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Mining Guide/Ships
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The final part of this guide is dedicated to mining ships, and my personal opinion of them. I will also provide links to their respective wiki pages, where you can get more info about them concerning stats and stuff like that.
General mining ships
These ships can be used by any of the mining factions, except ALG and the Junkers, who each have special ships to do their job with. If ALG or Junker pilots use general ships, they won't get their mining bonuses. Also, Junkers using ALG equipment or ALG using Junker equipment won't get any bonuses. The Miner ID only works with general mining ships.
- Does Not Exist In Discovery 4.87
This is the ship that you get when using the /restart miner command. It's the smallest and by far the cheapest mining ship around.
Classed as a Light Fighter, it's one of the few that is capable of mounting Fighter Torpedoes. This can provide it with some much needed firepower when encountering bigger enemy ships when serving as an escort. However I wouldn't suggest you use this ship any longer than you need to, as it isn't a good ship to mine in. The reason for this is that its only turret mount is rear facing, which forces you to go into turret mode in order for you to mine with any efficiency.
- Does Not Exist In Discovery 4.87
Next in line is the Dacite, a major improvement over the Basalt, this Very Heavy Fighter is more than capable of defending itself. But the most important improvement over the basalt is definitely its forward facing turret, which allows you to mine in cockpit view.
It's also very good to escort with, seeing as it can hold six guns whilst its profile is rather small. However, you'll never see me flying one of these for one reason. IT IS UGLY, no seriously I can't stand the look of this thing, I forced myself to fly it around a bit to test it out, and while it performed better than I thought, the looks just make me resent it. However the look of the ship will most likely receive an update in the next version of Discovery.
- Does Not Exist In Discovery 4.87
The major improvement that the Mafic has over the Dacite is most definitely its ability to mount Freighter Shields and it improved power core, which allows this thing to mount even Bomber Torpedoes. I personally have a SNAC (Super Nova Antimatter Cannon) on it and it works wonders for me. It is however rather slow and doesn't
Even though this isn't a bomber, you'll be able to take on most pirates flying Transports, and two of these can make short work of Gunboats. In short this is a miner that packs quite a significant amount of firepower and is more than capable of defending its hauler against potential attacks. However, much like the Dacite, its looks aren't very nice, much better than the Dacite, but they don't have the feeling of being Freelancer ships to them. This ship is also due to receive a graphical update in the next version of Discovery.
The Spatial is much like the Mafic, it can also use freighter Shields, only this one has even more firepower in terms of regular guns. This allows it to fight fighters a bit easier than the Mafic. Not to mention that is has two mine launchers, which make it extremely lethal in the hands of a skilled mine dropper. All this comes at a cost, however, as the Spatial is significantly larger than the Mafic. Personally, I prefer the Spatial over the Mafic, simply because of its superior firepower and much better looks.
This is the absolute big shot of the mining ships, this baby is the only transport class general mining ship and it looks exactly like many of the stationary miners you can see around Sirius. The Wiki has a nice review of it, so I suggest you read it.
This is also the best ship for miner/haulers, since it has the largest cargo hold of any general mining ship. However, it is big and you can get stuck when trying to dock with trade lanes or when flying through asteroid fields. For weapons, I suggest you use the first two turret slots for mining turrets, and all the other for defensive turrets. Some people prefer to put mining turrets on all ten slots but this makes no significant difference in terms of mining bonus or speed of mining.
ALG Mining Ships
Rheinland Armored Transport
Though its name says it's a transport, this thing is only a freighter in reality, which means it can't carry transport shields. This is the cheapest mining ship available to ALG, but that doesn't take away the fact that this ship is a very descent mining ship. These ships can be used to fill up bigger ships, then fill themselves and fly as escorts for the bigger ships. Some people will say it's stupid to think that freighters are any good, but I find that they can sometimes surprise pirates, mainly due to the fact that they are highly underestimated. Fly one yourself and see how much fire power one seemingly insignificant freighter has.
This is the Rheinland middle sized transport. Personally I would only suggest these to those that don't have very much money and wish to Role Play an ALG miner/Transport. Mining with it can be surprisingly pleasant none the less, as it turns much faster than the Hegemon and has a much smaller profile than the Hegemon. This makes this ship very capable of moving through asteroid fields.
This is without any doubt the biggest ship, of any ship that gets a mining bonus, in terms of cargo space. However, this comes at the cost of having the worst turning rate of any of the mining ships. In terms of physical size, it's smaller than the Hegemon, apart from perhaps its length. The slow turning can make it very annoying to mine with, and is one of the reasons some people put full mining laser equipment on this ship and mine in turret view. But in my personal experience, both ways are equally fast, even though you get the feeling it goes faster in turret view. Ultimately, you should decide for yourself how to mine with this one.
Junker mining ships
The second smallest and cheapest mining ship of all, the CSV is the ship you get when using the /restart command (except for the miner restart). However, it is highly unsuited as a mining ship for the same reason as the Basalt, its only turret is rear facing, making it impossible to mine in cockpit view. The only reason anyone should use this ship is because they either like them, or they can't afford a better one yet. In my personal opinion, the description given on the wiki tends to make you believe it's better than it actually is.
A beefed up CSV, this ship has five forward facing guns (3 Class 10 Guns 3 Class 2 Turrets), which make it a suitable miner/escort. All I would add to this is that the wiki description is fairly accurate on this one, so make sure you read it.
Combat Service Freighter
The freighter version of the CSV, the CSF basically is to the Junkers what the Rheinland Armored Transport is to ALG. The Wiki expresses my opinion on this ship, and I personally like it better than the RAT for some reason I can't really express.
The Recycler is similar to both the Mafic and the Spatial, in that it is a Super Heavy fighter which can mount a freighter shields and Bomber Torpedoes. It can even mount two of them, which make it more a bomber than a fighter. However I would highly recommend you don't put a SNAC on it for one simple reason: its power core is only 75% of what the Mafic and Spatial have, which isn't very impressive. This means that a single shot of the SNAC will completely drain your entire energy supply. However the dual mount can be very useful when combining a Nova Torpedo Launcher or a Mini Razor with an Inferno. With this setup I have seen two Recyclers along with a Collector take down a Shire in less than a minute, which is very impressive considering these aren't fully fledged bombers.
In my eyes, the Recycler makes the best miner/escort any Junker mining group could have, and with it, the group could easily switch from mining to pirating without the need of other ships (do remember that Junkers can only pirate OUTSIDE house territory).
This is the ship of choice for the Junkers who prefer solitude over group effort. The Salvager is basically your every day transport, with the exception that it can carry gunboat weaponry, which drastically increases its killing potential.
However, as a miner, this ship can be rather annoying. It is extremely large when you look at it from above. The only reason it performs well in asteroid fields is because it is very thin. The best thing to compare it to is a surf board. If you mine with this ship, I suggest you move sideways instead of up or downwards, otherwise you can be almost certain that you'll collide with the asteroids of the field you are mining in.
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