Robert's Certificate awards in 824AS

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Robert's Certificates list and ownerships

  • Engine Engineering Certificate II
  • Construction Certificate III
  • Piloting licenses

Engine Engineering II

There isn't much known About Robert's Certificate in Engine Engineering since he doesn't talk much about his Engineering Certificate when he was going to University on Planet Los Angeles in 824As.

Construction Certificate III

There is no records known to Liberty of his Construction skills, he only uses it when he assist those who ask for his help to repair curtain things with low labor costs. There has been rumors still going around Fort Bush Bar, how's that Robert knows a lot about ships from just Fighters to Capital ships in his Database and on his watch is remarkable yet is unknown how he obtain such information so quick from just moments he went to the for Omicrons to now, where he works for Escorting ships to Assistance to his Best man, Andrew Wilson of the LPI.

Ship licenses

There is been no record of Robert holding a License for able to fly Capital Ships but there is records shown he can fly Transports and Liners to a point, and as well with his Fighter ship, the Unmistakable.
