.Ocampo)
Anthony Jefferson (Ogris)
Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel (Jaicek)

SWAT member
Hull O'Brian (Hack)
Jack Bauer (JBauer)
Andrea Berkeley (pieguy259)
Steven Taylor (dark177)
Fred Hamilton (JakeSG)
Jeff Markey (Boss)
Sean Toronto (Dusty Lens)
Tom Jonas (Revrend Del)
Aiden Maggard (Stygian)
Jerry Shaw(Sonny)
Riza williams (Heavy Metal Queen)
J.D.Masket (Maskage)
Bradley "Edge" Marsh (Tavarez)
Seymore Justice(Garrett Jax)
Oliver Shaw (Dejavu)
Preston Marlow(JDGamer)
Alfred De Beckon (Alfred De Beckon)
Sean Neves (Sean Neves)
Norman Radclyff (Nitram)
James McNulty (DrBo42)
Amy McTavish (Akka)

Lauren Myers (Gourgia)
Preston Marlow(JDGamer)
Tom Jonas (Reverend Del)
Fredo Guajardo (Darth Malak)
Manwell Morino (Bjorn)
James Patterson (Spear)
Paul Dennis (Simon Black)
Andrew Freeman
John Smith
Bruce Gray
Austin Daud
John Sprinks (Bokje)
Tailong Feng (feng_tailong)
Lex Norex (Drake Cooper)
Harry Tailor (cyro666)
Jason Cryborn (Frank West)
Joshua Walker (Jacob S.)
Arthur Johnson (Eider)
Tiber Slade (Lythor)
Sean Toronto (Dusty Lens)
Cecilia Cassidy (Dusk)
Ray MacQueen (Battlement.Mesa)
Frank Lamar (Magnarot)


Chief of Police (1); The leader of all LPI officers. The Chief of Police is authorized to fly any ship permitted within the LPI. Any orders from the Chief of Police must be followed. LPI-Name.Surname[C]

Deputy Chief of Police (3); The three deputies of the Chief of Police, who speak for the Chief when he is not present and may overrule the Captains. They are authorized to fly any faction allowed ship. LPI-Name.Surname[D]

Captain (6); The head of a single LPI precinct. Has authority over all lower ranking officers, though will generally only operate in their own system. Captains are authorized to fly any ship below a Riot Van. LPI-Name.Surname[Ca]

Sergeant (13); Low ranking officers who supervise the Officers. Has authority over all lower ranking officers, though they will generally only operate in their own system. Sergeants are authorized to fly anything below a Riot Van. LPI-Name.Surname[S]

Officer (Unlimited); The regular ranks of the LPI, with no supervisory authority or power. They will generally operate only in their own system. Officers may fly a Patriot or Liberator. LPI-Name.Surname[O]

Recruit Officer (Unlimited); The lowest of the low, these flatfoots are required to prove themselves by completing certain menial tasks, logging time in space, and other things as well as passing a written exam. LPI-Name.Surname[O]

SWAT (Unlimited); These officers have joined the elite SWAT squadron and as such are permitted to fly the heavy-hitting ships of the LPI. They are permitted to fly the Havoc bomber, Upholder bomber, Civilian "Roc" bomber, and Eagle Very Heavy Fighter. Callsign is: LPI-SWAT-Initial.Surname[#] with [#] signifying shiptype (H for Havoc, U for Upholder, R for Roc, and E for Eagle).

Riot Vans (Unlimited); Riot vans are used to interdict smuggler convoys and fend off small to medium pirate attacks. Grizzly Transports and Armored Transports are used. LPI-Riot-Name[/i]


LZF-6364 "Patriot" LF Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc.

LZF-9805 "Liberator" LF Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc. of Officer rank and above.

CLI-11000 “Arrow” LF Permitted for use by Sergeants or above as a more agile alternative to the Liberator.

CTE -6000 "Eagle" VHF Permitted for use by Sergeants or above as a heavier alternative to the Liberator, also usable by the SWAT team.

BDR-804 "Guardian" VHF Permitted for any SWAT members per agreement with Navy authorization. **NOTE** Retired, no more are being issued.

XB-2 "Havok II" bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT and officers of Captain rank and above.

CTE-19000 "Roc" bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above.

Li-117 Liberty "Upholder" Bomber Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above.

Liberty Gunboat Permitted for use by the Chief of Police & each Deputy.

DL-Hai Liberty "Grizzly" Class Freighter Permitted for Cargo Interdiction

Armoured Transport Permitted for use only as paddywagons under the authorization and command of an officer ranked Captain or above with the designation of LPI preceding.

CT-49X "Gull" Transport Permitted for use as a storage ship only; LPI-Rikers

Prison Liner Permitted for use only as bursar and prison ships


Justice/Vengeance Liberty laser cannons - allowed for all officers
Stunpulse/Debilitator Civilian pulse cannons - allowed for all officers
Lavable/Magma Hammer Liberty plasma cannons - allowed for SWAT officers only
Starbeam/Flashpoint Civilian laser cannons - allowed for Captains and up
All explosive ordinance allowed
All cruise disruptors allowed

Divisions, Precincts, And Guard System

The Liberty Police Incorporated Is broken up into 3 divisions:
1. Law Enforcement Division
2. Consumer Products Division
3. Prison Management Division

All three divisions report to Corporate Management On Planet Manhattan. The Law Enforcement Division has no control over the other 2 divisions, and vice versa.

Law Enforcement Division breakdown:

Division 1 New York

Main Bases are Planet Manhattan and Fort Bush. This Sector is the by far the most patrolled. Fort Bush is home of Precincts 111, 112, and 113.

Division 2 California
Main Bases are California Minor, Planet Los Angeles, Riverside Station, and San Diego Border Station. Riverside Station is home to the 204th and 205th Precincts. San Diego Border Station is home to the 206th Precinct. Planet L.A has the 201st and the 202nd Precincts, while California Minor has the 203rd Precinct.

Division 3 Texas
Main Base here is Houston. The LPI prisons Huntsville and Sugarland are in this system. Precincts 301st, 302nd, and 303rd are based on Houton, with minor presences onboard the Sugarland and Huntsville.

Division 4 Colorado
Main base is Denver. Denver is home to the Denver Research Institute, whose defense systems will be coming online shortly, but until then the LPI is charged with defending it. Precincts 411 and 412 are here.

Division 5 Pennsylvania
Main base is Planet Erie, with stations aboard Philadelphia station, and Harrisburg Station. Planet Erie has the 501st precinct, Philadelpia Station has the 502nd, and Harrisburg has the 503rd Precinct.

Division 6 Ontario, Alberta, and Yukon
Main Base in Ontario is Toronto Station , the main base in Alberta is Red Deer Station, and there is no LPI base in Yukon.

Division 7 Minnesota, Quebec, and New Hampshire

Division 8 Illinois (Guard system)
This system plays host to the new One Police plaza, expanded Springfield station, and a new Supermax prison Attica.


Liberty Police Inc Diplomacy

Faction Relationship
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Agiera Technologies
Bretonian Mining and Minerals
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters Guild
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Interspace Commerce
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Planetform Inc
Synth Foods Inc
Universal Shipping
All others not listed
ALG Waste Disposal
Daumann Heavy Construction
Golden Chrysantheneums
Kruger Minerals
Red Hessians
Republican Shipping
Farmers Alliance
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Phantom Empire
At War
Nomads/Das Wilde
At War
At War
At War
Hellfire Legion
At War
The Order
At War

Banned from Liberty (Entities which are banned from entering Liberty, but shall not be fired upon except in self defense)
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police

See also